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Submitted by Patricia S on Fri, 02/29/2008 - 9:11am.

Positive Psychology                                                                                          Patricia Sims

Field Trip Day                                                                                                  02/28/08


            Just saying or thinking the words “field trip” floods the mind with positive thoughts.  I woke up in a good mood, the sun was shining, and while I was waiting for Beth and Jacob, I saw a friend I hadn’t seen in quite awhile – bonus to an already great start for the day.

            I had never been to EMP so the experience was totally new for me.  There was so much to see, to hear, to do.  It was impossible to take it all in.  I will have to go back.  I enjoyed listening to the oral histories, especially the stories about road trips – back before bands had all the super- modified luxury buses.  I got a real kick out of watching Beth, Sue, Jacob, and Kricket squeeze into the recording booth to tell their stories – the world is a better place now that their “oral histories” have been recorded for all to see and hear.

            Guitar Alley was fabulous.  Did you see the guitar with the horn coming out of it?  It is always just as much fun for me to see the exhibits as it is to watch people (especially kids) looking at all the cool stuff.

            I spent some time in the JBL theatre.  I saw early Beatles and Jimi Hendrix performances – a real blast from the past.

            Some of us had lunch at the Revolution Bar and Grill.  The clam chowder was some of the best clam chowder I’ve ever had.  I would recommend it highly.  It was great to spend time with some of my classmates in a more informal setting. 

            It was too nice a day to spend it all inside so Beth and I wandered out and around the Seattle center.  Everyone was enjoying the sun.  We saw a yo-yo competition – a first for me.  The sights, the sounds, the smells were all invigorating.  It felt like summer.

            We came back and finally made it to the third floor.  I can see why those of you who had been there before went directly there at the beginning.  What a cool place.  All of the booths were full when we got there but next time I go, I will go there first.  I liked that drum shaped thing right as you first walk in – every area you thumped on had a different sound.

            By the end of the day I had sensory overload.  Our ride back was much quieter than our ride up.          


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