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Submitted by Steven on Mon, 03/17/2008 - 3:20am.

            For me the trip to EMP was a pleasant experience. I got to know people that I never talked to before, and I got to know people better that I know beforehand. I was in awe of the guitar sculpture at the beginning of the day, I have always wanted to make something like that, not necessarily guitars, and have never done it. When I saw that I was amazed that someone could actually do something like that and make it look so beautiful and majestic. For the entire I day I spent walking around with one classmate in particular and while checking the exhibits out we talked about other things, like the movies that we liked, what science fiction things we were into, and a common video game we play. Before this day I really had not talked to this classmate and probably never would. I am the type of person who likes to stay within my own little group and I made a snap decision that this classmate would not have fit in, and after talking with him I realized that I was wrong. He would have fit in great with my social group if I had just giving him the chance but I had made a decision before talking to him that he would not, I was glad that this trip let me have the chance to be proven wrong.


            The nice Italian lunch with Mark and some of the other class mates was awesome. It had been awhile since I had real Italian food and I missed it. I found it to be a little funny haw everyone reacted to the family style eating, when I grew up on it coming from a family with Italian background. The family style eating is something that I was accustomed to, but I knew that my classmates were not and I could not help but think that this would be interesting to watch. The talks that went on at the table were interesting to listen to and it was amusing to see the political debate between Mark and Brandon. It was at lunch that I got another chance to talk with another classmate that I had talked to before but never in a social setting and I really enjoyed talking to the classmates that I got to talk with. I am not really all that comfortable around large groups but being with the lunch group was really great and afterwards for awhile I was able to enjoy being in larger groups then I normally am in. I still have some issues with it but I am working on them.


Another thing that I enjoyed was the band experience I was in the band the Icebergs, someone else mentioned in there post that Jeremy was I nit I think she got her names confused because it was me not Jeremy. This is something that for a week before I said I would not do and then the night before we went I said to myself that if someone asked me to join their rock band I would, that I would not try to get out of it. And then while we were at EMP someone did ask and my first thought was how can I say no without sounding rude then I thought, but I said that if someone asked me to that I would. So when the time came I stayed true to what I said I would do even thought it would have been easy to get out off, and I was really glad that I went through with it because I had a lot of fun


When we arrived back at the college I was in a really good mood and I talked to some classmates from my other class that I never would have except in class. This experience had a positive affect on my life. For about a week after this trip I was always in a good mood. I didn’t let the stress of work get me down. I was smiling more, talking to people more. I would tell anyone who would listen to me about the trip.


The only down side to this trip was that I was unable to go to the SFM because lunch ran late but I was glad for the lunch and would not have changed a thing that happened that day. The way I look at it is that I can go back and see the SFM but I could never go back and redo that lunch, the lunch was a once in a lifetime opportunity and I took it and I am glad that I did.


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