Elevator Ride

Submitted by John L on Sat, 01/26/2008 - 11:03am.

Elevator Ride


Goin’ Up,


Self regulation is something that I have not given too much conscious thought so here it goes.

 Yesterday as I was getting prepared to spend the day finishing the Compton book, I found myself in somewhat of down mood. I recognized the fact that I would much rather be spending my day off doing something more pleasurable. I put on some uplifting, Contemporary Christian music while I was preparing my morning English muffin and Peanut Butter. Normally I would turn on the news or some other drivel on television. After a few minutes, and my breakfast, I found myself dancing around the living room. My mood had elevated substantially and I was able to leave the music on while I read. Music has a wonderful way of penetrating through the funk of necessity and changing my mood. Another benefit is the realization that I am engaging in a productive activity instead of numbing my mind with TV.


Another activity I engaged in this week was exercise. Like many others I have the goal of getting in shape. This involves putting forth some physical exertion. I realize that if I procrastinate it has a negative effect on my mood. I know that I am putting off what I need to do to improve my health and live a longer, more enjoyable life. To get motivated is a momentary decision and Nike has the slogan “just do it”. I believe this slogan was created for motivation through procrastination. It is like pulling off a band-aid, if you make the decision and “just do it” there is little pain, but if you drag it out it hurts for much longer. The activities of running on the treadmill and working out with the weight machine give me a wonderful, positive feeling. I know that this is both biological and psychological. I also listen to music as I workout and that is an added bonus.

Goin’ Down

 The one major tool I use for addressing negative stimuli is prayer. It is not usually the type of prayer where one gets on their knees and makes a ritual out of. I am talking about recognition of the fact that I am not in charge of many things in my life and offering the circumstance, person or other negative, up to a power greater than myself. I can use this instant prayer anytime I feel overwhelmed. It works very well when someone is driving in a less than courteous manner or when everyone at the store needs a price check. I also use little sayings like, “this too shall pass” and “would you rather be right or happy”. This reminds me that life is not a race with a destination, but a journey to be enjoyed, the stop and smells the roses thing.


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