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week 2

First Integrative Essay Assignment

An integrative essay is an academic exercise to help you develop critical thinking and close reading. It is also the chance for you to hone your academic writing skills. Please observe the academic requirements in scholarly citation and documentation. We will accept both APA and MLA styles. If you have any questions on these styles, please check online manuals or consult tutors in the writing center.

The integrative essay for this program should be 3-5 pages long. Please choose one of the following topics for your integrative essay:


Choose one aspect of Chinese culture (e.g. Kuanhsi, emphasis on academic achievement, etc) or a character in Chinese literature (e.g. Monkey King, Liu Mengmei etc.) and discuss how it or she/he manifests the Chinese philosophies of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism.

Choose a verse from Tao Te Ching, a verse which you feel particularly drawn to, and find its verbatim translation starting on p. 100. After examining all the possible meanings and associations of each Chinese character in this verse, compose a translation of your own which does not deviate from the range of the possibilities and yet speaks most strongly to your personal sensitivity. Compare your translation with Jonathan Star's and explain why and how these two are different.

Looking at some or all the Chinese female characters you have encountered so far (such as Bridal Du, Spring Fragrance from The Peony Pavilion, Shu-Lian and Jen from Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and O-lan from The Good Earth), describe the similarities and differences between these characters' personalities and attitudes toward their respective cultural environments. Try to compare and contrast characters from different materials.

In creating (and maintaining) a single Chinese nation, conflict has been a common - or even a recurrent - historical occurrence. Discuss why the lessons of cosmopolitanism (as discussed in the Introduction and in Chapters 1-5 of Appiah) could or could not have been successfully applied by people living in ancient or classical China (before 1700 AD). Use any examples from our readings and media viewings to support your argumentation. [Hint: Consider focusing on specific lessons in the Cosmopolitanism readings to make your argument for or against their successful use in China during the "old school" era.]

The first integrative essay is due Thursday, October 23, five minutes to Midnight.