Welcome to the second half of the quarter!  We have lots going on this week.  Read carefully and remember:

- Meet with your faculty during your scheduled conference time during week 6.  These conferences can’t be made up, so make sure to be on time.

-  Read your book for your book review.  We’ll send the written assignment over email in the next day or so and will go over it in class next week.

10:00-1:00 - No official class (COM110 is open for rehearsal space). You should meet with your performative response groups to work on your performance for Wednesday. Also - make sure to meet with your faculty if you are signed up to do so this morning.10:00-12:30 - Student Performative Responses!


After your performance, before Thursday, please spend some time reflecting on the type of specific feedback you will give each member of your group on Thursday (use the assignment handout as a guide).
10:00-1:00 - Integrative Expressive Arts Lab

We will begin with yoga, so make sure to wear clothes that allow you to move, your yoga mat if you have one, and a blanket if you like to stay warm at the end.

Bring your art supplies and scissors (if you have them) for this session.
2:30-4:30 - Seminar on Jung Part II. For your ticket, please prepare the following -

1. A mindmap:
Watch Tony Buzan’s video describing the process of mindmapping: Maximise the Power of Your Brain

Use your colored pencils to create a mindmap of Part II.

Your mindmap should have:
- a central graphic image illustrating the main idea of the book and
- branches coming out with words, images and pg. numbers of quotes you would like to presence in the seminar discussion.

You can use an 8/5 by 11 piece of paper or a larger piece of paper for your mindmap.

2. Central Idea –
Summarize the central idea of this reading in one paragraph

3. Create 2 conceptual questions this reading raises for you with at least one connection to a previous reading, film or speaker.

Your total ticket:
1. a mindmap 2.the central idea (typed) and 3. two questions (typed)
1:30-3:30 - Jung Part II

Please bring a NEW typed question that arose from Tuesday's seminar. Make sure to include a text citation.

Cynthia’s video picks of the week:
Black Butterfly Project Part I (thanks Stephanie)
Black Butterfly Project Part II

4 Responses to “Week 6”
  1. Molly Jones says:

    Where do we meet with our faculty?

  2. kennedyc says:

    CK’s students are meeting in her office, Terry in his, and Mukti’s meetings are in Lab II 2268 in the morning and during seminar in Com building hallway.

  3. Molly Jones says:

    Should our seminar ticket for tomorrow be in our portfolio for tomorrow as well or left out?

  4. kennedyc says:

    You’ll need your seminar tickets for seminar, so they don’t need to be in the portfolios yet.

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