There is a lot on your plates this week, so if you have questions about what is due when, please don’t hesitate to ask us.

Your biggest piece of work right now is your book review assignment (which is located under downloadable files if you don’t have one).  Between now and class on Tuesday, you should do the following:

1.  Write a draft of your book review according to the assignment.

2.  Make a copy of this draft and take it to your writing tutor and discuss it.  Then, incorporate those comments into a second draft.

3.  Take this second draft to your peer group for comments.  Make one copy of the draft for each member of the group and read your review aloud.  Group members will write comments in the margins and also give you oral feedback.  Take these drafts and attach them to your original.  Then, incorporating all of this feedback, write a final draft.

It doesn’t matter if you see your writing tutor, or work with your peer group first.

All of these drafts (your originals and the ones with comments from your tutor and peers) are due at 10 am on Tuesday.  Along with a poster.

Looking ahead:  Tuesday of week 8 you will begin the process of peer reviewing your entire prospectus assignment.  So, be prepared to be working on that when your book review assignment is complete.  You will also be required to take a draft of this to your tutor during Week 8, so make your appointments!

Tuesday, Nov. 10Wednesday, Nov. 11Thursday, Nov. 12
10:00-1:00: Book Fair
Please see the assignment.
DUE: A poster which advertises your book AND - the FINAL draft of your book review with all the drafts (see above) nicely stapled or somehow bound together.

Please also bring candy and bubbles :-)
- Workshop on Annotated Bibliographies. Please bring a hard copy of your prospectus - in whatever form it is in right now.

Also - Finish Student Performances

Integrative Expressive Arts Lab

Guest artist: Todd Denny - rap and poetry workshop - a video of his work is Cynthia's video pick of the week (see below).
2:30-4:30 Seminar on Jung Part III
Seminar ticket: Use your colored pencils to create a mindmap of Part III.

Your mindmap should have:
- a central graphic image illustrating the main idea of the book and
- branches coming out with words, images and pg. numbers of quotes you would like to presence in the seminar discussion.

You can use an 8/5 by 11 piece of paper or a larger piece of paper for your mindmap.

2. Central Idea –
Summarize the central idea of this reading in one paragraph

3. Create 2 conceptual questions this reading raises for you with at least one connection to a previous reading, film or speaker.

Your total ticket:
1. a mindmap 2.the central idea (typed) and 3. two questions (typed)
Seminar on Jung Part III

Ticket - bring one good typed question for seminar discussion.

Cynthia’s video pick of the week:  Todd Denney’s work with tribal youth and rap/hip-hop

One Response to “Week 7”
  1. Lizzie says:

    Awakening the Dreamer kids!

    We’re having a Book Fair Poster making, Jung Part Three reading, Seminar Ticket writing party!

    Bring whatever you need to The Market (second floor, library building) at 7:00pm on Monday, November 9th. You should come. It’ll be fun.


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