Tuesday – 10 am starting time

Overview of Integral Theory, Preparing your Poster for your Prospectus

pm – Read Integral Consciousness ch. 1-4 and Jim Anest article posted on downloadable files

Ticket: What is your understanding of Integral Consciousness? (2-3 paragraphs) What is an aspect of integral consciousness you would like to have further explained ( cite page numbers)? Write a question for Jim Anest that you will present to him tomorrow in regard to his article?

Write 3

Wed. – Guest – Jim Anest ( Evergreen alumni from early 70s – environmental lawyer)- dialogue on Integral Theory – will speak with us about questions that emerged from seminar

Thursday – Integrative Expressive Arts

Form performance groups for week 10

pm – Seminar – Integral Consciousness Chapter 5-6

Ticket: Create a definition of integral politics and integral spirituality in your own words.  Support each of those definitions with at  one paragraph.  Write one additional paragraph summarizing the main points from Jim Anest.

Integral websites:






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