Internet: Knowledge and Community

at The Evergreen State College

Basics of Participation

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Basics of Participation

  1. A group of seven students is currently working on explaining the basics of editing on the wiki.
  2. The way in which you participate is up to you (although still a class requirement). Another group of five students is developing a broad list of ways to add content to this project.
  3. The goal of our work together, as the main page/wiki structure group is presenting, is to create several co-authored topic pages that are currently linked to from the main page. These pages would develop further and tie together the questions and responses that were developed during the first few weeks of class. The topic page might take the form of a thesis that is developed by several people interested in the topic. Or, the topic could be better explored through an unbiased look at pros and cons of a topic. By basing the topic articles on the connections between the work already done, we hope the structure and writing will evolve organically.
  4. Everyone is encouraged to add to the order, beauty, and coherency of the main topic articles. This includes re-formatting, re-structuring of information, developing transitions in themes and relationships of ideas, an any other change that one feels would contribute to the whole.
  5. Other forms of participation will suggest themselves as content and processes develop.

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