Internet: Knowledge and Community

at The Evergreen State College

Scott Taylor

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Hi, my name is Scott. I love music and I am a musician/songwriter. In addition to this class I am currently studying audio recording at Evergreen. I'm kind of a rarity as far as the digital rat race goes-I don't own a cell phone. I know some of you are probably thinking, WHAT?! Nope, never wanted one, holding out, because...I don't know, I just don't NEED one. I'm fascinated by the Internet and digital technology and I embrace it in nearly every other conceivable way, especially the possibilities it affords me as an artist/musician...just no phone please!!

Scott Taylor

My Initial Question:

Does it qualify as a sort of "Third Place", and if so, in what ways might social networking on the Internet be similar/different to Oldenburg's notion of a Third Place in real life?

Questions I've Responded To:

- In the very near future, will internet-access become recognized as a basic human right?

- Is the Internet slowly destroying our physical world?

- What have been the most significant developments in the Internet community since the creation of the Internet and how do they compare with developments in our real communities?

Other Contributions:

- Tasks Anyone Can Do: Add Text to the Definitions on the Course Reading Terminology, Link Our Initial Questions and Work to Similar Questions and Content Elsewhere in the Wiki

- Papers From Last Quarter: Speculative essay, Position paper