Internet: Knowledge and Community

at The Evergreen State College

Talk:Main Page

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Lots of changes seem likely over the next week as some new structure emerges. How can we use this discussion page to foster a deliberative process that gives everyone involved in this project a voice?


  • Three people in the class is not enough to decide anything. That is why we need more community involvement on the process of the wiki
  • Perhaps we should come up with some Class Etiquette?
  • It's important to let the community about the wiki. Can we provide a community outreach page?
  • It sounded like Doug and Steve gave guidance for the Wiki after the Plato lecture on the 23d which was more or less to model individual pages after some of the more organized ones already up. For the Main Page I think we have to put it up on a large screen during class to get a consensus on what we want it to look like.
  • I am adding a "Back to Main Page" link at the bottom of as many pages as I can. -Robert Price