New Work from Glen, Farr, Walkord, Richins

Two Death Fugue Translations

Tasha Glen


Black, we        we a he he he

milk of             drink it, drink and shovel

Black, we        we, a he, your he he – jab your

milk of             drink you, drink and

Black, we        we, a your he he – you’ll have a

milk of             drink you, drink and

Black, we        we, this, he a he he  - der dein dein

milk of             drink you, drink you


man writes, writes it, whistles his, whistles his, he orders us

man lives, writes when ashen, shouts jab, grabs for your spades

man lives in aschenes, shouts, shouts scrape your grave, then

death is, shoots, man lives, looses his, plays with, Tod is goldenes, aschenes


daybreak, we drink it at midday and morning

lives when it grows dark and steps out of doors       

hounds Jews into rows has them strike up and play

daybreak, at morning and we drink

in the house it grows dark hair, Shulamith

we shovel this earth deeper, the rod in deeper

daybreak, we drink you at midday we drink

the house your Haar, Shulamith, play death

more strings darker in the clouds

daybreak, at midday at evening and ein Master

with shot in the house, hounds on us his vipers

ein Master, Haar, Haar


we drink it, we drink it at – in the air there you won’t

in the house he plays to Deutschland and the stars are to come close

has them shovel a grave for the dance

we drink you, midday, we drink you – he plays to Deutschland

a grave in the air, there you lot there you

his belt he swings it, you lot there you

at night and morning we drink goldenes Haar – he plays sweetly

Death is, you’ll rise then, you won’t lie

we drink you Death and morning aus Deutschland – made of lead

aus Margarete, Shulamith


at evening, night, lie too cramped with his vipers

he writes your golden hair all sparkling in the ground, Margauerite

at night, at evening with his vipers

he writes your golden hair, you won’t lie, others sing up and play

his eyes are blue, others play on

you, at evening, Marguerite, with his vipers

a master in smoke too cramped

you, at night is a master, we drink his eye


I am Tumwater

Ben Farr 

Tiny black cart

Tiny black cart

Tiny black cart

Tiny black cart

Tiny black cart

Tiny black cart

Tiny black cart

Tiny black cart

Tiny black cart

Tiny black cart

Tiny black cart

Tiny black cart

Tiny black cart

In the spirit of the valley, the word is behind its geography

 The speech is the presence in its absence

A guillotine on the lawn, past the green roof

Past the yard

And the Suess bricks, the red tape


Exactly, otherwise it’s Octavia

They can’t do things for themselves, much less the country

Everyone is eating candy in the suburbs

This is TUMWATER welcome to TUMWATER

We publish aesthetic amputation

We publish peace

We publish black helicopters

This is construction, please

You will soon realize there are no police


Respect this noble utopia

We have no trash to throw away


          Dear Brandon,

          It is in these moments of forced observation that I realize, first of all, that the death I feared and wept for in my youth was actually just the clouds and the banality of systematic silence; second, that even though I have grown up quite a bit over the last few years, I am still trusting girls from southern California.






                   This didn’t happen.

                    Happy Halloween

Three Poems

Dave Walkord




Cryogenic robot slinging words never used before


Attempting to teach an old dog in the mirror new tricks


So fetch a hot airhead babe from the frozen zone with frozen smiles


Beauty and the beast seething in their ignorance from another era of historical




My Blender


Whirling blades spinning organic matter designed and refined to bring about

temporal salvation


Free radicals beware of the sound of defiance as Osterizer sounds the trumpet


of full array


Andy Rooney


     60 minutes relic, evidence of hominoid existence, unable to understand


     Eyebrows coming through the screen like a predatory bird trying to feast

upon the remains of the industrial revolution

     Unable to cope with man’s inventions

Amish mentality in a businessman’s suit, whose sole purpose is to Bitch

     Bitch because he can’t figure out a pencil sharpener

     Bitch because he doesn’t know which laundry detergent to use

     Bitch because he doesn’t have a time machine to send him back to the

good life

     With a good horse and a big pot of beans



Photosynthetic Incarnations

Eric Richins


Within portions of a moment the self can clear of all anxious mis-wanderings,

Focus now, this is beautiful

Close eyes,

Open eyes


Breathe out,

Continue breathing out,

Inhale, inhale

Sunshine on your loosely closed lids,

Deep colors of pre natal magma world

At the center now


No gravity,

You and the center of earth

It’s a long way from the stars and further still from the other side of everything you know

Far from the void, so far from emptiness

Far from the cold, far from a place where nothing exists

Within this moment all is remembered

Focus now, while the sun is shining

With out it photosyntext would continue to end

A process you know well and cherish


Plant life,

Photosynthetic sun nectar


6 CO2(g) + 12 H2O(l) + photonsC6H12O6(aq) + 6 O2(g) + 6 H2O(l)


Still shining, for a while


{(carbon dioxide + water + light energy → glucose + oxygen + water)(ambition + dedication) = creativity}


Chomp, nourish, ingest, enjoy


With out it photosyntext would continue to end

Creativity, sunlight converted



a part of everything for a while










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