Zorn Translations – The Big Gundown

Below are the translations I received from you yesterday.  The first set are your individual pieces, listed by row (instrument set).  The second is a combined piece written by use of a statistical program.  Using the frequency and approximate length (in seconds) of the different rows (1-4), the work came out the way it did below.  This is, of course, only a rough (very small set of inputs) translation of the “flow” of the piece once converted back into text cues.  Notice, though, that there are (I think) 14 different “movements” or “sections” in the Zorn piece, hence 14 movements or sections in ours.  Good work everyone.  Note, too, that WordPress can only do so much visually, so we’re lacking in some tools that might make the translation more interesting, e.g., more textual polyphony, etc.  If you would like to add your piece, type it up and send to my email! 



First Row: Drums, Piano (all percussion besides rhythmic voices)


Grass pulses with spinning flames. A Desperado’s sin string.  Big gun down and Buerara’s ghost is more than Ms. Monroe eat your fucking heart out Andy Warhol Campbell’s:  Fur all eyes winter coast diminishing, claims Spanglish.  Dizzying snares.  Aural or oral, their waves under pressure.


Emptiness before emptiness

surrounded on either end by void.

Unknown life line begin, life line end, unknown.

Now just your eyes open

slowly with the inhalation of lungs.

                Something is clear to you now

until the race,

                running now

from sovereign emptiness, anxiety

                embryonic meditations.

Optic access and tastes of motherly nectar

                alive, on fire

golden in the center of the sun

                center stars of solar system

your soft curly hair will blonde soon

under the rays of present understanding

                open eyes and

infant nursing.



 2nd Row: Voices,  Rhythmic

Voices, nails.  How can I write about non-musical sounds?  Wild west with some sort of synth.  Huff,  huff, breath.  Footsteps.  Chaos.  Ethnomusicology.  Drum roll please.  Translate these from a foreign tongue.  Do not interpret, whatever that means.  What would inspire Fun Galore?  Think street party.  Think dancing.  Think cattle drive.  The letter w.  Hoo-hah.


crackle cack cack le please

omeone stunted breaking, oh


Climpsing, eager snore sleeping

a fear collapsing into fear I – I – I


They were talking amongst the the

street into shop into

a went into a mud you and laughing he


oh I oh I

running downstairs out out the door

I know I follow hrah no!


One foot in front of the other.  Keep up the pace, there is still a ways to go.  If you keep your eyes open you can see safety in the distance.  One foot in front of the other.  If you keep your eyes closed you can at least pretend to hide from the footsteps trailing behind you.  If you can’t see them they can’t see you.  One foot in front of the other.  This is what frantic means.



A gulp, a slight choke and the impeached speech in laughter, their teeth, beneath a coarse wooden table, although, the comedy adjoining ruptures any sense of shock, still there is breathing, they know, afraid to know, the ceiling is dripping, no knowing, by an agreement, we can sift through a mess of indistinguishable, there are too many, there is a sweating of noise, their perverse inklings, they carry us away, give a movement, and there we are fast and tearing across the white glaring teeth.


Away away, out and above you can save me if you can hear me, but if you don’t try I’ll die.  I’ll die anyway.  Yes.  I’m here, here above.  Run and try as hard as you can to shoot that man.  Breathlessly.  Breathingly.  Not of you or me, but we make our way in the dirt hear me hear me, we make our way in spite of you in the dirt and happily.  Arrival and celebration.  Go, go for me, win for me, and I am trying to scare you.


3rd Row: Brass, Wind


space through epiphany

split horses         speech nexus

apowing to pull in

the sea is healing

sway as your walk

Jack Nickleson in the lack delete

running do catch

can you feign the moments

before it happens


Screams, quarreling in horror at the sign of some unknown

Machinery breaking

Unveiling pushing rising moral

More screams and horns, bellowing swells

Of matter ocean


Brass – a young child is listening to

                what is said during the destruction

                of his village

the woman tries to use her sexuality

to convince the prison guard to

release her son


the woman has successfully convinced the

guard and they ride off into the sunset


                they have been discovered


to no avail the prison guard turns into

the hero and he defeats and they all escape


4th Row: Strings, Melodic Voice


Serial killer          not-quite there

Despair                 heartbrake         redemption

Building and building…                   alien communication

Futuristic             sonar     ripples  whistling

Shooting starts  outerspace         alone…

Sassy, scared, alone        0          cliffdiving

Plying                                    H

Happy more building, train going faster

And faster…       Faster still…        still going

Faster…                fasterstill…          stillgoing

Faster…                                and stop him


And Japanese faster and faster                                 happy


 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————-Does piano count as string?


Chillos, chillando

                Nos vemos.

On the other side

is vicious



At which point


No longer cross

Entre  sections

De gritos

Gritos y


Que mararon innocenia

And blur

Blur the lives

De un lado yelotro

Cuando nos encontremos


De un lado &

The other

Merging together

In discord


Q’las lineas

& Boarders

No longer se  ven.

Combined Version:




Dizzying snares dizzying snares before emptiness surrounded on either end by void.

Unknown life line now your eyes open lungs lungs.


Something is clear to you now until the race lungs and optic access and tastes of motherly nectar alive, on fire golden in the center your soft curly hair.



1, 2, 3



Something dizzying snares the present understanding open eyes and infant nursing. A Desperado’s sin string. Big gun down and Buerara’s ghost is more than Ms.


                   The letter w.




Eat your unknown heart Andy Warhol unknown: Fur all eyes winter coast diminishing, claims Spanglish. Dizzying snares.


Unveiling pushing rising moral More screams and horns, bellowing swells Of matter ocean.  Brass – a young child is listening to what is said during the destruction of his village.  the woman tries to use her sexuality to convince the prison guard turns into the hero and he defeats and they ride off into the sunset. they have been discovered. to no avail the prison guard turns into the hero and he defeats and they all escape. to no avail the prison guard to release her son. the woman tries to use her sexuality to convince the prison guard to release her son.  the woman has successfully convinced the guard and they ride off into the hero and he defeats and they ride off into the hero and he defeats and they all escape. before it happens. Screams, quarreling in horror at the sign of some unknown.  Machinery breaking. Unveiling pushing rising moral More screams and horns, bellowing swells Of matter ocean.



The letter w.


Crackle cack


Something is clear to you now until the race l





Chillos Chillos, chillando Nos vemos. Serial instrument.

On the other side is vicious Vicious killer Instruments At which point Intersections No longer seven.

Chillos Chillos, chillando Nos vemos.

On the other side is vicious Vicious space Instruments At which point Intersections No longer seven.

Chillos Chillos, chillando Nos vemos. Stop.



2, 4


I – I – I – I                                                             On the other side is vicious


They were talking amongst the                                   On the other side is vicious


They were talking amongst the                                   On the other side is vicious







Eat your unknown heart Andy Warhol unknown: Fur all eyes winter coast diminishing, claims Spanglish. Dizzying snares.







1, 3


the present understanding

the present understanding

ghost is more than

machine breaking

the woman tries to use her           More screams and horns, bellowing swells Of matter ocean.  Screams, quarreling in horror at the sign of some unknown.  Machinery breaking. Unveiling understanding more than present pushing rising moral More screams and horns, bellowing swells Of matter ocean. 

the present ghost.  The more than




Optic access and tastes of motherly

nectar alive, on fire. golden in the center of the sun center stars of solar system your soft curly hair will blonde soon under the r


ays of present und   

erstanding open eyes and infant nursing. golden in the center of the sun center stars of solar s         

ystem your soft cu             rly hair will blonde sounder the rays of present understanding open eyes and infant nursing. A Desperado’        s sin string. Big gun down and Bu     


erara’s          ghost is more than Ms  Dizzying snares.  Unknown life line begin, life line end, unknown.






If you keep your eyes open you can at least pretend to hide downstairs behind you.

If you keep your eyes you can at least pretend you trailing behind you.

If you keep your eyes closed you can at least

If you can’t see you.

Entresections De gritos Gritos y Chillos Que macron innocenia A blur Blur the lives De un lado yelotro Cuando no est encontremos Duntos De un lado & The other Merging together.

Brass – a young child is listening to what is said during the destruction of his village.

the woman tries to use her sexuality to convince the prison guard to release her son.

the woman tries to use her sexuality to convince the prison guard


3, 4


sections De gritos


y Chillos Que macron innocenia A blur

Blur the lives De un lado yelotro Cuando no est encontremos Duntos De un lado & Screams, quarreling in horror at the sign.

Machinery breaking.

Unveiling pushing rising moral.

More screams and horns, bellowing swells.



The other Merging together.

Brass – a young child is listening to what is said during t 


he destruction of his village.

the woman tries to u

se her sexuality to con                  vince the       prison guar  

d to release her son.

the woman tries to use her sexuality to convince Screams, quarreling in horror at the sign.

Machinery breaking.

Unveiling pushing rising moral.

More screams and horns, bellowing swells.



 the priso

n guard


1, 2


Something snares     dizzying         string

          I – I – I – I

If you keep your eyes closed you can at least

If you can’t see you.

Eat your unknown

                I keep I you I can’t see


Sin string              the present                        more than

Something snares     dizzying         string

          I – I – I – I

If you keep your eyes closed you can at least

If you can’t see you.

Eat your unknown

                I keep I you I can’t see


Sin string              the present                        more than



On the other side de gritos Gritos y Chillos Que macron

innocenia A blur Blur the lives De un lado

yelotro Cuando no est encontremos Duntos De un

lado & The other Merging together In discord Agree

ing. On the other side is vicious Viciou

s Instruments At which point Intersections No longer cross Entresections De gritos Gritos y Chillos Que macron innocenia A blur Blur the l

ives De un lado & The other Merging together.

Brass – a young child.

A young child on the



The lives

Listening to the

Lives the guard the

Lives the



 1, 2, 3, 4

On the other side is vicious Vicious space Instruments At which point Intersections No longer seven.


Chillos Chillos, chillando Nos vemos.


On the other side


de gritos Gritos y Chillos Que macron innocenia A blur Blur the lives De un lado & The other Merging together.

Brass – a young child on the Other Blur The lives Listening to the Lives the guard and they ride off into the hero and he defeats and they all escape. Before it happens

Screams, quarreling in horror at the sign of some unknown Machinery breaking Unveiling pushing rising moral. More screams and horns, bellowing swells.

Ocean.                             I I I

Matter.                             They wre talking

the priso n guard 1, 2 Something snares dizzying string I – I – I If you keep your eyes open lungs lungs.

Something is clear to you now until the race lungs and optic access and tastes of motherly nectar alive, on fire golden in the dirt and happily.

                                      They were talking





Something dizzying snares the present understanding open eyes and infant nursing. A Desperado’s sin string.


1, 2, 3, 4


More swells.

Ocean.  the priso n guard 1, 2 Something snares dizzying string I – I If you keep your eyes open lungs lungs.

Something is clear to you                       

now until the race lungs and optic access and tastes of motherly nectar

alive, on fire golden in the dirt and happily. Ocean. If you can’t see you

Matter.                   The letter

the priso n guard

Something snares dizzying string I – I – I If you keep your eyes open lungs lungs.

Something is clear to you now until the race

lungs and optic access and tastes of motherly nectar      The letter     

alive, on fire golden in the dirt and happily.


Chillos, chillando Nos vemos. If you keep your eyes

 On the other side is vicious Vicious space Instruments At which point Intersections No longer seven.

Chillos Chillos, chillando Nos vemos. Hoo-





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