Category Archives: Uncategorized

Lecture 5: Identity, Authorship, Agency & Poetic Knowledge

Below are the readings due by Weds, along with some non-required materials (suggested readings).  This time a little longer, but not as dense/difficult.  Enjoy. Why the experimental poem? asks Joan Retallack. Poetics has affirmed, undermined, complicated, and otherwise wrestled with … Continue reading

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Readings for Weds Lecture: Re-Visiting Ranciere, Aesthetics of the Sensible, & Radical Pedagogy Taking the Form of Autonomous Learning Environments

Dear All,  Below are the readings for Weds. Lecture.  Our aim this week is to delve deeper into Ranciere, and to tackle these questions: a) as in the short Review of Radical Pedagogy, we can think of alternative education in … Continue reading

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Week 3 Readings for Lecture: The (Re)distribution of the Sensible

Dear All, This week’s readings are, again, short and difficult.  We’re moving from the politics of poetic form and the possibility for the poetic page to allow for dialogic, pedagogical, and political re-thinking to re-thinking what “politics,” “pedagogy” and “art” might … Continue reading

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For Saturday Writing Workshop/Seminar (Week 2)

Dear All, Please bring ALL writings you’ve done for this course so far, and bring the review (pasted below and also on the blog) that we have yet to discuss, and bring the other readings if you printed them out … Continue reading

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