Category Archives: Uncategorized

Welcome to Experiments In Text: Radical Poetry, Politics, & Pedagogy (Winter 2010)

Situationist ludic (derive & detournement) of Los Angeles, 2009   Dear All, Welcome to our course.  Experiments in Text is a loose umbrella term I use for various and related, well, experiments in text, where each set of experiments has a particular … Continue reading

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Dear All, First, I wanted to thank you (as does Rob, who will email when he gets back to SF) for your really excellent work on Weds.  The workshop was rich, and so were your questions and thoughts during the … Continue reading

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Class Today, Special Rob Halpern Seminar 6-730ish, Reading @ 8

Dear All, Remember to please make it to class for Rob Halpern’s workshop.  Class begins at the regular time, 6pm.   It will end early.  We will then go to the reading below.  Please do not be late, as Rob has … Continue reading

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Dear All, First, I decided that instead of sending you the short readings, since they are SO short, I will go over them with you as part of short lecture Weds.  Hence…. Below is a slightly tweaked list of the … Continue reading

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Groups: Decided Not to Post Personal Emails Online – Only Over Email

1)    Rachel Wendy Andrea Jacob Hayes 2)     Gabe Rick Claire Diann 3)    Anna Shannon Zachary Heather 4)     Whitney Elan Gianna Cody 5)    Amanda Jane Adam Nigel 6)    Cara Hayes Croft

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