Category Archives: Uncategorized

Gesture, Movement, &

Dear All, Here is just a small sampling of things on movement & gesture to be listened to/read/looked at for tomorrow.  Instead of choosing several different artists, I focus, besides the Beckett (top) and the Debord essay (bottom), on ONE … Continue reading

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Saturday Seminarty

Hi All, Looking forward to seeing you at my place for the mid-quarter, casual seminar & get-together. Here is my address: 1414 Madison Ave (along bus route heading downtown from campus) Small white house with purple trim – corner of … Continue reading

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Weds Listening Party: “Reading” = “Listening” + ?

Dear All, Below are the week’s “readings.”  They are all audio files – as this week we are moving from the physical page as art object, to sound poetry, which may or may not use or deal with physical pages.  … Continue reading

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Weds Readings: The Altered Book & The Found Poem

Dear All, ***IMPORTANT NOTE: READ THIS EMAIL TO THE END – IMPORTANT SCHEDULE INFO AT VERY BOTTOM OF THIS EMAIL*** Apologies about getting this work to you a little late, but for the most part you’ve already read this week’s … Continue reading

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Weds Week 3 Readings: Visual & Concrete Poetics

Dear All, Here are the readings for Weds. It appears as a long list, but don’t forget, these are concrete and visual poems, along with two beautiful altered books.  What are concrete and visual poems?  “Vispo,” as the movement is … Continue reading

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