Category Archives: Uncategorized

Is a Recipe the Negation of Motion?: Readings

Let us take “collaboration” to mean a) physical/active/real time work with your peers, and b) the work or contribution the “audience” or “readership” puts in to that which you and your peers have created.  You don’t know who (b) consists … Continue reading

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Performance Or(and) Poetry? – Charles Bernstein & Susan Bee (artist book) – David Wolach (altered book) (mathematical hyberbook) – Chris Mann (cybernetic sound prose-poems) – Tracie Morris (sound poem – composition) – Rodrigo Toscano &, (Collapsible Poetics … Continue reading

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Welcome to ET 3.0 – Writing Off The Page & Performative Poetics

Rodrigo Toscano, from “Pig Angels of the Americapolypse,” at PRESS: A Cross-Cultural Literary Conference at The Evergreen State College, 2008 (photo courtesy of poet Tom Orange) for live action of this performative piece, performed at last year’s spring conference, watch … Continue reading

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Week 10 – Readings, Performances, & In Form (-ation)

Hi All, First, here are the readings we’ll be working with today, in addition to the Edward Said article I handed out in class.  These are a bit late, but read them asap. We’ll be discussing the other side of … Continue reading

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Readings/Info for Weds, Week 9

Dear All, (read whole email – important info for the next 2 weeks!) Welcome back to me!  Seriously, I hope you had a good experience with Tyler & Adorno, Daniel & Bataille.  I meant to catch the Saturday workshop, but … Continue reading

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