Category Archives: Uncategorized

Madness, God, Writing: Bataille

This Saturday, for those who were attending last quarter, we will be returning to Bataille. For those who are new, we will be introducing Bataille. For both an introduction to  Bataille’s Summa Atheologica, an area of his thought based around … Continue reading

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Weds readings: Adorno & Beckett

Hi All, This upcoming Weds. (week we’ll be reading Adorno, “Schema of Mass Culture,” and looking at Beckett’s “Play”.  Schema will be available in hardcopy today (Sat) in class – be sure to pick it up.  The Beckett is right … Continue reading

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Stein Lecture from Week 4

    Opening thoughts:     [8]  Such readings as my own “decode” the Stein poem, and in the      process assume that meaning does, in fact, inhere in      Stein’s apparent non-sense, that there is a profoundly      important … Continue reading

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Collaborative Poem

Inauguration Balls The ball is flat The ball is a mercedes on the autobon The Ball is a waltz The ball is round The ball is green and icky The ball is meticulous The ball is a figment of my … Continue reading

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Difficult Text Epidemic of 1912: Readings & Schedule

Hi All,   Hope you had a relaxing weekend.  Hope you also got a chance to exchange email information with your peer critique group.  I apologize for the delay in getting this week’s readings to you; the blog was down … Continue reading

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