Category Archives: Uncategorized

For Weds: Theatre of Cruelty, Poetic Invervention, and the Politics of the Written

Hi All, Wednesday I’ll be lecturing on Artaud, so do re-read (or read) the Artaud Preface to Theater and Its Double.  If you get the chance, read some of Theater and Its Double, excerpted in the google books link below that.  After the … Continue reading

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Story about a Mall, by 29(x) Authors & Bernadette Mayer

  1.  Chris Delamater &   Eating-in-Full-View tells us that this is nothing, if not a socialist mall. They are raffling off presidential t-shirts and selling hats with eyes for holes. From Eating-in-Full-View, “if my nuts were that big, I’d … Continue reading

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Readings for Week 2: Critique as Performance & Performing Fracture

 Hi All, Here are the short few readings due for this Wednesday.  Though I am pushing lecture back to half of Saturday and the following Weds, always good to get this work under your belts earlier rather than later.  Note … Continue reading

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Derrida, Writing, and [n+1 Critiques of Thalia Field's Theater]

  Why begin a creative writing course with Derrida and Thalia Field?  We began a discussion about why this might be so, talking around the possibility of possibility within (our use of) language.  Specifically, language structures (large and small) that … Continue reading

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ET2.0: Hybridism, Monstrosity, and Art that Misbehaves

  Dear All,   Happy holidays.  I hope you are all at least relaxing, if not having a wonderful holiday.  Welcome to Experiments In Text.  I expect that this quarter will be exciting, enriching, and challenging–like a romantic comedy.   … Continue reading

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