Category Archives: Uncategorized

Bataille continued, Approaching Sade

Posted by Daniel Brittain   A summary, getting us back to last time, including pictures. The beginning immanence (a negative thought based around our historical perspective of a desired returned to immanence, the inability to transcend the world): I am … Continue reading

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Readings in Procedure, Constraint, Ritual

  This Wednesday (the 18th) we’ll continue our discussion on constraint, procedure, and ritual as they relate to writing.  Because a few of you were not able to get the readings, due to blog problems, last week, I’m asking those of … Continue reading

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Student BLOG POST: by Dan Brittain for his essay on Battaille Thank you to Dan Brittain for sending this to us and for facilitating seminar in my absence during this day of class. Georges Bataille (Sept. 10, 1987 to July … Continue reading

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Citations for “Beckett, Wittgenstein, and the Language of Exile”

  Edmond Jabes:   Three times was God exiled: in the Name, in the bursting open of the Name, and in the effacing of this bursting open. (The Book of Questions)   Augustine, Confessions X:   I run through all … Continue reading

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Wednesday Readings: Beckett, Wittgenstein, and Exile

  Here are the readings for this Wednesday, November 5th.  Please read Texts for Nothing 4, by Samuel Beckett, then the 2 Marjorie Perloff articles linking Beckett, exile, and Wittgenstein.  Finally, take a look at the 1973 San Quentin Drama … Continue reading

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