Category Archives: Uncategorized

Week 1 Readings: For Weds, Jan 5

Hi All, A longish info sheet is below as a welcome blog post: layout of basic logistical info. Here I want to give you an easy-to-read post regarding what to have read by Weds (no assigned writing), and where we’re … Continue reading

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Welcome to Experiments in Text Winter 2011: Transgressive Art & Transgressive Bodies

Dear All, [Classes are Weds 5-7pm, Sat 4-6pm. They are all in Sem II E3107] Welcome to the the Winter 2011 Experiments In Texts course, Transgressive Art & Transgressive Bodies. I hope all of you are having a relaxing break. … Continue reading

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An Excellent Opportunity: Grad Assistantship in Community Poetics at Mills

Dear All, Stephanie Young, a wonderful poet, teacher, curator and coordinator of grad programs at Mills (and whose poetry-pedagogy essay you read for this course), sent me the following to pass along. If you have interest in the below or … Continue reading

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Here’s a really thoughtful essay from poet, editor of Tinfish Press (and Journal), and creative writing teacher, Susan Schultz. She’s come to Evergreen before to read, through Leonard Schwartz’s programs, and we’ve looked at one kind of her work before–remember–in … Continue reading

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Since you have now de-centralized into facilitation, and facilitating creative writing so-called, I’ll try to throw some recommended short readings your way –so that you might think a little further about pedagogy & writing workshops. Here’s one, from the excellent … Continue reading

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