Public & Private Signs, Ritual & Guerilla Poetry: Readings for Tues Lecture Week 6 / Proposals Due

Dear All,

Please, in addition to finishing your proposal drafts and sending me them by email by Tuesday, please do these readings in preparation for the Tuesday lecture “Public & Private SIgns, Ritual & Guerilla Poetry”:

1) Hannah Weiner, from The Clairvoyant Journal READ THE PREFACE AND THE “MARCH” PAGES  HERE         (you can read as much as you’d like, as I encourage you to read all the pdf pages and listen to some of this work recorded, but assigned are only “Preface” and “March”). 

2) Caroline Bergvall, on Weiner and Corporeal Rituals & Writing  HERE

3) CA Conrad’s (Soma)tic Poetry Exercises HERE and HERE (the 2nd link are the exercises themselves, including one we collaborated on at Evergreen last quarter)

4) Re-read (or read if you haven’t yet) Jules Boykoff & Kaia Sand’s Landscapes excerpt, HERE and in an earlier blog post and earlier email (thus you should already have read this).

5) Tina Darragh, Will Be Abducted… in next issue of Wheelhouse (sneak peek)  HERE

6) Finally, make sure you’ve read Nonsite Collective’s draft proposal, which is in a blog post below (also sent last week as email).



Hannah Weiner, Little Book / Indians  HERE 

Since I will use the term “abjection” (from “abject”), though will be using it differently from Julia Kristeva, who is central to the term’s use in critical and identity theory, let me first say: I tend only to use this term as an instrumental verb, given that (not totally unlike Kristeva) I take “the abject” to be that which we narrate to be so, and as such, not an essential or ontological quality or characteristic of any particular person or group, but rather, as a term that describes a material fact of how we think of/describe persons. Therefore, I may use this term to describe a space that we can all potentially inhabit, a term that can equally apply to each of us, thus none of us. For our purposes, though, I will talk a little about “abjecting” the self as a way to recognize that the self is also other, that it is not an “it” but rather multiple (self and other are not mutually exclusive), that this causes in many of us (especially those within a cultural majority) a kind of horror or nausea. I’ll lean on this term in talking about how poetry’s work helps facilitate (potentially) such a process of recognition (a step in the politicizing of–even our private/very personal–languages, use of signs, the written, etc). So, for more on this term’s lineage, here is the Wiki article on it (not bad, not great, but not bad).

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For Thursday, Proposals, & Other Important Info For Upcoming Week

For Thursday, I’ll briefly go over the project proposal, which is something you’ll need to hand in (a draft of it) by Monday night. Remember, this proposal is to get you going and is as much as anything else for you, not something by which I’m making stern judgments. Take it seriously, think it through, and allow it to guide you without it weighing you down as you brainstorm. Brainstorming about what you plan to do viz. performative events/projects will get you to the proposal, not the other way around.

Also for the end of this week/beginning of next (Thurs-Tues): we will be heading into two seemingly divergent directions: looking at ritual and performativity (often associated with the spiritual and deeply personal/inward, but can be atheist too) and guerilla poetry. For the most part this will all be contemporary work and not as much grounded in poets theater (we’ll come back to the Anthology later), contemporary both in regard to our readings and via our smaller individual writings TBA (beyond collaborative projects). So, there is that overlap. But if we dig deeper into some of the somatic/ritualistic practices of performance, look at some potential political problematics of ritual and performance, we’ll see that there are deeper relations between this work and guerilla poetry than might appear.  Think of HOW we are radicalized on certain issues, and what the stakes of guerilla poetry are. These are deeply collective, yet personal stakes–any activism is, no? The split often thought of, that of poetry being personal and politics being impersonal, this seems weirdly wrong, doesn’t it? When people talk about how they “don’t do” politics, what does this mean?  Perhaps when said, the person is thinking of politics as electoral politics, or presidential politics.  So exploring, as Gabe preemptively did so far with us via the bus poem, the relation between the “self” (its complexities) and collective protest (or artistic collaboration, or both together), one might find interesting questions to ask, or resonances: does anyone remember, for those of you who have done activist work, how it began? That moment of radicalization came from some kind of personal rupture, no? Does anyone relate to wanting, especially early on in involvement with a group, to be both an individual (outside the group) while at the same time wanting to be (or being) part of a larger protest/collective effort? That tug and pull between the “self” and the collective? Think thru these ideas as we head into these seemingly different waters, that between for example Jules Boykoff and Kaia Sand’s work, and the fire ritual we’ll build or the somatic work of CA Conrad. Where are the points of contact? Divergence? Tension?

Please, both in preparation for Saturday and the following Tuesday, but ALSO as exemplary of ways one can think about doing guerilla poetry/performative work that involves larger-scale text materials and involves spatial practices, read the links below. The simplistic definition of guerilla poetry, remember, is that this work is a uniquely ILLICIT (or sanctioned) act of public poetry, not a funded piece of public art (an important distinction to keep in mind).  So please READ THE FOLLOWING/CHECK OUT THE FOLLOWING LINKS.  Read the excerpt of Sand and Boykoff’s book asap.  Easy/quick read. Begin thinking what your guerilla poetry would look like, as post-fire ritual, we’ll come back to that question and put it into practice (end of, and after, Sat).

At the beginning of Thurs class I will be playing a sound file for you and asking you to work with it in relation to Nonsite’s site-nonsite ideas (in the draft proposal). We’ll then look at some of the Sand & Boykoff pdf-link in relation to Nonsite. Then we’ll break into our collaborative groups and begin in earnest on projects. At the end of class I will go over the instructions for the fire ritual.

On Saturday, remember that class begins at 5pm, not 4, and goes till 9. Everything an hour later, so we can work under darkness. 

On Tuesday we’ll come back just briefly to Boykoff and Sand, intermingle that work now with ritual and performativity, the readings for which I’ll give you, as usual, by Sun night. Since there will be more / future readings due for Tues, yet another reason to read the Sand and Boykoff now-ish.  Proposal questionaire below.

READINGS FOR THURS & SAT (more coming for Tuesday): R

1) Excerpt of Landscapes of Dissent, by Jules Boykoff & Kaia Sand   HERE

2) Audio File, in re Nonsite, “Starry Night,” to translate poetically  (due Sat)  HERE

3) Re-Read Nonsite Collective Draft Proposal (link is a couple posts below, also in email as reading for lecture this past Tuesday)

4) Optional: Brief thoughts on street art in Venezuela  HERE


By methods determined in group (consensus model, one person writing on behalf of, dictatorial, tyrannical, etc), email me the following as attachment before class next Tuesday (5-8pp, double spaced):

BASIC INFO (cover page):


GROUP MEMBERS (& group/collective name, if you desire):

MEETING TIME OUTSIDE OF CLASS (at least 2 hours per week outside of class):

HOW THE PAGE WILL BE USED (a paragraph or so):

HOW YOU PLAN TO MAKE THE WORK BE A ‘LIVE’ EVENT: (another paragraph or so)


1) WHAT IS YOUR POETICS?: writing a poetics means writing about what your work–not just this piece–but any work your group would do together–is doing (or: would or should be doing) both formally and in terms of why you have collectively taken interest in doing things this way instead of that. That is, a poetics is you, collectively, in some way, coming up with a sort of manifesto for performative poetry as you collectively see it–what its stakes and potential functions or non-functions should or will be in relation to the broader context it’s situated and informed by. A poetics is also a sort of manifesto, or preferred thinking regarding the function of language itself (after all, this is a language arts class, poetry’s central medium is language!)

2) What, in a page or two (or more if you need it), your performative event for this class is (will be), and importantly, in what sense it is answering the central 2 questions of the course (i.e., is answering or relating to your poetics) – 1) absent normative definitions of “poetry,” “creative writing,” “performance,” etc (or absent at least one of these), what can “performing the text” come to mean? And 2) how does this work function as, or speak to, or translate into “the political”? In other words, how does this work decenter dominant modes of discourse? Does it? How does it perform dissensus? Does it? Re-narrate? Or if the work is overtly speaking to a current (topical) set of issues, what are the formal (written, performative, and otherwise) strategies and tactics you plan to employ? What are your intentions? This is the part of the proposal that allows you to address at length and in detail what your intentions are and how you plan to realize them–formally, linguistically, strategically, and tactically–with respect to the specific collaborative performative event.

3) In a following few lines, describe how you will accomplish this collaboration, specifically questions (1) and (2) above, what your basic schedule is, your basic working model, and what problems you see arising that will likely need to be addressed–  So: a) potential problems, b) a working schedule.

4) ORGANIZATIONAL POLITICS: Pertaining to (2) just above, give me a few sentences as to what your organizational politics will be–that is, division of labor. Make sure to elaborate on how you will be working as a collaborative group, who will be responsible for what, at least generally, how you plan to make decisions and divide labor generally.

5) Describe what materials you will be using, and how you will be procuring them if you don’t already have them.

6) Make mention of any assistance – technical, material, or otherwise -  you think you may need.

7) What sort of “public” will this work demand?  How do you envision this work being “performed,” “read,” “displayed,” “played,” “wrestled with,” etc? In what space? Where? Etc. Be specific, and remember: work need not have a specific audience, or the audience may not be your classmates (if it is guerilla poetry, for example, signs on an overpass, for example, it may have passersby as audience). If that is the case, how will you document this work so that you can share it with the class? Suggested mode of sharing beyond necessarily writing about it during or afterwards: photos, blog post, etc. Think about how, if there is little to no actual audience, this live event (again, the sign example) can be projected and how you might spread word of the work’s existence. Or if the work is riffing off Hakim Bey’s poetic terrorism, think about how you will document this work for the very end of the program, so that we can take part, at very least, in a sort of “data” about how things went with what you have done.


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Performative Writing Groups Take Two & A Note About Thursday

Please Note: 

I have revised the groups after tonight’s (Tues., week 5) lecture. Kaleigh has been put in 2 groups for right now, and will end up in one of the 2 groups as of Thursday, beginning of class.  Ally has been moved to Lisa and Carson’s group so that, in case Kaleigh winds up in another group, Lisa and Carson have a 3rd person to work with.  Tommy has joined Adam and Phil’s group.  Emily has joined Isaac, Alex, and Croft’s group.  And Tamera has joined Zachary and Zach’s group. 

We should be all set now.  Please email me if there is an absolutely problematic situation, which would be because either a) there is a real, personal conflict that cannot be overcome, or b) someone has a very specific collaboration already going and this grouping does not reflect it. Other than that, please try to work with the people in your existing group, work to “seriously play/play seriously” with and for one-another.

Thanks for your patience as this formation takes final shape by Thursday, beginning of class.

FYI, Thursday class will include 3 parts:

1) A final word (for now) about Ranciere and Site-specific political poetics: Nonsite Collective’s work and Robert Kocik’s project of turning nonsites (for example, poetry that re-narrates and maps “occulted disasters”) back into actual, physical sites (habitats that are hopefully beneficial, that address the fundamental problems and inequalities that the nonsite, as abstraction and set of metaphors, exposes).

2) Working for first time in groups to talk out and brainstorm on collaborative performative projects. I’ll have various prompts for you that will help you move towards developing a proposal.

3) A note at end of class (brief discussion) outlining the fire ritual that will take place, in 3 parts, from Thursday to Sat bonfire to post-bonfire. 



Group No. (replace with name and/or title?) Name Name Name Name Name    
Carson Ball      
Lingua II Group Bontempo, Megan E. Sophie Gordon David Hoekje Willie Smart  Kaleigh Barks  Lisa Isley  
2 Castanon, Zachary L. Zachary Fraser  Tamera Anderson        
3 Clifton-Steele, Paige C. Gabe Riggs Nicky Tiso Eric Moen      
4 Geislinger, Rebecca A. Anacelia Hill Kyle Ludowitz Jane Rubenstein  

(as contract)

5 Lindquist, Kaitlin J. Joseph Smith Franny Waldear        
6 Pearson, Evan W. Shawn Gardner Caitlin Meyer        
7 St John, Adam J. Phillip Taylor Tommy Purtle  Ally Simmons (as contract)    
8 Twito, Isaac T. Alex Dreyer Nicholas Croft   Emily Goode    
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Readings Due for Tues Lecture, Week 5

Hi All,

FIRST: NOTE THAT ON THE BLOG (BELOW) IS THE PROGRAM SCHEDULE – SUBJECT TO SMALL CHANGES – FOR THE REST OF THE QUARTER.  Note: milestones and due dates for performances and related writing.

Please make sure to read all these, concentrate on the Ranciere, which is difficult, and the small primary texts.  These, along with Templeton and a continuation of poetry, politics & constructed situations (poetics of spatial practice – Debord & Kocik) will be what we will cover.

PLEASE ALSO BE IN CLASS. Overall attendance has been good, but from here on out we’ll need everyone to have a felt responsibility towards one-another, to be absolutely consistent in showing up FOR one-another, to hold one-another accountable as co-learners, given just how deeply collaborate our work will be come–where each week’s work and classtime is precious, where things will begin to build cumulatively such that time missed will make it very difficult for you–and your collaborators–to catch up.


1) Ranciere, The Thinking of Dissensus: Politics and Aesthetics (pdf as sent in email)

2) Nonsite Collective, “Draft Proposal”  HERE

3) David Buuck & BARGE – “Buried Treasure Island”  HERE

4) CA Conrad & Frank Sherlock’s PACE  HERE and David Wolach & Elizabeth’s conversation on one of the PACE events  HERE

5) David Wolach, “The Ideal Glass: On Laura Elrick’s Stalk,” Jacket Magazine  HERE


Supplemental (optional – background re Situationism) Reading:

Andrew Epstein, “Ron Silliman’s BART and ‘Contemporary Everyday Life Projects’”  HERE

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Dear All,


Below is a schedule–subject to change–for the rest of our quarter. Milestones include: settling into groups, which will be announced on this blog and  via email Monday night; drafting a proposal of what your collaborative group will be working on in response to the question of what performing the text can come to mean; handing in a final proposal once you have met with me for feedback; and finally, “performing” your work–which must include both poetic writing and be a ‘live’ event–during weeks 9 and 10.  

Note that this Saturday we are, because so many would like to attend the Arts Walk Procession, meeting at PRECISELY 6pm-8pm, and before that performing the bus poem (email is being crafted now).

Also note that there are a few special events here. There are two guest artists coming to work with our program and give evening readings–as part of the ongoing literary-radical politics series, PRESS. Both are amazing poet activists. AND there are some steps to our fire ritual that we will need volunteers for. And finally we will have an end of quarter poetry reading & get-together, a chance to celebrate as well as hear one-another’s individual works.

Please read this, and look out for that email from your peers.  And please be on time Saturday once you are back from downtown.



ps: some of you are woefully behind on either a) work due to me such as 2pp written responses to readings and lecture, or b) attendance. If you are not placed by me into a group when the list is put up, this means I am worried about your credit situation, hence, your ability to catch up enough to be able to collaborate thoroughly and intently with your peers. So, if you don’t see your name on the list once it is published here and over email, contact me.

Schedule: Writing: Guerilla Poetry, Poets Theater, & The Politics of Language

Subject to Change

* = note special program scheduling

Sat week 4 – bus poem 4-6, be on time to class 6-8 (groups work on a) manifesting Kocik, b) inventing a derive, all work to be done on derive by the following Tuesday

Mon Night, week 5: groups announced

Tues week 5 – lecture on Ranciere, deriving, situationism, share some derives from groups at beginning

*Weds, week 5 – proposal form (questions about your projects) will go online (on the blog)

Thursday week 5 – students brainstorm whole session on their projects; directions and prep for fire ritual

*Sat week 5 – 5-8pm students work towards developing a proposal

*Sat week 5 – 8-9pm fire ritual

*Sunday Morning – collect ash (need 3 volunteers)


Tuesday week 6 – PROPOSAL DRAFTS DUE (4-7 pp double spaced prior to class as email attachment, tho most of it should be done–just will need fleshing out): lecture on ritual, the abject, and performativity, distribute ash.

Thurs. week 6 – share experiences with ritual, share writing about it, then break into groups and do more “rehearsing” (working on collaborative performative poetry); first group meetings with me

Sat week 6 – FINAL PROPOSALS DUE PRIOR TO CLASS (email attachment, 5-8pp double spaced), more rehearsing; groups meet with me

Thurs & Sat, weeks 7 & 8 more rehearsal, meetings with me – some seminar work will still happen on Thursdays




*Weds week 10 -  program poetry reading & get-together (David’s house)

NOTE: (trading Sat for Weds, as Sat is when David’s semester at Bard College starts).

Sunday week 10 – critical essays on some theme/ideas relating to performative poetries (poets theater, guerilla poetry) & political art as relates to 1 peer performance - DUE BY MIDNIGHT SUN (3-5pp double spaced, SENT AS EMAIL ATTACHMENT TO DAVID & to group members on whose work you’ve written (you email the piece to 4-5 people, in other words).

EVAL WEEK: David will: 

1) meet with groups and provide group feedback;

2) get written feedback on final essays by end of eval week;

3) get written evaluations, including thorough discussion on your final collaborative pieces, as well as individual poetic contributions, back to individual members of the program by end of eval week.


May 13: PRESS EVENT, special reader, poet & activist Cara Benson (time/location TBA)

May 27: PRESS EVENT, special reader, poet & curator of Spare Room Series, David Abel

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