Elana Fisher

By Valerie Boisen

They walk me to two big doors
In I go, with only an open gown on
What awaits me on the other side?
I know this
I am ready, I have been for months
I am scared, I have been for months

They sit me down and open my gown
Poke, poke, poke
We can’t hit your spine
Poke, poke, poke
Still no luck, let’s try something else
Poke, poke, poke
Poke, poke, poke
Finally – got it

That really hurt
But I would do it again in a heartbeat
I lie down and here comes the blue
I can’t see my stomach, only blue
He holds my hands
It’s going to be okay

My feet hurt
They are heavy, I feel trapped
I groan

The assistant rubs my feet with one free hand
The other holding open my stomach
I feel pressure
A push, a tug
It’s a girl!

A sigh of relief
I am all doped up
I look for the crying baby
Where is she?
My eyes get heavy
I am being taken out of the room
The next ten minutes are the longest
The longest ten minutes of my life
And there she is
Beautiful like a fresh flower on the first day of spring
I take her into my arms
Not but ten minutes old
And she knows who I am
Elana.. my dear Elana…
Welcome home