Author Archives: Kate

Art Museum Trip

949779_615476418480681_111036443_o Positano, Italy  by EmmaStern 
Acrylic "Of a Time Gone By" by Ruth K. Penn 
Porcelain Clay "Kitchen Still Life in Which an Eggshell Does It's Best Impression of Mickey Mouse" by Phil Jensen 
Oil on Panel "Temptations" by Debra Keirce
Acrylic 959345_615474611814195_517847946_o

Yesterday I was able to get to the Parklane Gallery in Kirkland, WA to investigate The 21st Annual International Juried Miniature Show. I wasn’t sure exactly what to expect but I must say that I was pleasantly surprised. I was under the  impression that this was more like a museum than an actually gallery but it in no way disappointed. While their main focus was on the miniatures, there was no shortage other interesting pieces of art work to enjoy. I spent the majority of my time focusing on what I came there for before I enjoyed the other things they had to offer. Unfortunately there were no miniature rooms for me to look at but the show was full of beautiful pieces of miniature artwork. There were over three hundred and fifty pieces of artwork all sized no bigger than a post card, including intricate paintings, mixed media art work as well as sculptures. My favorite was a piece titled Robot Art Collectors (by Talia Silveri) mainly because of it’s creativity and I believed it tied into our course work  well because it represented a Robot’s domestic space. However there were numerous interesting art works that caught my eye. I was extremely impressed by the detail in each piece of art. The gallery provided magnifying glasses so that you wouldn’t miss anything. I highly recommend this show, it will be open until June 2 and the docent is very nice and willing to answer any questions about the artwork you may have.

Art Museum Trip

949779_615476418480681_111036443_o Positano, Italy  by EmmaStern 
Acrylic "Of a Time Gone By" by Ruth K. Penn 
Porcelain Clay "Kitchen Still Life in Which an Eggshell Does It's Best Impression of Mickey Mouse" by Phil Jensen 
Oil on Panel "Temptations" by Debra Keirce
Acrylic 959345_615474611814195_517847946_o

Yesterday I was able to get to the Parklane Gallery in Kirkland, WA to investigate The 21st Annual International Juried Miniature Show. I wasn’t sure exactly what to expect but I must say that I was pleasantly surprised. I was under the  impression that this was more like a museum than an actually gallery but it in no way disappointed. While their main focus was on the miniatures, there was no shortage other interesting pieces of art work to enjoy. I spent the majority of my time focusing on what I came there for before I enjoyed the other things they had to offer. Unfortunately there were no miniature rooms for me to look at but the show was full of beautiful pieces of miniature artwork. There were over three hundred and fifty pieces of artwork all sized no bigger than a post card, including intricate paintings, mixed media art work as well as sculptures. My favorite was a piece titled Robot Art Collectors (by Talia Silveri) mainly because of it’s creativity and I believed it tied into our course work  well because it represented a Robot’s domestic space. However there were numerous interesting art works that caught my eye. I was extremely impressed by the detail in each piece of art. The gallery provided magnifying glasses so that you wouldn’t miss anything. I highly recommend this show, it will be open until June 2 and the docent is very nice and willing to answer any questions about the artwork you may have.

Week 5: Focus on Interior Design

This week I started reading Interior Design Course: Principals, Practices and Techniques for the Aspiring Designer by Tomris Tangaz, a college course book which is broken into units designed to teach the reader everything they need to know about interior design. I decided that I would read the whole book but only complete the units that applied to my project. My goal for week 5 was to read and complete chapters 1 & 2. These chapters contained 12 units total which focused on site research and building study, building a sketch book, developing an idea, survey and freehand drawing as well as technical drawing of floor plans.

I started my work by creating my sketch book, I wanted to collect interesting design ideas and consider all the options I had before starting my model. I searched magazines and the internet while also taking time to investigate my surroundings, kept notes of my findings and ideas. The one main thing that was important to me was that I wanted to create a space that unique. I didn’t want to constrict myself to one style or design type but I wanted that I wanted to keep my options open. As I explored design concepts I realized that I wanted my bathroom to be more modern than anything else. I loved the look of clean lines and the idea that this could be any kind of bathroom I wanted.

The one thing that stood out to me when doing my research was natural light, I found that bringing nature inside would help to make a confined space feel bigger. I focused on an idea I had while collecting data, our bathrooms are normally filled with mirrors as opposed to windows. We seem to have an idea that the bathroom should be private and in some instances I agree but what if you lived in a place where your neighbors were not directly next door? Would you like to be able to see nature while say relaxing in a warm bath? I thought about this idea as I began designing my bathroom.

I then wanted to focus on my tub/shower. I have always wanted an old fashioned claw foot tub, especially one that had a freestanding shower curtain. I loved the idea of being lifted off the ground as opposed to being built into the wall. I began looking for tub ideas and thinking of ways that I could construct them in my model. I was set on the idea of constructing at least one piece of furniture for this miniature instead of using pre-cut pieces.

I also wanted to focus on my sinks and cabinetry. I loved the idea of using a dresser for storage and as a counter. I’ve always liked my counters clean and to have places to put everything. I like organization so drawers are important to me. I also being bit of a clean freak have always wanted my own sink separate from other people in my house so the idea of multiple sinks seemed like a good idea. I found some interesting photos that I believed represented exactly what I was looking for so I added them to my scrapbook.

After I had gathered everything, I wanted to get started with my sketch and began measuring out my bathroom layout. I looked at and compared my ideas on floor plans to other floor plans for bathrooms to see where there were problems and what things I could change. I wanted to change the scale of this room too so I made sure to keep that in mind as I measure and drew my floor plan.

Week 5: Focus on Interior Design

This week I started reading Interior Design Course: Principals, Practices and Techniques for the Aspiring Designer by Tomris Tangaz, a college course book which is broken into units designed to teach the reader everything they need to know about interior design. I decided that I would read the whole book but only complete the units that applied to my project. My goal for week 5 was to read and complete chapters 1 & 2. These chapters contained 12 units total which focused on site research and building study, building a sketch book, developing an idea, survey and freehand drawing as well as technical drawing of floor plans.

I started my work by creating my sketch book, I wanted to collect interesting design ideas and consider all the options I had before starting my model. I searched magazines and the internet while also taking time to investigate my surroundings, kept notes of my findings and ideas. The one main thing that was important to me was that I wanted to create a space that unique. I didn’t want to constrict myself to one style or design type but I wanted that I wanted to keep my options open. As I explored design concepts I realized that I wanted my bathroom to be more modern than anything else. I loved the look of clean lines and the idea that this could be any kind of bathroom I wanted.

The one thing that stood out to me when doing my research was natural light, I found that bringing nature inside would help to make a confined space feel bigger. I focused on an idea I had while collecting data, our bathrooms are normally filled with mirrors as opposed to windows. We seem to have an idea that the bathroom should be private and in some instances I agree but what if you lived in a place where your neighbors were not directly next door? Would you like to be able to see nature while say relaxing in a warm bath? I thought about this idea as I began designing my bathroom.

I then wanted to focus on my tub/shower. I have always wanted an old fashioned claw foot tub, especially one that had a freestanding shower curtain. I loved the idea of being lifted off the ground as opposed to being built into the wall. I began looking for tub ideas and thinking of ways that I could construct them in my model. I was set on the idea of constructing at least one piece of furniture for this miniature instead of using pre-cut pieces.

I also wanted to focus on my sinks and cabinetry. I loved the idea of using a dresser for storage and as a counter. I’ve always liked my counters clean and to have places to put everything. I like organization so drawers are important to me. I also being bit of a clean freak have always wanted my own sink separate from other people in my house so the idea of multiple sinks seemed like a good idea. I found some interesting photos that I believed represented exactly what I was looking for so I added them to my scrapbook.

After I had gathered everything, I wanted to get started with my sketch and began measuring out my bathroom layout. I looked at and compared my ideas on floor plans to other floor plans for bathrooms to see where there were problems and what things I could change. I wanted to change the scale of this room too so I made sure to keep that in mind as I measure and drew my floor plan.

Week 5: Focus on Interior Design

This week I started reading Interior Design Course: Principals, Practices and Techniques for the Aspiring Designer by Tomris Tangaz, a college course book which is broken into units designed to teach the reader everything they need to know about interior design. I decided that I would read the whole book but only complete the units that applied to my project. My goal for week 5 was to read and complete chapters 1 & 2. These chapters contained 12 units total which focused on site research and building study, building a sketch book, developing an idea, survey and freehand drawing as well as technical drawing of floor plans.

I started my work by creating my sketch book, I wanted to collect interesting design ideas and consider all the options I had before starting my model. I searched magazines and the internet while also taking time to investigate my surroundings, kept notes of my findings and ideas. The one main thing that was important to me was that I wanted to create a space that unique. I didn’t want to constrict myself to one style or design type but I wanted that I wanted to keep my options open. As I explored design concepts I realized that I wanted my bathroom to be more modern than anything else. I loved the look of clean lines and the idea that this could be any kind of bathroom I wanted.

The one thing that stood out to me when doing my research was natural light, I found that bringing nature inside would help to make a confined space feel bigger. I focused on an idea I had while collecting data, our bathrooms are normally filled with mirrors as opposed to windows. We seem to have an idea that the bathroom should be private and in some instances I agree but what if you lived in a place where your neighbors were not directly next door? Would you like to be able to see nature while say relaxing in a warm bath? I thought about this idea as I began designing my bathroom.

I then wanted to focus on my tub/shower. I have always wanted an old fashioned claw foot tub, especially one that had a freestanding shower curtain. I loved the idea of being lifted off the ground as opposed to being built into the wall. I began looking for tub ideas and thinking of ways that I could construct them in my model. I was set on the idea of constructing at least one piece of furniture for this miniature instead of using pre-cut pieces.

I also wanted to focus on my sinks and cabinetry. I loved the idea of using a dresser for storage and as a counter. I’ve always liked my counters clean and to have places to put everything. I like organization so drawers are important to me. I also being bit of a clean freak have always wanted my own sink separate from other people in my house so the idea of multiple sinks seemed like a good idea. I found some interesting photos that I believed represented exactly what I was looking for so I added them to my scrapbook.

After I had gathered everything, I wanted to get started with my sketch and began measuring out my bathroom layout. I looked at and compared my ideas on floor plans to other floor plans for bathrooms to see where there were problems and what things I could change. I wanted to change the scale of this room too so I made sure to keep that in mind as I measure and drew my floor plan.

Week 5: Focus on Interior Design

This week I started reading Interior Design Course: Principals, Practices and Techniques for the Aspiring Designer by Tomris Tangaz, a college course book which is broken into units designed to teach the reader everything they need to know about interior design. I decided that I would read the whole book but only complete the units that applied to my project. My goal for week 5 was to read and complete chapters 1 & 2. These chapters contained 12 units total which focused on site research and building study, building a sketch book, developing an idea, survey and freehand drawing as well as technical drawing of floor plans.

I started my work by creating my sketch book, I wanted to collect interesting design ideas and consider all the options I had before starting my model. I searched magazines and the internet while also taking time to investigate my surroundings, kept notes of my findings and ideas. The one main thing that was important to me was that I wanted to create a space that unique. I didn’t want to constrict myself to one style or design type but I wanted that I wanted to keep my options open. As I explored design concepts I realized that I wanted my bathroom to be more modern than anything else. I loved the look of clean lines and the idea that this could be any kind of bathroom I wanted.

The one thing that stood out to me when doing my research was natural light, I found that bringing nature inside would help to make a confined space feel bigger. I focused on an idea I had while collecting data, our bathrooms are normally filled with mirrors as opposed to windows. We seem to have an idea that the bathroom should be private and in some instances I agree but what if you lived in a place where your neighbors were not directly next door? Would you like to be able to see nature while say relaxing in a warm bath? I thought about this idea as I began designing my bathroom.

I then wanted to focus on my tub/shower. I have always wanted an old fashioned claw foot tub, especially one that had a freestanding shower curtain. I loved the idea of being lifted off the ground as opposed to being built into the wall. I began looking for tub ideas and thinking of ways that I could construct them in my model. I was set on the idea of constructing at least one piece of furniture for this miniature instead of using pre-cut pieces.

I also wanted to focus on my sinks and cabinetry. I loved the idea of using a dresser for storage and as a counter. I’ve always liked my counters clean and to have places to put everything. I like organization so drawers are important to me. I also being bit of a clean freak have always wanted my own sink separate from other people in my house so the idea of multiple sinks seemed like a good idea. I found some interesting photos that I believed represented exactly what I was looking for so I added them to my scrapbook.

After I had gathered everything, I wanted to get started with my sketch and began measuring out my bathroom layout. I looked at and compared my ideas on floor plans to other floor plans for bathrooms to see where there were problems and what things I could change. I wanted to change the scale of this room too so I made sure to keep that in mind as I measure and drew my floor plan.

Week 5: Focus on Interior Design

This week I started reading Interior Design Course: Principals, Practices and Techniques for the Aspiring Designer by Tomris Tangaz, a college course book which is broken into units designed to teach the reader everything they need to know about interior design. I decided that I would read the whole book but only complete the units that applied to my project. My goal for week 5 was to read and complete chapters 1 & 2. These chapters contained 12 units total which focused on site research and building study, building a sketch book, developing an idea, survey and freehand drawing as well as technical drawing of floor plans.

I started my work by creating my sketch book, I wanted to collect interesting design ideas and consider all the options I had before starting my model. I searched magazines and the internet while also taking time to investigate my surroundings, kept notes of my findings and ideas. The one main thing that was important to me was that I wanted to create a space that unique. I didn’t want to constrict myself to one style or design type but I wanted that I wanted to keep my options open. As I explored design concepts I realized that I wanted my bathroom to be more modern than anything else. I loved the look of clean lines and the idea that this could be any kind of bathroom I wanted.

The one thing that stood out to me when doing my research was natural light, I found that bringing nature inside would help to make a confined space feel bigger. I focused on an idea I had while collecting data, our bathrooms are normally filled with mirrors as opposed to windows. We seem to have an idea that the bathroom should be private and in some instances I agree but what if you lived in a place where your neighbors were not directly next door? Would you like to be able to see nature while say relaxing in a warm bath? I thought about this idea as I began designing my bathroom.

I then wanted to focus on my tub/shower. I have always wanted an old fashioned claw foot tub, especially one that had a freestanding shower curtain. I loved the idea of being lifted off the ground as opposed to being built into the wall. I began looking for tub ideas and thinking of ways that I could construct them in my model. I was set on the idea of constructing at least one piece of furniture for this miniature instead of using pre-cut pieces.

I also wanted to focus on my sinks and cabinetry. I loved the idea of using a dresser for storage and as a counter. I’ve always liked my counters clean and to have places to put everything. I like organization so drawers are important to me. I also being bit of a clean freak have always wanted my own sink separate from other people in my house so the idea of multiple sinks seemed like a good idea. I found some interesting photos that I believed represented exactly what I was looking for so I added them to my scrapbook.

After I had gathered everything, I wanted to get started with my sketch and began measuring out my bathroom layout. I looked at and compared my ideas on floor plans to other floor plans for bathrooms to see where there were problems and what things I could change. I wanted to change the scale of this room too so I made sure to keep that in mind as I measure and drew my floor plan.

Week 5: Focus on Interior Design

This week I started reading Interior Design Course: Principals, Practices and Techniques for the Aspiring Designer by Tomris Tangaz, a college course book which is broken into units designed to teach the reader everything they need to know about interior design. I decided that I would read the whole book but only complete the units that applied to my project. My goal for week 5 was to read and complete chapters 1 & 2. These chapters contained 12 units total which focused on site research and building study, building a sketch book, developing an idea, survey and freehand drawing as well as technical drawing of floor plans.

I started my work by creating my sketch book, I wanted to collect interesting design ideas and consider all the options I had before starting my model. I searched magazines and the internet while also taking time to investigate my surroundings, kept notes of my findings and ideas. The one main thing that was important to me was that I wanted to create a space that unique. I didn’t want to constrict myself to one style or design type but I wanted that I wanted to keep my options open. As I explored design concepts I realized that I wanted my bathroom to be more modern than anything else. I loved the look of clean lines and the idea that this could be any kind of bathroom I wanted.

The one thing that stood out to me when doing my research was natural light, I found that bringing nature inside would help to make a confined space feel bigger. I focused on an idea I had while collecting data, our bathrooms are normally filled with mirrors as opposed to windows. We seem to have an idea that the bathroom should be private and in some instances I agree but what if you lived in a place where your neighbors were not directly next door? Would you like to be able to see nature while say relaxing in a warm bath? I thought about this idea as I began designing my bathroom.

I then wanted to focus on my tub/shower. I have always wanted an old fashioned claw foot tub, especially one that had a freestanding shower curtain. I loved the idea of being lifted off the ground as opposed to being built into the wall. I began looking for tub ideas and thinking of ways that I could construct them in my model. I was set on the idea of constructing at least one piece of furniture for this miniature instead of using pre-cut pieces.

I also wanted to focus on my sinks and cabinetry. I loved the idea of using a dresser for storage and as a counter. I’ve always liked my counters clean and to have places to put everything. I like organization so drawers are important to me. I also being bit of a clean freak have always wanted my own sink separate from other people in my house so the idea of multiple sinks seemed like a good idea. I found some interesting photos that I believed represented exactly what I was looking for so I added them to my scrapbook.

After I had gathered everything, I wanted to get started with my sketch and began measuring out my bathroom layout. I looked at and compared my ideas on floor plans to other floor plans for bathrooms to see where there were problems and what things I could change. I wanted to change the scale of this room too so I made sure to keep that in mind as I measure and drew my floor plan.

Week 5: Focus on Interior Design

This week I started reading Interior Design Course: Principals, Practices and Techniques for the Aspiring Designer by Tomris Tangaz, a college course book which is broken into units designed to teach the reader everything they need to know about interior design. I decided that I would read the whole book but only complete the units that applied to my project. My goal for week 5 was to read and complete chapters 1 & 2. These chapters contained 12 units total which focused on site research and building study, building a sketch book, developing an idea, survey and freehand drawing as well as technical drawing of floor plans.

I started my work by creating my sketch book, I wanted to collect interesting design ideas and consider all the options I had before starting my model. I searched magazines and the internet while also taking time to investigate my surroundings, kept notes of my findings and ideas. The one main thing that was important to me was that I wanted to create a space that unique. I didn’t want to constrict myself to one style or design type but I wanted that I wanted to keep my options open. As I explored design concepts I realized that I wanted my bathroom to be more modern than anything else. I loved the look of clean lines and the idea that this could be any kind of bathroom I wanted.

The one thing that stood out to me when doing my research was natural light, I found that bringing nature inside would help to make a confined space feel bigger. I focused on an idea I had while collecting data, our bathrooms are normally filled with mirrors as opposed to windows. We seem to have an idea that the bathroom should be private and in some instances I agree but what if you lived in a place where your neighbors were not directly next door? Would you like to be able to see nature while say relaxing in a warm bath? I thought about this idea as I began designing my bathroom.

I then wanted to focus on my tub/shower. I have always wanted an old fashioned claw foot tub, especially one that had a freestanding shower curtain. I loved the idea of being lifted off the ground as opposed to being built into the wall. I began looking for tub ideas and thinking of ways that I could construct them in my model. I was set on the idea of constructing at least one piece of furniture for this miniature instead of using pre-cut pieces.

I also wanted to focus on my sinks and cabinetry. I loved the idea of using a dresser for storage and as a counter. I’ve always liked my counters clean and to have places to put everything. I like organization so drawers are important to me. I also being bit of a clean freak have always wanted my own sink separate from other people in my house so the idea of multiple sinks seemed like a good idea. I found some interesting photos that I believed represented exactly what I was looking for so I added them to my scrapbook.

After I had gathered everything, I wanted to get started with my sketch and began measuring out my bathroom layout. I looked at and compared my ideas on floor plans to other floor plans for bathrooms to see where there were problems and what things I could change. I wanted to change the scale of this room too so I made sure to keep that in mind as I measure and drew my floor plan.

Week 5: Focus on Interior Design

This week I started reading Interior Design Course: Principals, Practices and Techniques for the Aspiring Designer by Tomris Tangaz, a college course book which is broken into units designed to teach the reader everything they need to know about interior design. I decided that I would read the whole book but only complete the units that applied to my project. My goal for week 5 was to read and complete chapters 1 & 2. These chapters contained 12 units total which focused on site research and building study, building a sketch book, developing an idea, survey and freehand drawing as well as technical drawing of floor plans.

I started my work by creating my sketch book, I wanted to collect interesting design ideas and consider all the options I had before starting my model. I searched magazines and the internet while also taking time to investigate my surroundings, kept notes of my findings and ideas. The one main thing that was important to me was that I wanted to create a space that unique. I didn’t want to constrict myself to one style or design type but I wanted that I wanted to keep my options open. As I explored design concepts I realized that I wanted my bathroom to be more modern than anything else. I loved the look of clean lines and the idea that this could be any kind of bathroom I wanted.

The one thing that stood out to me when doing my research was natural light, I found that bringing nature inside would help to make a confined space feel bigger. I focused on an idea I had while collecting data, our bathrooms are normally filled with mirrors as opposed to windows. We seem to have an idea that the bathroom should be private and in some instances I agree but what if you lived in a place where your neighbors were not directly next door? Would you like to be able to see nature while say relaxing in a warm bath? I thought about this idea as I began designing my bathroom.

I then wanted to focus on my tub/shower. I have always wanted an old fashioned claw foot tub, especially one that had a freestanding shower curtain. I loved the idea of being lifted off the ground as opposed to being built into the wall. I began looking for tub ideas and thinking of ways that I could construct them in my model. I was set on the idea of constructing at least one piece of furniture for this miniature instead of using pre-cut pieces.

I also wanted to focus on my sinks and cabinetry. I loved the idea of using a dresser for storage and as a counter. I’ve always liked my counters clean and to have places to put everything. I like organization so drawers are important to me. I also being bit of a clean freak have always wanted my own sink separate from other people in my house so the idea of multiple sinks seemed like a good idea. I found some interesting photos that I believed represented exactly what I was looking for so I added them to my scrapbook.

After I had gathered everything, I wanted to get started with my sketch and began measuring out my bathroom layout. I looked at and compared my ideas on floor plans to other floor plans for bathrooms to see where there were problems and what things I could change. I wanted to change the scale of this room too so I made sure to keep that in mind as I measure and drew my floor plan.