Author Archives: Jordan

Habitat for Humanity

A few weeks ago I spent 3 days working with Habitat for Humanity in Portland helping to build a set of homes. I spent my time working side by side with some of the people who are going to move into those particular homes. It was a great and rewarding experience to know that my hard work, sunburn and blisters are helping to give a family a better place to live that they can afford. We spent most of our time constructing the exterior second floor walls. This opportunity gave me time to reflect on what the walls of a home really mean to someone. How are these walls going to help them be in a better place in their life? Throughout this project I find myself constantly asking myself what does having a home mean. And how does it affect us as people to not have one? I have spent my whole project so far looking into the lives of people who don’t have homes and it was a nice change to actually feel like my work was doing some good.

The duplex that I spent most of my time working on


Future homeowner working on a neighbors house.


Raising the walls

Me at the end of my three days of work.

For more Habitat for Humanity information please  go to their website at

Habitat is an organization who is trying to fight the global housing crisis. They believe in Decent, stable housing provides more than just a roof over someone’s head, it is…

  • Stability for families and children.
  • Sense of dignity and pride.
  • Health, physical safety and security.
  • Increase of educational and job prospects.

The transformational ability of good housing

  • Clean, warm housing is essential for prevention and care of diseases of poverty like HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, diarrhea, and malaria.5
  • Children under 5 in Malawi living in Habitat for Humanity houses have 44 percent less malaria, respiratory or gastrointestinal diseases compared to children living in traditional houses.

Housing must become a priority

  • The percentage of people without access to decent, stable housing is rising.
  • Increasing the housing supply across the globe is essential.
  • Adequate housing is vitally important to the health of the world’s economies, communities and populations.
  • If we are to succeed in the fight against poverty, we must support the expansion of housing both as policy and as practice.

Habitat for Humanity

A few weeks ago I spent 3 days working with Habitat for Humanity in Portland helping to build a set of homes. I spent my time working side by side with some of the people who are going to move into those particular homes. It was a great and rewarding experience to know that my hard work, sunburn and blisters are helping to give a family a better place to live that they can afford. We spent most of our time constructing the exterior second floor walls. This opportunity gave me time to reflect on what the walls of a home really mean to someone. How are these walls going to help them be in a better place in their life? Throughout this project I find myself constantly asking myself what does having a home mean. And how does it affect us as people to not have one? I have spent my whole project so far looking into the lives of people who don’t have homes and it was a nice change to actually feel like my work was doing some good.

The duplex that I spent most of my time working on


Future homeowner working on a neighbors house.


Raising the walls

Me at the end of my three days of work.

For more Habitat for Humanity information please  go to their website at

Habitat is an organization who is trying to fight the global housing crisis. They believe in Decent, stable housing provides more than just a roof over someone’s head, it is…

  • Stability for families and children.
  • Sense of dignity and pride.
  • Health, physical safety and security.
  • Increase of educational and job prospects.

The transformational ability of good housing

  • Clean, warm housing is essential for prevention and care of diseases of poverty like HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, diarrhea, and malaria.5
  • Children under 5 in Malawi living in Habitat for Humanity houses have 44 percent less malaria, respiratory or gastrointestinal diseases compared to children living in traditional houses.

Housing must become a priority

  • The percentage of people without access to decent, stable housing is rising.
  • Increasing the housing supply across the globe is essential.
  • Adequate housing is vitally important to the health of the world’s economies, communities and populations.
  • If we are to succeed in the fight against poverty, we must support the expansion of housing both as policy and as practice.

Habitat for Humanity

A few weeks ago I spent 3 days working with Habitat for Humanity in Portland helping to build a set of homes. I spent my time working side by side with some of the people who are going to move into those particular homes. It was a great and rewarding experience to know that my hard work, sunburn and blisters are helping to give a family a better place to live that they can afford. We spent most of our time constructing the exterior second floor walls. This opportunity gave me time to reflect on what the walls of a home really mean to someone. How are these walls going to help them be in a better place in their life? Throughout this project I find myself constantly asking myself what does having a home mean. And how does it affect us as people to not have one? I have spent my whole project so far looking into the lives of people who don’t have homes and it was a nice change to actually feel like my work was doing some good.

The duplex that I spent most of my time working on


Future homeowner working on a neighbors house.


Raising the walls

Me at the end of my three days of work.

For more Habitat for Humanity information please  go to their website at

Habitat is an organization who is trying to fight the global housing crisis. They believe in Decent, stable housing provides more than just a roof over someone’s head, it is…

  • Stability for families and children.
  • Sense of dignity and pride.
  • Health, physical safety and security.
  • Increase of educational and job prospects.

The transformational ability of good housing

  • Clean, warm housing is essential for prevention and care of diseases of poverty like HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, diarrhea, and malaria.5
  • Children under 5 in Malawi living in Habitat for Humanity houses have 44 percent less malaria, respiratory or gastrointestinal diseases compared to children living in traditional houses.

Housing must become a priority

  • The percentage of people without access to decent, stable housing is rising.
  • Increasing the housing supply across the globe is essential.
  • Adequate housing is vitally important to the health of the world’s economies, communities and populations.
  • If we are to succeed in the fight against poverty, we must support the expansion of housing both as policy and as practice.

Habitat for Humanity

A few weeks ago I spent 3 days working with Habitat for Humanity in Portland helping to build a set of homes. I spent my time working side by side with some of the people who are going to move into those particular homes. It was a great and rewarding experience to know that my hard work, sunburn and blisters are helping to give a family a better place to live that they can afford. We spent most of our time constructing the exterior second floor walls. This opportunity gave me time to reflect on what the walls of a home really mean to someone. How are these walls going to help them be in a better place in their life? Throughout this project I find myself constantly asking myself what does having a home mean. And how does it affect us as people to not have one? I have spent my whole project so far looking into the lives of people who don’t have homes and it was a nice change to actually feel like my work was doing some good.

The duplex that I spent most of my time working on


Future homeowner working on a neighbors house.


Raising the walls

Me at the end of my three days of work.

For more Habitat for Humanity information please  go to their website at

Habitat is an organization who is trying to fight the global housing crisis. They believe in Decent, stable housing provides more than just a roof over someone’s head, it is…

  • Stability for families and children.
  • Sense of dignity and pride.
  • Health, physical safety and security.
  • Increase of educational and job prospects.

The transformational ability of good housing

  • Clean, warm housing is essential for prevention and care of diseases of poverty like HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, diarrhea, and malaria.5
  • Children under 5 in Malawi living in Habitat for Humanity houses have 44 percent less malaria, respiratory or gastrointestinal diseases compared to children living in traditional houses.

Housing must become a priority

  • The percentage of people without access to decent, stable housing is rising.
  • Increasing the housing supply across the globe is essential.
  • Adequate housing is vitally important to the health of the world’s economies, communities and populations.
  • If we are to succeed in the fight against poverty, we must support the expansion of housing both as policy and as practice.

Habitat for Humanity

A few weeks ago I spent 3 days working with Habitat for Humanity in Portland helping to build a set of homes. I spent my time working side by side with some of the people who are going to move into those particular homes. It was a great and rewarding experience to know that my hard work, sunburn and blisters are helping to give a family a better place to live that they can afford. We spent most of our time constructing the exterior second floor walls. This opportunity gave me time to reflect on what the walls of a home really mean to someone. How are these walls going to help them be in a better place in their life? Throughout this project I find myself constantly asking myself what does having a home mean. And how does it affect us as people to not have one? I have spent my whole project so far looking into the lives of people who don’t have homes and it was a nice change to actually feel like my work was doing some good.

The duplex that I spent most of my time working on


Future homeowner working on a neighbors house.


Raising the walls

Me at the end of my three days of work.

For more Habitat for Humanity information please  go to their website at

Habitat is an organization who is trying to fight the global housing crisis. They believe in Decent, stable housing provides more than just a roof over someone’s head, it is…

  • Stability for families and children.
  • Sense of dignity and pride.
  • Health, physical safety and security.
  • Increase of educational and job prospects.

The transformational ability of good housing

  • Clean, warm housing is essential for prevention and care of diseases of poverty like HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, diarrhea, and malaria.5
  • Children under 5 in Malawi living in Habitat for Humanity houses have 44 percent less malaria, respiratory or gastrointestinal diseases compared to children living in traditional houses.

Housing must become a priority

  • The percentage of people without access to decent, stable housing is rising.
  • Increasing the housing supply across the globe is essential.
  • Adequate housing is vitally important to the health of the world’s economies, communities and populations.
  • If we are to succeed in the fight against poverty, we must support the expansion of housing both as policy and as practice.

Habitat for Humanity

A few weeks ago I spent 3 days working with Habitat for Humanity in Portland helping to build a set of homes. I spent my time working side by side with some of the people who are going to move into those particular homes. It was a great and rewarding experience to know that my hard work, sunburn and blisters are helping to give a family a better place to live that they can afford. We spent most of our time constructing the exterior second floor walls. This opportunity gave me time to reflect on what the walls of a home really mean to someone. How are these walls going to help them be in a better place in their life? Throughout this project I find myself constantly asking myself what does having a home mean. And how does it affect us as people to not have one? I have spent my whole project so far looking into the lives of people who don’t have homes and it was a nice change to actually feel like my work was doing some good.

The duplex that I spent most of my time working on


Future homeowner working on a neighbors house.


Raising the walls

Me at the end of my three days of work.

For more Habitat for Humanity information please  go to their website at

Habitat is an organization who is trying to fight the global housing crisis. They believe in Decent, stable housing provides more than just a roof over someone’s head, it is…

  • Stability for families and children.
  • Sense of dignity and pride.
  • Health, physical safety and security.
  • Increase of educational and job prospects.

The transformational ability of good housing

  • Clean, warm housing is essential for prevention and care of diseases of poverty like HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, diarrhea, and malaria.5
  • Children under 5 in Malawi living in Habitat for Humanity houses have 44 percent less malaria, respiratory or gastrointestinal diseases compared to children living in traditional houses.

Housing must become a priority

  • The percentage of people without access to decent, stable housing is rising.
  • Increasing the housing supply across the globe is essential.
  • Adequate housing is vitally important to the health of the world’s economies, communities and populations.
  • If we are to succeed in the fight against poverty, we must support the expansion of housing both as policy and as practice.

Does there have to be suffering?

So the past few weeks have been busy, I have been trying to reflect on what it really means to be homeless. When I started out this project I just wanted to do some community service and take some nice pictures, but it became so much more. I realized that being homeless doesn’t just mean you don’t have a place to call home or a bed to sleep in; it affects and is your life. I also learned that there isn’t only one type of homeless, everybody situation is unique and everyone is homeless for different reasons. Throughout this project so far, the one thing that has really stuck with me is the idea of treating the reason why people are homeless and not just treating the homeless. I’ve met a lot of wonderful people so far, many of them homeless and they have all had a lot to say about the resources that are there for them. Many raved about how wonderful they all are and how they don’t know where they would be without them. then there have been so many people that I have met who don’t even know that resources that try and help get them back on their feet, give them food or a safe place to stay even exist. They have been thinking that they are completely on their own. What good are these places if people don’t know about them? But then that also leads to the problem of once everyone knows then there won’t be enough help to help all of the homeless people. All of this has made me think a lot about awareness and advocacy, because I know that right now I can’t help everyone even if I tried. Take a look around you, what little thing can you do? Something that should go hand in hand with awareness is consideration and being conscious of what’s around you.

Any can be an advocate, you just have to open your eyes to what is around you and make a conscious effort to at least think about things. I understand everyone can’t or won’t do everything to help homeless people, but being aware takes virtually no time and will cost you nothing. Because maybe everyone just being aware isn’t enough, but if more people are aware I feel like there is more of a chance that something or someone will do something about it. Homeless people aren’t going to go away and the reasons why people become homeless aren’t either, why does anybody deserve to suffer or struggle?

Does there have to be suffering?

So the past few weeks have been busy, I have been trying to reflect on what it really means to be homeless. When I started out this project I just wanted to do some community service and take some nice pictures, but it became so much more. I realized that being homeless doesn’t just mean you don’t have a place to call home or a bed to sleep in; it affects and is your life. I also learned that there isn’t only one type of homeless, everybody situation is unique and everyone is homeless for different reasons. Throughout this project so far, the one thing that has really stuck with me is the idea of treating the reason why people are homeless and not just treating the homeless. I’ve met a lot of wonderful people so far, many of them homeless and they have all had a lot to say about the resources that are there for them. Many raved about how wonderful they all are and how they don’t know where they would be without them. then there have been so many people that I have met who don’t even know that resources that try and help get them back on their feet, give them food or a safe place to stay even exist. They have been thinking that they are completely on their own. What good are these places if people don’t know about them? But then that also leads to the problem of once everyone knows then there won’t be enough help to help all of the homeless people. All of this has made me think a lot about awareness and advocacy, because I know that right now I can’t help everyone even if I tried. Take a look around you, what little thing can you do? Something that should go hand in hand with awareness is consideration and being conscious of what’s around you.

Any can be an advocate, you just have to open your eyes to what is around you and make a conscious effort to at least think about things. I understand everyone can’t or won’t do everything to help homeless people, but being aware takes virtually no time and will cost you nothing. Because maybe everyone just being aware isn’t enough, but if more people are aware I feel like there is more of a chance that something or someone will do something about it. Homeless people aren’t going to go away and the reasons why people become homeless aren’t either, why does anybody deserve to suffer or struggle?

Does there have to be suffering?

So the past few weeks have been busy, I have been trying to reflect on what it really means to be homeless. When I started out this project I just wanted to do some community service and take some nice pictures, but it became so much more. I realized that being homeless doesn’t just mean you don’t have a place to call home or a bed to sleep in; it affects and is your life. I also learned that there isn’t only one type of homeless, everybody situation is unique and everyone is homeless for different reasons. Throughout this project so far, the one thing that has really stuck with me is the idea of treating the reason why people are homeless and not just treating the homeless. I’ve met a lot of wonderful people so far, many of them homeless and they have all had a lot to say about the resources that are there for them. Many raved about how wonderful they all are and how they don’t know where they would be without them. then there have been so many people that I have met who don’t even know that resources that try and help get them back on their feet, give them food or a safe place to stay even exist. They have been thinking that they are completely on their own. What good are these places if people don’t know about them? But then that also leads to the problem of once everyone knows then there won’t be enough help to help all of the homeless people. All of this has made me think a lot about awareness and advocacy, because I know that right now I can’t help everyone even if I tried. Take a look around you, what little thing can you do? Something that should go hand in hand with awareness is consideration and being conscious of what’s around you.

Any can be an advocate, you just have to open your eyes to what is around you and make a conscious effort to at least think about things. I understand everyone can’t or won’t do everything to help homeless people, but being aware takes virtually no time and will cost you nothing. Because maybe everyone just being aware isn’t enough, but if more people are aware I feel like there is more of a chance that something or someone will do something about it. Homeless people aren’t going to go away and the reasons why people become homeless aren’t either, why does anybody deserve to suffer or struggle?

Does there have to be suffering?

So the past few weeks have been busy, I have been trying to reflect on what it really means to be homeless. When I started out this project I just wanted to do some community service and take some nice pictures, but it became so much more. I realized that being homeless doesn’t just mean you don’t have a place to call home or a bed to sleep in; it affects and is your life. I also learned that there isn’t only one type of homeless, everybody situation is unique and everyone is homeless for different reasons. Throughout this project so far, the one thing that has really stuck with me is the idea of treating the reason why people are homeless and not just treating the homeless. I’ve met a lot of wonderful people so far, many of them homeless and they have all had a lot to say about the resources that are there for them. Many raved about how wonderful they all are and how they don’t know where they would be without them. then there have been so many people that I have met who don’t even know that resources that try and help get them back on their feet, give them food or a safe place to stay even exist. They have been thinking that they are completely on their own. What good are these places if people don’t know about them? But then that also leads to the problem of once everyone knows then there won’t be enough help to help all of the homeless people. All of this has made me think a lot about awareness and advocacy, because I know that right now I can’t help everyone even if I tried. Take a look around you, what little thing can you do? Something that should go hand in hand with awareness is consideration and being conscious of what’s around you.

Any can be an advocate, you just have to open your eyes to what is around you and make a conscious effort to at least think about things. I understand everyone can’t or won’t do everything to help homeless people, but being aware takes virtually no time and will cost you nothing. Because maybe everyone just being aware isn’t enough, but if more people are aware I feel like there is more of a chance that something or someone will do something about it. Homeless people aren’t going to go away and the reasons why people become homeless aren’t either, why does anybody deserve to suffer or struggle?