Tag Archives: Designs

Week 5 Design

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Home- LEED Following up after a week about Sustainable living inside a Tiny home, I was stuck rethinking the sustainable concepts, ideas or the thought of sustainable living in general. simple understanding of sustainability is everything that we need for our existence and well-being depends, either directly or indirectly, [...]

Week 2 Design

For this week’s design I have followed up on including feedback from critique of the previous week into the design/ animation shown. “A house isn’t just a stand alone structure, it needs furniture” said during the critique, from that I began to include the life and elements that you live with, within it. The shape was inspired [...]

Week 4 Design

Tiny House This week’s design came to me through my friend Christopher Thomas and his Evergreen State College Club for an internship that he is involved with. A little bit about the internship: It is located in the North West National forest that has two reservations one for the Hoh Tribe in La Push Washington [...]

Week 3 Design

SHED This week was a bit different, I made request to design a shed in the back of my home to my landlord. She explained to me that the existing shed behind the house has to be tore down, and she would still like to have something to be in the back of the home, [...]

Week One Design :)

Starting off of the programs project, on the first Tuesday meeting the class discussed each others projects and received feedback and or ideas that can further the project. On Tuesday of week to we had our first critique of the quarter, and I think went by smooth for everyone including myself. For week one’s design I [...]