Chapter 10: The Watershed of WWII
In WWII America needed asians to help defend their country. (Those who did decide to help defend America- is that when they decide or became Asian-American?) If Asians did agree to do so, then the US somehow had to “repay” these races. Though Asians were given a “part” in society or accepted (as US citizens &able to lease land) they were still treated unequally. But Filipinos were also stating that they were not Japanese with buttons before the war was over to prevent any confusion.
During this time Japanese students had also been disappearing from school to be sent to internment camps. Not only those in school, but almost all Japanese on the mainland (CA, OR, WA) were sent to these camps. Their land was sold at cheap prices and were treated cruelly. But the Japnanese in HI remaind locals and were not shipped to the mainland since it was too much ship space and costs. In Feb. 6 1943 Nisei were questioned to either 1) enable camp authorities to process individual internees for work furlough as well as resettlement outise of restricted zones or 2) register them for the draft. Nisei, however, that volunteered were seen as “heroic,” even though they did gain a little bit of acceptance, they were still returned to the camps.
In 1940 Alien Registration Act classified Koreans as subjects of Japanese and were “alien enemies.” But in LA about 109 Koreans joined the National Guard ranging from ages 18 to 65 and then gained greater acceptance that way. Koreans also had buttons saying that they were Korean and not Japanese. Koreans, since they were annexed by Japan, were hoping that the US would take Japan down and were eager to help with the war.
In March 1944 legislature considered a bill to have a quota for immigrants from India and naturalization rights for Asian-Indians. 1772 Asian-Indians became US citizens between the eyars of 1947 & 1965. Day after Pearl Harbor bombing China & US become allies. Then US begins to portray Chinee as “saintly”
Chapter 11: Strangers at the Gate Again
In 1941 Pres. Roosevelt outlawed racial discrimination in defense-industry employment and created the Fir Employment Practices Commissions. 6 months later Truman establishes a committee on Civil Rights- courts advanced the civil rights for racial minorities. 407-420 Asians are becomming a part of America. Many more Asians start immigration to the US (2nd wave). These 2nd wave of Asians were into high technology, service ceonom instead of agriculture. During 1960 many Chinese come to US for a higher education. Women had to work as seamstresses at this time and exploited them: thus Chinatown became a big hit for textiles. Many immigrants come to US to either settle & excape the struggles- they are still making low wages, but better than their own homelands. Many Filipinos and Koreans were mostly self-employed. Second wave Indian-Asians had a low percentage in empolyed in services where as they had a high percentage employed as managers and professionals like physicians, engingeers, scientists, professionals in law etc. War was going on in Vietnam many people tried to sail over to US to escape. However, about 41% of the Vietnam populations were soujourners and wanted to return to their homeland someday. Pg. 456 “Don’t have to go home to be home” Vietnamese women all of a sudden were able to have jobs, in Vietnam they couldn’t.
Laos refugee’s also found it difficult to adjust to the American culture. They lived in the jungle, but American culture was like a technilogical jungle (461). Laos wanted to return back home because no matter how long thy stay in american they will still always be asian, never american (461). Hmon and Mien had a hard time being employed.
Cambodians also fleed to America by the threat of death. Most of them were farm folk with some who were educated. Many Cambodians suffered from PTSD (470). Refugees are the “homeless.”
Chapter 12: Breaking Silence
(473) Asians are defended by the government by laws and are slowly being accepted, but still not as equal as whites. Thus they began to exercise their political voices. Though they were slowly getting the same rights as Whites, they still weren’t getting the same opportunities. They had this “glass ceiling” where their oportunity was “seen” but never able to be accomplished. Asians were seen as technicians, not administrators. Asians had a cap on their labor position. As this happens, where asians are more successful in school and are very smart, this is where the new asian stereotype is born as being very “successful.” Because Asians were very successful in the school place therey were antagonized and bullied (479). On page (482) Chin gets killed, Chinese outraged on hate crimes &blame educational system on not teaching the struggles they have gone through to make America what it is. This is the first time &one incident where all the Asians stand together, united. (484). Slowly, here many First wave and 2nd wave asian immigrants come out about their struggles and break the silence of the past.
Chapter 13: One-Tenth of the Nation
Now in current day many Asian-Americans fill classrooms and communities in America.Blacks and Koreans saw each other on an enemy scope becasue of stereotypes on how each others race. (494). (500) balots for no more discrimination between sex, gender, ethnicity/color. There are no Asians in Asia, just national identities. Many cross-ethnic marriages.(504) interracial children are redifining a “race.” Asians trasnform America as America transforms Asians.