Author Archives: sachi

– API News “Kim Jong-Il’s Birthday”

On February 16th 2014, this was the 72nd birthday of Kim Jong-Il.

Before I talk about him, I have a question. Since I came to America, I found that people here say “Korea” putting together North Korea and South Korea. They might say it without any care, but it is really strange for me with their current situation. This is because there are big differences between North Korea and South Korea, and they have big problems between them. I’m curious how much they know about North and South Korea.

Kim Jong-Il was the Supreme Leader of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, commonly referred to as North Korea, from 1994 to 2011. After he died on 17 December 2011, his son; Kim John-Un succeeded to his father. He has kept standing giant statues of his father Kim Jong-II and his grandfather Kim-Il Sung as soldiers saluted them. Some people say these statues are his power structures. However, in fact, the lives of people in North Korea are shrouded in themselves. Since Korea’s war from 1950 to 1953, Korea split in two and some people’s families were torn apart. Because of the war, there is now a tense atmosphere between the South and North. Every time when there were nuclear tests in North Korea, these tense atmosphere was also around Asian countries such as Japan and China. I want everyone to know there are different countries between North Korea and South Korea, even they used to be the same country and called “Korea.” So, if you don’t know the difference between them and you say “Korea” putting both of them together, I suggest you to know about them and recommend saying “North Korea” and “South Korea.” This is because sometimes we make Korean mad with thinking South Korean and North Korean are the same country.

– Kato Chap 3

Who: Jimi Hendrix

What: “The Star-Spangled Banner”

When: Vietnam War

Where: Woodstock

Why: In 1969, Jimi Hendrix song “The Star-Spangled Banner” at Woodstock. Usually, people say the singers who sing the national anthem are very patriotic. In this book, the author also said “With the use of pure sound as a sole medium of expression, Hendrix is able to represent the testimonial voice of the historical contradiction in their rawest form as the “other” of patriotism.” (Kato, p84) However, in my opinion, we can take two reasons why he song this in Woodstock. I mean the truth might be mystery because we don’t know this action was only from his patriotism or not.

Click here to view the embedded video.


“Through the cracks opened up in the sonic statue of liberty, we hear the wail, cry, and scream of those souls that have been killed, raped, exploited, and bombed by “America,” interspersed between the shrieking sounds medium of expression and violence.” (Kato, p84)

So, it was easy that people in Woodstock must have associated his national anthem with Vietnam War. It was sure that he song against the war. However, is it sure that he song this only because he wanted to be peace in America? I wonder whether we can also think about this was because he might mad at America having the war or not.

– Film review “The Black Kungfu Experience”

Through the movie“The Black Kungfu Experience,” I was impressed because I didn’t know that some black people are interested in Kung Fu and that they not only have interests, but also excellent skills. At the same time, I learned one of the reasons why they started to have interests in Kung Fu was caused by their negative experiences of discrimination. I suggested this because they tried to have something fun in their life. They found Kung Fu and they were drawn into it. A reason this might be because Kung Fu was from a different culture, so they found common ground between kung Fu and themselves. There might be some connection between them.

african kungfuI especially like Oso Tayari Casel. He mixed Kung Fu and African culture, creating a new culture in America. I think his thought of Kung Fu is more creative than that just only Kung Fu being Americanized. Through the discussion about “Pop-ositions” on Tuesday, I found popular culture was caused by globalization. By Oso Tayari Casel, African culture and Asian culture were brought to America, and then they became a new culture in America.

I assumed that new culture gave better understanding around the world because they put two different things together and they became familiar around all around.

– My obsession “FOOD”

Today, as my obsession; food, I’d like to talk about the difference of manner between Japan and America when people have noodles like a ramen. In America, making noisy with having meals have been rude before ramen came here. This is because the noise made other people uncomfortable. So, it is usual for Americans to have ramen without making noise. On the other hand, Japanese don’t care the noise from other people. This is because Japanese people think about that it is natural to make noise having some meals. So, for me, it is really strange beaver that people have noodles without noise. I can’t eat noodles without noise actually. I want you to check this movie, and you can understand more the reason why Japanese people make noisy.

Click here to view the embedded video.


I asked some friends in America that they think making noise having noodles would be rude or not. The answer was fifty-fifty. Through this question, I found that today there are mixing with a lot of different kinds of cultures in America, so some people already get use to these difference. I’m interested in that someday there might be usually manner which is from Asia.

– “Pop-osition” from Kato

In my group, we concluded the pop-osition from Kato that “the Kung Fu cultural revolution ignited transnational resistance against Japanese cultural imperialism.”

Before I read this book, I didn’t care the difference between Kung Fu and karate. However, reading this passage; “The base of tou-di was formed through the cultural exchange between China and Okinawa, since they entered a tributary relationship in the fourteenth century” (Kato, p20), I knew that karate was from Kung Fu originally. Although now they are recognized as different kinds, they used to be from the same. I suppose that because of globalization, Kung Fu became to know as karate in Japan and then they became one of popular cultures in the world. So, in my opinion, the relationship between globalization and popular culture is ordinary relationship. In this book, the author said that there was resistance between Japan and China as karate became popular in China. Because of globalization, popular culture would exist all over the world. It’s sad that popular cultures from globalization like Kung Fu and karate won’t always bring happiness, but I’m sure that these popular cultures’ problem are be able to resolve with researching their connections and backgrounds.


I’m a little bit worried to talk about this topic, because this news was related with politics so I’m not sure I can post exactly what I want to say. However, I’m interested how you think about this news, so I decided to share this news.

I want you to check this page and watch the movie on the top of the page.

Japanese Prime Minister; Abe went to Yasukuni Shrine which is dedicated to the spirits of dead by wars and also soldiers. It has been seven years since Japanese Prime Minister last came there. Every time the person who were related with government went there, Chinese and Korean criticized them because our history background. In this time, he might have expected that he would get criticisms from these countries. However, it was surprising that the American government also said that this Japanese act was disappointed on the website (

I think that criticizing by Chinese and Korea is one of the problem in Japan and we should talk more and have good relationships between them, but I know it is difficult to do because we have different thoughts from history. So, it would be everyday occurrence what Chinese and Korea said something against Japanese. However, this problem is not only around Asian but also around world American caused commenting about this news in America. From American view, problems between Asian countries like this looked like small matters. However, recently most of countries became international and have relationships all over the world. Today, we can’t live with closing countries. I don’t want you to think that this problem is not your business.

-Dave Chap 15 and Music Video



Reading this chapter and watching the music videos, I was surprised because they sang about themselves. As an example, in “Sci-Fi Wasabi,” she sang “I’m Miho Hatori….” I don’t know about Hip Pop well, but I don’t think they’re made only for money. Listening to their songs, I deeply understood what they wanted to tell us. I suppose the reason why, even when they are singing about themselves directly, they can became popular is that they are in America. In Japan, most of them are the same race and they don’t like to be highlighted. Japanese don’t often tell their opinions in front of people. So, I really like this American culture which people can say anything without caring, and I am glad that Asians also can tell their feelings through this culture.

In addition, I was actually excited to discuss about the meaning of “kawaii.” I couldn’t say anything in the class, but since I came here, I found that “kawaii” became like one of English words. This is because “kawaii” in English doesn’t have the meaning “kawaii” in Japanese. I felt the same strangeness as in this chapter, “the Japanese term kawaii translates as “cute” and is used to describe a gendered aesthetic style that melds the image of the underaged, sometimes coyly innocent nymphet with the pleasures of consumer capitalism.” (Dave, p295) Sometimes I heard “kawaii” from some people, but I couldn’t agree with them because the meaning of “kawaii” is changed from Japanese language. So, I considered about what “kawaii” means exactly. Then, I found that Japanese “kawaii” has many meanings. For example, in Japanese fashion on clothes, there are plenty of kinds. So, depending on the fashions, it is different that people say “kawaii.” In my opinion, “kawaii” in English is only used in anime, so people misunderstand the word is only for them. I want people who don’t know the meaning exactly to know that “kawaii” is not only for anime, and also it depends on the tastes.



I researched “kawaii” on Google image.





And also I did “可愛い(kawaii in Japanese) ” on the same way.



Which one is your image closer against “kawaii?” For me, the image of Japanese kawaii is similar of my image. There are people, babies, animals, and no characters. I hope my posts will make more clear what “kawaii” means.

– My obsession “FOOD”

These days, American restaurants and cafes such as McDonalds, Denny’s, Wendy’s, Starbucks, and so on have came to Japan. Even though their names are the same in America and Japan, the menus are totally different because of different tastes between Americans and Japaneses. They are changed as American Japanese restaurants. I wonder if there are some Japanese chain restaurants in America. Today, I’ll talk about Yoshinoya which is one of Japanese chain restaurants coming to America, and I’ll compare with the menus between Japan and America.


Yoshinoya is one of Japanese beef bowl restaurants. Beef bowls are made of a bowl of rice topped with beef and simmered onion. In Japan, this beef bowl chain operates 1,190 outlets in Japan. And they are really famous especially among young people, because it is easy and cheap to have. Since 1979, Yoshinoya came and expanded in America. Now we have 102 restaurants in America. In their American website, they said “Welcome to the Yoshinoya Companies website, where the authentic Japanese restaurant meets the American culture.”

I think this expression is really interesting, because they say “authentic” and also “American culture.” Let’s check their menu of bowls and compare them between Japanese and American.

beef bowl

American bowls menus: Beef Bowl, Teriyaki Chicken Bowl, Combo Bowl, Vegetable Bowl, Yaki Udon Bowl (Chicken and Beef)


Japanese bowls menus: Beef Bowl, Beef Bowl with green onion and raw egg, Pork Bowl, Kalbi Bowl

-Yoshinoya in American

-Yoshinoya in Japanese

As we know through menus, even the menus with only bowls, they are totally different. I doubt that in Japan they have Teriyaki on the menu as Japanese restaurants in America do. This would make people in America think that Japanese people have Teriyaki every day. Is this Japanese American food culture?

-Dave Chapter 13 and Film review “The Wedding Banquet”

This chapter made me complicated, because I could not say I knew about Asians really well, after I checked “alllooksome” and watch this movie.

Click here to view the embedded video.

How do you think about this movie? Do you already know where they are from? I could say correct answers for all of them. So, after I watched it, this movie made me angry. This is because people mixed about Asians completely. In my opinion, these people were famous all over the world because I heard their name in news, on TV, and so on in Japan. I noticed there were some people who knew well only by Asian areas. However after that, I took the test which I had to answer where people were for the pictures, and I was surprised how difficult to know their roots even I’m an Asian. I just figured 8 people out of 18 people. So, until now, I’ve got angry when somebody talked to me in some Asian languages except Japanese, but I won’t be able to do because I also can’t distinguish Asians exactly. In addition, before I watched this film; “The Wedding Banquet,” I had never known how wonderful the Chinese wedding was. Every time when I got new knowledge about Asian culture, I was glad to know it. But, at the same time, I was embarrassed because I also noticed that I just know about very few Asian culture. This chapter and today’s movie reminded me that I needed to know more about Asian culture.

-Dave Chap 10

In chapter 10 in Dave’s book, I had the question how to choose the queens. And, I checked the Nisei Week web site, and found this movie which was the last year’s festival.

Click here to view the embedded video.

As we could know from this movie, they had to introduce themselves as one of the basis for the judgment. I noticed all of candidates in this festival must have had great courage, because to introduce themselves would mean that they became to know their backgrounds. As this book told us, “They were a perfect form of popular culture through which to see larger struggles over race, gender, and nation.” (Dave, p205) I suppose that they accepted this fact already before running for the queen. And, this festival would be great opportunity for them to know about themselves.

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