The other day, I talked about Japanese sushi culture. So, I researched about American sushi to know how different they are. As most people know, in Japan there aren’t the rolls like California rolls, Spicy Tuna rolls, and so on.
I wondered the reason why these rolls like California rolls became famous in America, and I found one of the answers. Interestingly, the seaweeds have the reason. Before Japanese foods were popular in America, most Americans had never had seaweeds. So, they tasted strange when they had seaweeds first time. However, Japanese chef who wanted to keep Japanese food culture thought and tried to make sushi with seaweeds. And, he made California rolls which was made by outside rice and inside seaweeds. In this case, people who had the rolls didn’t taste seaweeds directly.
Before I knew this fact, I was sometimes mad at people who think main sushi menu was California rolls, because they weren’t austenitic Japanese foods. However, now I change my mind, and I think it is okay that there is new food cultures as an Asian American culture to protect Japanese foods culture.