Author Archives: Alec

47 Ronin: A Modern Hollywood Version

Keanu Reeves stars in this modern adaption of the classic tale of the 47 Ronin. Coming from Japan, the original story shows the importance of honor and way of the samurai(Bushido). After seeing the film today, there are some definite not-so-positive changes that occurred from the story to the big screen. One of the biggest changes was adding witchcraft, magical beasts and super powers. While it is understandable that being a Hollywood film, one would expect not the most accurate representation of classic tales.

However in this case it seemed overboard especially in the intro and ending where they specifically mention the mystery and charm of traditional Japan, then BOOM magic dragons and super sonic sword strikes. The katana was used like a Dragon Ball Z fight and the only similarity between the original story and Keanu Reeves’ version was that the 47 ronin all die at the end via seppuku after their master is killed.They filled the rest of the two hours of film with unnecessary fluff.

Even the film as a “typical Hollywood movie” turned out to be lacking in performance of the actors and the directors movement choice. There were several awkward scenes that just didn’t need to be there, making necessary tension to never be followed up. I can’t deny that there were some pretty cool fight scenes in the movie but the number of bad far outnumber the good.