Category Archives: scissors

Notes and stuff

Everything I’ve written is simple yet cool. I be writing schedule details, stuff about the Jigsaw, chapters, 47 Ronin. I also when I’m a little distracted in my own world, I was drawing in big bubble letters character names from one of my favorite games. Gears of War 3, but yea also Run Run Shaw, I wrote his name so I could later look him up to see what great accomplishments he fulfilled and living to be 109 years old. That’s something. I also be writing lyrics to possible songs that I want to do or maybe featured on by one of my friends. Hope everyone enjoyed their day off and hope to see all of you tomorrow. Peace.

TAKAKI ch. 3&6 THEN 4&5

Chapters 3&6

      -1790 Federal Law: only whites could be citizens:
      -White guys accused of murder found guilty BUT witnesses were Chinese and do NOT count at citizens so defendant is not guilty.
      -Chinese were mostly in railroads, mining, or laundry mats.
      -Whites did not work as “hard” as Chinese but got paid more, when whites
      -Riot, Chinese took their place (causing more trouble)
      -Chinese were “model workers” but still got paid less.
      -Because white workers are easily dispensable and Chinese took their work: ANTI-Chinese poems are made (ie pg. 103)
      -In 1850′s China towns begin to form.
      -PAPER SONS: there was a big fire/earthquake so all paper work of who is really a US citizen is lost. Chinese began to do all they could (even if it means lying) to become citizens. IE: man says he has 6 bros and sis, but he really brings anybody he wants over. HOWEVER, extreme interrogating happens IE: how many steps in your house do you have? Which position do you sleep in?
      -Women: become or tricked into prostitution to pay off their debt of being brought over to US.

Chapters 4&5

      -Japanese children become educated and then learn about Gettysburg Address, Declaration of Independence, etc. So they learn in theory what is supposed to be happening to workers (their parents) but do not see it in reality. BACKFIRE: children learn about the country but are not living it.
      Compromise language Pidgen: combo of english and other languages to compensate for language barriers.
      -Women and Men turn to opium and alcohol to escape their reality of slavery in the sugar cane fields in Hawaii.
      -Asians and Hawaiian’s begin to have babies together and their children do NOT choose one certain race, they are “locals.”
      -Picture brides: women would be married to men in pictures, but would end up being a lot older than they really are.
      -People kept track of who ran away, (ie woman runs away from husband and HE is fined for her like she’s his property).

Agency/Radical Parasites

Two Models For Talking About Agency

Agency – I’m thinking about the role of agency in migration and diaspora. How much choice is there in the face of dire poverty and hunger? As the effects of global capitalism settle into billions of bodies, is there really a choice to leave?
Other things to consider: How capitalism displaces, drives currents [circuits] of bodies, the role of agency in transnational and transracial adoption.  

Radical parasites – When women use (parasite) men to leave poverty. For example, Ling in The Beautiful Country. She is forced to do sex work, and ends up marrying a white man with money to escape her situation. One way to think about it is loss of agency (again, how much choice is involved when one is living in extreme poverty?), or it could be viewed as radical parasitism. As in, parasiting off of a white American man’s institutionalized privilege and capital to remove oneself from poverty.

A-POP 01.10.14 class notes

House-Keeping Notes

  • Check email every night and morning
  • Syllabus and Covenant by Monday(maybe later)
  • Absence includes…
  • Chromebooks for Thursday
  • Burning Chrome (William Gibson) – Cyberpunk Short Story
  • Consensual Hallucination
  • Familiarize w/ Evergreen Library system
  • Hello Kitty (next Thursday afternoon)
  • Blog Workshop #2 next Thursday

Tuesday’s Film: The Beautiful Country

Thursday’s Film: Shaolin Ulysses


Questions for blog workshop

Is there any way to have the blog feed appear on different pages!??

Or alternatively, is there any way to bring up a collection of posts(potentially with the same tags) via another page.

Under the bookmark section, is there a way to link to a certain group of tagged items?

Class notes 1/14/14


  • Reason for Pilipina/o: There is no “F” in the (tagalog) language. The later generations used this to honor the previous ones who weren’t allowed to say this.
  • Pop culture obsession. What is it? Why is it your obsession? How does it connect to Asian/American history, culture, issues, and themes. (Rock posts on the blog)
    • Cosplay In/Equality
    • Where did it come from?
    • How has it developed over the years?
    • What other issues have developed in the community?
    • What interesting aspects have spawned from the community?
    • Site your resources.
    • Post things on blog
      • Cosplay Documentaries
      • Cosplay is not consent
      • Posting music?
      • Heroes of Cosplay
      • Comment on another’s blog.
      • Finish Hello Kitei by Thursday morning

Strangers from a Different Shore Interpretations

  • We fear that which we do not understand.
  • Xenophobia
  • Strangers: someone who is feared for not being known.
  • Asian Americans turned into “Aliens”
  • Asians in Asia. A title put upon them by others. We do not usually go around calling people Americans.
  • Perhaps it is because of history that many “Asian” countries do not happily welcome Americans.
  • Angel Island = The West coast Ellis Island. (Random thought: Wasn’t that a stage in Sonic?)
  • “Asians in Asia”, a myth in some ways. People focus more on their personal Identity.



At what point do Asians become Asian Americans?

  • Raising Cane/Cain
  • Travelers to Gold Mountain

Work to interpret the title. It’s important.