Tag Archives: Art

Does Your Man Suffer From Yellow Fever? (By Donna Choi)

An interview with the artist is up on Bitch Magazine

1) He is obsessed with authenticity
2)But nothing too authentic
3) He is disappointed that you were born in Texas
4) But he will forgive you because now he is the expert on your culture
5) He relates to you through food
6) And through other Asian people
7) Most importantly he doesn’t see race
8) In fact he is the most post-racial person he knows

Movie impressions: The Debut

Its tough being an artist.

Some people are lucky enough to make a living expressing themselves through art. Most of us however, are less fortunate; maybe life gets in the way of your art, and like Ben’s father you submit to the expectations of your parents and become a doctor. But that fire still burns inside the artist and every once in a while it boils over and comes out no matter how much you try to suppress it. Ben’s father steps on stage with his old bandmates to sing at his teenage daughters birthday party.

In his book Zen Guitar, Philip Sudo writes; “At bottom, it is the sound of the divine spark within us all… if the sound within you is strong, it will find a way to come out.” Ben is an artist. His is expressed through drawings. But his father, as his father before, wants Ben to become a doctor. Everything is set for Ben; theres a UCLA scholarship (thank God it wasn’t USC–) and a family member’s practice has an internship spot waiting for him. Unlike his father however, Ben sticks with his passion to draw and sells everything to pay for his first quarter at CalArts.

Still though, being an artist is tough.

This friction between Ben and his father is going on for years– after all, the man just wants whats best for his son– right?! This idea is confronted by father and son after the birthday party. Long story short, Ben’s grandfather confronts his son– Ben’s dad– about his hobby with the band. Knowing the pain of suppressing that artistic fire within, Ben’s father accepts the fact Ben is dedicated to following his hobby– his dream– his talent.

The movie ends before Ben enters CalArts. It doesn’t tell us what his father does with his divine spark… does he return to singing with a band? My hope is that he is so inspired by his son’s determination to follow his art, that dad gets the band back together. After all, it is NEVER too late to let it out.

What about the grandfather? What form of expression has he suppressed in his many years? We will never know. We can however, learn from the lesson of “The Debut.” What is the sound within you? Is there a talent you have suppressed? In case you didn’t know, the “critical periods” theory that says if you didn’t learn a language as a child you never can as an adult has been disproved by neuroscientists time and time again. Don’t let anyone tell you its too late. Follow Ben’s example and chase your dreams.

Being an artist is tough.

But few things are equally rewarding~