Tag Archives: michiko & hatchin

don’t wanna know



I was thinking about obsessions that might be fitting for this class, and after looking through a list of anime series that I had been meaning to watch, I decided to try and get through a series called Michiko & Hatchin. I managed to find an English dub as opposed to sub, and though while not nearly as good, it saved me a bit of time since I didn’t find myself needing to watch subtitles for the 22 episodes that the series runs.

Michiko & Hatchin is about a woman named Machiko who starts off the series on the hunt for her mixed-race daughter, Hana. Hana quickly decides that she hates her actual name, and instead decides to go by Hatchin instead. Hence, the name of the show. The series largely revolves around Michiko and Hatchin, on the run from the law for numerous different offenses, while simultaneously on the hunt for Hatchin’s father, who disappeared years prior to the start of the series. Along the way the two learn how to actually love each other as mother and daughter, while avoiding the law and various gangs at every turn. The set up of the series doesn’t leave much room for the antagonists, but the main one for at least the first half of the series is a black woman with very amazing hair, by the name of Atsuko, and she spends the majority of the series trying to arrest Michiko.

The series takes place in Brazil, and is honestly a pretty fantastic watch. It has it’s flaws of course, but I enjoyed every minute of it, and if nothing else it was pretty refreshing compared to some other stereotypes that you might see in series like this.