Bembidion connivens

ObservationsObservations of this species.

Carabidae overview
Key to genera

Bembidion connivens, LeConte 1852

Species with frontal furrows prolonged posteriorly behind the eyes. Prothorax narrow; elytral striae with small, but dense, sharp punctures; elytra spotted; prothorax and elytra red-brown to almost black; forebody with faint metallic reflection. First antennal segment and base of following, as well as entire legs, rufous or yellow-brown; elytra constantly with a rufous or brownish yellow spot.

Found only west of the Rockies, from California to British Columbia.

Natural History:
A hygrophilous species, found on river banks consisting of clay or fine sand distant from water. On TESC campus, found exclusively in a large area of marshy meadow and scotch broom.


Lindroth, C. H. 1961-1969. The ground beetles (Carabidae excl. Cicindelinae) of Canada and Alaska. Parts 1-6. Opuscula Entomologica xlviii + 1192 pp.

Last updated Wednesday, July 19, 2006, by Administrator