Evergreen Natural History Podcasts

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TESC Beach Trail Tour

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12:00 minutes (7.46 MB)

This enhanced podcast by Alison Styring is the first of a series about Evergreen's trails and particular features of interest in Evergreen's ecology.

Organic Farm Trail Tour

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16:44 minutes (9.97 MB)

Alison Styring talks about the trail to Evergreen's Organic Farm, discussing the dominant forest plants, common birds and other animals, and Phellinus weirii [laminated root rot].

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Thatch Ants at Evergreen

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15:40 minutes (11.02 MB)

Jack Longino, one of the field biologists on Evergreen's faculty, talks about Formica obscuripes and the big thatched mounds that colonies of these ants make around campus out of twigs and pine needles. [Evergreen Natural History Podcast #3, April 9, 2008]

Kingfishers and Roughwinged Swallows

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7:23 minutes (4.13 MB)An enhanced podcast which is mostly about kingfishers (and includes great photos). The last section of the podcast discusses how rough-winged swallows use old kingfisher nest tunnels.