Literature Cited

Literature Cited

Abbott, Robert T. 1968. Seashells of North America: A Guide to Field Identification. Golden Press, New York.

Brusca, Richard C. 1980. Common Intertidal Invertebrates of the Gulf of California. Second edition. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.

Emmett, Robert L., Susan A. Hinton, Steven L. Stone, and Mark E. Manaco. 1991. Distribution and Abundance of Fishes and Invertebrates in West Coast EstuariesVolume II: Species Life Summaries. NOAA/NOS Strategic Environmental Assessments Division, Rockville.

Gosner, Kenneth L. 1971. Guide to Identification of Marine and Estuarine Invertebrates; Cape Hatteras to the Bay of Fundy. Wiley-Interscience, New York.

Hamman, Carl S. 1980. Marine Invertebrates: Comparative Physiology. University Press of New England, Hanover.

Harbo, Rick M. 1997. Shells and Shellfish of the Pacific Northwest. Harbor Publishing, Madeira Park.

Hickman, Cleaveland P., Jr., Larry S. Roberts, Allan Larson. 1997. Integrated Principles of Zoology. Wm. C. Brown Publishers, Dubuque.

Keen, A. Myra, and Eugene Coan. Marine Molluscan Genera of Western North America; An Illustrated Key. Second edition. Stanford University Press, Stanford.

Kozloff, Eugene N., and Linda H. Price. 1996. Marine Invertebrates of the Pacific Northwest. University of Washington Press, Seattle.

Kozloff, Eugene N. 1996. Seashore Life of the Northern Pacific Coast. University of Washington Press, Seattle.

MacKenzie, C.L. 1996. History of Oystering in the United States and Canada, Featuring the Eight Greatest Oyster Estuaries. Marine Fisheries Review. No 58 (4):1-65.

McConnaughey, Bayard H. and Evelyn McConnaughey. 1997. Pacific Coast. Alfred A. Knopf, New York.

Mclachlan, Dan H. and Jak Ayres. 1979. Fieldbook of Pacific Northwest Sea Creatures. Naturegraph, Happy Camp.

Milne, David H. 1995. Marine LIfe and the Sea. Wadsworth Publishing Company, Belmont.

Ricketts, Edward F. and Jack Calvin. 1968. Between Pacific Tides. Fourth edition. Stanford University Press, Stanford.

Rudy, Paul and Lynn Rudy. 1983. Oregon Estuarine Invertebrates. U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Charleston.

Ruppert, Edward E. and Robert D. Barnes. 1994. Invertebrate Zoology. Saunders College Publishing, Fortworth.

Smith, Ralph I. and James T. Carlton, editors. 1975. Light's Manual: Intertidal Invertebrates of the Central California Coast. Third edition. University of California Press, Berkeley.

Tortora, Gerard J. and Joseph F. Becker. 1978. Life Science. Second edition. Macmillan Publishing Company, Inc., New York.

Vernberg, F. John and Winona B. Vernberg. 1981. Functional Adaptations of Marine Organisms. Academic Press, New York.

Wilbur, Karl M. and C. M. Yonge. 1964. Physiology of Mollusca Volume I. Academic Press, New York.

Wilbur, Karl M. and C. M. Yonge. 1966. Physiology of Mollusca Volume II. Academic Press, New York.

Yates, Steve. 1988. Marine Wildlife of Puget Sound, the San Juans, and the Strait of Georgia. The Globe Pequot Press, Old Saybrook.

Last updated Tuesday, August 29, 2006, by Lisa Ferrier