Macoma nasuta

ObservationsObservations of this species.

Macoma nasuta (Conrad, 1837)

Common name(s): Bent nose clam

Up to 70mm

Alaska to S. California

Intertidal to 50m. Prefers mud to muddy sand substrates situated in quiet waters and can burrow down to 15cm.

Macoma secta, Macoma inquinata

Life History:
A dioecious species that spawns in early summer. Unlike most bivalves, Macoma nasuta is not a suspension filter feeder but a deposit filter feeder. Its siphons are separated; the inhalant siphon takes up detritus and organic matter directly from the substrate while the exhalant siphon deposits the indigestible particles and sediment elsewhere.

Shore birds, Polinices lewisii, Pisaster_ spp., Cancer productus, Cancer gracilis, Cancer magister.

*"Size" refers to shell length only and only gives the largest average size for the given species.

Last updated Tuesday, August 29, 2006, by Lisa Ferrier