Tapes philippinarum

ObservationsObservations of this species.

Tapes philippinarum (Adams and Reeve, 1850)

Common name(s): Manila clam, Japanese littleneck

Up to 75mm

Northern British Columbia, Canada to California

Intertidal to 10 m. Preferring shelly or gravely mud or sand on low energy, stable beaches

Protothaca staminea

Life History:
An introduced species, accidentally arriving with the commercial importation of Crassostrea gigas and now supplanting the native Protothaca staminea. Maturing when the shell reaches 15 mm this species spawns once per year between May and September when the water temperatures exceed 15o C.

Polinices lewisii, Pisaster_ spp., Cancer spp.

Synonyms: Venerupis philippinarum

*"Size" refers to shell length only and only gives the largest average size for the given species.

Last updated Tuesday, August 29, 2006, by Lisa Ferrier