Vespula vulgaris - test observation 2

Thad Curtz
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Location Information
Evergreen Organic Farm - newly plowed bed.
Plant Community/Eco-niche: 
Here's the text of a second observation... Here's the text of a second observation... Here's the text of a second observation... Here's the text of a second observation... Here's the text of a second observation... Here's the text of a second observation... Here's the text of a second observation... Here's the text of a second observation... Here's the text of a second observation... Here's the text of a second observation... Here's the text of a second observation... Here's the text of a second observation... Here's the text of a second observation... Here's the text of a second observation... Here's the text of a second observation... Here's the text of a second observation...
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