TESC Far East Marsh

C. Elliot
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Location Information
TESC Far East Marsh, extension of Grass Lake Marsh system
Weather Information
Light frost on ground, 1st of the year.

We enter from Canary Reed road ditch, through Spiraea douglasii thicket to an interior grassy raised area of Malus fusca [Oregon crab apple] w/ good fruit set. Counted 15+ mature trees, 2 to 4 year old trees about 6 feet apart in the grassy area - heavily browsed. Fruit consumed closer to forest (evergreen) edge, less consumed out by the road. Did species floristic gradient.

During floristic search flushed a pileated woodpecker: loud deep wek-wek-wek, large black bird with long wing beats, distinct white/grey underwing coverts. As I set up scope in cover, 2 black tailed deer - female aware of me, male lips back smelling. Female quickly left when she spotted my movements; male left later.

*One point about this 4+ acre area - road has changed the drainage patterns - will have to investigate with topo maps.*

A few minutes later observe 15 grey birds w/ white & grey breasts, peaked grey crowns, black orbital feathers going up behind the head, a scree call in flocks as they land on tallest Fraxinus latifolia and proceed to eat Malus fusca for 15+ minutes. Cedar waxwings

Chased?* off by American robins who land on Fraxinus latifolia perch.

Try to differentiate between "tek-tek" of marsh wren and "chat-chat" of winter wren. I think there are 3 to 5 winter wrens every 50-100 yards in wetland. Cannot get a good view of the eyebrow; they all keep to the brush.

Marshy area species list

Malus fusca; Fraxinus latifolia; Spiraea douglasii; Lonicera involucrata; Alnus rubra; Rosa piscocarpa; Rosa sp. - large thorns, canes 10 ft tall; Canary reed grass; Carex obnupta; grasses; Solidago canadensis (Solidago iscosee); Rubus spectabilis; Aster subspicatus; Fexing Bog umbel coming out of dormancy; Cytisus scoparius (weak under Alnus rubra).

Continued off to the Fraxinus latifolia section that is the lowest area, but is bordered by the Thuja plicata/Pseudotsuga menziesii forest. Up and down the lichen encrusted bark - a brown & white with brown flecked breasted bird, small longish dark beak - brown creeper - flicks away the lichen and pecks at something underneath.

Walked through a dwarfed (shade? too wet?) thicket of Spiraea douglasii w/ another marsh wren up to the Rubus spectabilis on the border of the Thuja plicata/Pseudotsuga menziesii forest - the whole wall of foliage seems to be a veil where behind high little whistles of "tzee-tzee-tzee" in a surreal cacophony @10-30 ft. behind the trees - I get fleeting glimpses of yellow crowned birds with black lateral stripes on the head perching up, down, and anyways pecking at the interior of branches - golden crown kinglets

"chickadee, dee, dee" call across 50 yds near alder thicket - go examine - black head; white under eyes, cheek; black chin & throat; grey coverts; white flanks - black-capped chickadee.

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