
A collection of screenshots of the client application, Le Client.

  • A Typical Program Run
    In the main window, a tree is shown. The root of the tree contains a set of hosts (//, under which programs run (Hpt), under which configurations exist (EmersonConfig), under which specific runs are recorded (//, under which output files are shown (log, residu.out). A program run is shown, with metadata, that shows the job was completed in about eight hours.
  • Example of a Typed Output
    Shown here is a output of type "Points." Furthermore, some types have multiple formats. In this case, the format is TabDel_PointXY, or more mnemonically, a tab delimited file with (X,Y) coordinates. Alternate formats include tab delimited radian coordinates. In related work, "semantic types" refer to our types, while "syntactic types" refer to our formats.
  • Downloading an Output File
    Shown here is a screen for downloading an output file. Notably, any file with multiple formats can be downloaded in any of those formats. The conversion between formats is achieved through User-Defined Types in the Informix database.