Arts, Environment and the Child: Walking the Wheel of the Seasons


                                       Garden Site Description

  1. My garden will be in front of the house that I am currently renting. Location is 716 N 7th Ave SW, Tumwater, WA 98512. Going south on I-5 take the 2nd Ave exit, one of the very first exits for Tumwater. Take a right at the stop; follow the road to the right and then the left. Take a right onto 7th Ave; it is a yellow house on the right with bamboo chimes on the porch.
  2. The area being planted is going to be along the road in front of the picket fence in front of the house. There will also be some bulbs planted to the right side of the house, which may come up earlier/better for there is more sun in that area.
  3. Size:  about thirty feet along the front side of my fence, visible from the road and about one foot out.

Shape: The bulbs will just be planted in a straight line along the fence, zigzagging each other for a staggered view to see in between them.
Topography: The area is flat, the sidewalk is on higher ground, and the area being planted is probably 8 inches lower.
Exposure: Right now the area gets later afternoon sun, about 3 hours but is increasing, as it gets warmer.
Soil: Have not got a chance to look at the soil yet, waiting for it to warm up to plant.
Water: No water features.
Plants: I am planting bulbs. Dutch Iris, Gladiolas, Crystal’s blush calla lilies, Cannas, and Caladiums.
No animal evidence.
My landlord has owned this house since 1970.

I plan on living in this house for a couple of years, and I just love to see bulbs coming up in the spring. Also, if I do move, there will always be my bulbs (unless some one rips them up!) and I will be able to drive by and look at them.                                                                            



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