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Student-Originated Studies (SOS)
Student Originated Studies (SOS) offers an opportunity for self-motivated students to create their own advanced course of study and to interact with a community of other students researching related topics. Students enrolled in an SOS design their work with input and support from the faculty member, and participate in class sessions with activities that may include seminars, workshops, lectures, and peer review.
Title | Offering | Standing | Credits | Credits | When | F | W | S | Su | Description | Preparatory | Faculty | Days | Multiple Standings | Start Quarters | Open Quarters |
Hirsh Diamant
SOS | FR–SRFreshmen–Senior | 4 | 04 | Evening | S 14Spring | This opportunity for student-originated studies is designed for students who have taken one or both of the courses in fall and winter quarters and wish to further pursue the topics of those courses. In the first week of the quarter, each student will submit their project proposal and then complete that project during the quarter. This proposal will be designed with input from the faculty member.All students will also participate in readings, classes, and on-line assignments in collaboration with other students. A weekly class meeting will include seminars, workshops, and opportunities to share learning and project work. Weekly on-line posts will highlight students' progress and learning. Students must attend and participate in all weekly sessions. | Hirsh Diamant | Thu | Freshmen FR Sophomore SO Junior JR Senior SR | Spring | Spring | ||||
Greg Mullins
Signature Required:
SOS | JR–SRJunior–Senior | 16 | 16 | Day | S 14Spring | Many students wish to pursue a senior project involving substantive independent research and writing. This program is designed for students whose achievements have propelled them to intermediate or advanced levels of inquiry in the humanities or in cultural studies, and who are in their junior year or the very beginning of their senior year. By completing this program in spring quarter, students will position themselves to pursue an advanced research/writing project in the following year. Over the ten weeks of spring quarter we will read a sequence of texts in common; we will analyze them not only for content but also for methodology. We will study what kinds of sources, evidence, interpretive paradigms and arguments are demanded by humanities fields such as history, literature and philosophy, and by interdisciplinary fields such as queer studies, American studies, women’s studies and cultural studies.By better understanding what makes research publishable, students will gain a keen appreciation for the methods and rhetorical strategies that they will need to master in order to pursue their own independent studies. Students will research and write about a topic of their choice, with the goal of laying a solid foundation for a senior thesis or project. Writing assignments include: an abstract, a work plan, two response papers, an annotated bibliography, a review of a scholarly journal, description of research methods and a research prospectus. | Greg Mullins | Junior JR Senior SR | Spring | Spring | |||||
Stephanie Kozick
SOS | SO–SRSophomore–Senior | 16 | 16 | Day | F 13 Fall | W 14Winter | S 14Spring | This Student-Originated Studies program is intended for upper-level students with a background in community-based learning, and who have made arrangements to carry out a yearlong focused project within an organized community center, workshop, agency, organization or school setting. Community projects are to be carried out through internships, mentoring situations or apprenticeships that support students’ interest in community development. This program also includes a required weekly program meeting on campus that will facilitate a shared, supportive learning experience and weekly progress journal writing. The program is connected to Evergreen's Center for Community-Based Learning and Action (CCBLA), which supports learning about, engaging with and contributing to community life in the region. As such, this program benefits by the rich resource library, staff, internship suggestions and workshops offered through the Center. Students in this program will further their understanding of the concept of “community” as they engage their internship, apprenticeship or mentoring situation. The program emphasizes an asset-based model of community understanding advanced by Kretzmann and McKnight (1993). A variety of short readings from that text will become part of the weekly campus meetings. The range of academic/community work suited to this program includes: working in an official capacity as an intern with defined duties at a community agency, organization or school; working with one or more community members (elders, mentors, artists, teachers, skilled laborers, community organizers) to learn about a special line of work or skills that enriches the community as a whole; or designing a community action plan or case study aimed at problem solving a particular community challenge or need. A combination of internship and academic credit will be awarded in this program. Students may arrange an internship up to 36 hours a week for a 12-credit internship per quarter. Four academic credits will be awarded each quarter for seminar attendance and weekly progress journal writing. Students may distribute their program credits to include less than 12 credits of internship when accompanying research, reading and writing credits associated with their community work are included. During the academic year, students are required to meet as a whole group in a weekly seminar on Wednesday mornings to share successes and challenges, discuss the larger context of their projects in terms of community asset building and well-being, and discuss occasional assigned short readings that illuminate the essence of community. Students will also organize small interest/support groups to discuss issues related to their specific projects and to collaborate on a presentation at the end of each quarter. Students will submit weekly written progress/reflection reports via forums established on the program Moodle site. Contact faculty member Stephanie Kozick if further information is needed. | Stephanie Kozick | Wed | Sophomore SO Junior JR Senior SR | Fall | Fall Winter Spring | ||
Eirik Steinhoff
Signature Required:
SOS | SO–SRSophomore–Senior | 16 | 16 | Day | S 14Spring | This one-quarter critical and creative reading and writing program is designed for advanced students embarked on the composition of long-range and wide-ranging writing projects oriented toward or against or beyond the emergent occasions that surround us. Intensive independent writing and reading will be complemented by weekly seminars, small-group workshops, and weekly and semi-weekly lectures ( the Critical and Cultural Lecture Series and the Art Lecture series); occasional screenings and a local field-trip are possible as well. “Language is fossil poetry,” Emerson declares. And indeed the radical sense of each term in this program’s subtitle offers substantial orientation for the various directions we might take: in the sense of “decision” or “choice”; in the sense of “making” (not only in what is called “poetry,” but also in other kinds of composition, whether in prose or verse, for the page or the stage or the screen); in the sense of “making visible”; in the sense of “action” or “doing.” All of which is to say that in addition to Emerson’s etymological enthusiasms we will be mindful withal of Wittgenstein’s no less fruitful suggestion that “the meaning of a word is its use.” An expanded engagement with the question Montaigne had emblazoned on the rafters of his study — — will guide us in our individual and collective inquiry: What do I know? And what do I do? How do I know and how do I do? How do we do? How do we know? How can we do things with words to find out? How might our writing become an instrument for conducting rigorous ethical and epistemological investigations designed to reconnect us, by means of our study (however elaborate or playful or recondite), back to the world we live in right now? | Eirik Steinhoff | Sophomore SO Junior JR Senior SR | Spring | Spring | |||||
Sarah Williams
Signature Required:
Fall Winter Spring
SOS | SO–SRSophomore–Senior | 12 | 12 | Day | F 13 Fall | W 14Winter | S 14Spring | This year-long program provides an opportunity for students to work on a large, highly collaborative project that requires a multiplicity of skills and knowledge: documenting an Olympian patron of the arts. Students will form a learning community in order to work collectively and collaboratively on a feature-length documentary film about philanthropy and patronage of the arts. Each student will take on specific roles related to editing, marketing/PR, soundtrack composition, and interviewing/researching. However, in order to build new skills, all students will collaborate on every aspect of the project. Students will work together, share research results, and participate in regular critiques with faculty and staff. Collaborative work will include field trips, audio recording, cinematography, marketing, interviewing, and editing. Faculty and staff will support student work through regular meetings, critiques and problem-solving discussions. The peer learning community will collaboratively determine the direction and success of this project. Academic work for each quarter will include weekly meetings with the continuing student director/producer and bi-monthly meetings with faculty and staff in Media as well as Development and Alumni Programs. In addition, students will maintain an academic blog to document the progress of the on-going project . For Fall and Winter Quarters the students will produce a work-in-progress screening. In the spring, the students will organize a campus-wide screening and prepare the film for festival submission. This program is ideal for responsible, enthusiastic and self-motivated students with an interest in developing and reflecting on a substantial project over a substantial period of time. | Sarah Williams | Sophomore SO Junior JR Senior SR | Fall | Fall Winter Spring | |||
Hansina Hill
SOS | FR–SRFreshmen–Senior | 6 | 06 | Evening | S 14Spring | and will include selected topics in thermodynamics, kinetics, nuclear chemistry, and some introductory organic. | Hansina Hill | Mon Wed | Freshmen FR Sophomore SO Junior JR Senior SR | Spring | Spring | ||||
Terry Setter
Signature Required:
SOS | SO–SRSophomore–Senior | 16 | 16 | Day | S 14Spring | This SOS is an opportunity for well-prepared students to do highly independent work in music composition, music technology, audio production, and consciousness studies. Participants will meet as a group on Thursday mornings to review progress and share ideas for increasing the quantity and quality of the work that students are doing. Specific descriptions of learning goals and activities will be developed individually between the student and faculty. | Terry Setter | Thu | Sophomore SO Junior JR Senior SR | Spring | Spring | ||||
Doreen Swetkis
Signature Required:
SOS | SO–SRSophomore–Senior | 16 | 16 | Day | S 14Spring | This program is intended for students who have completed work in community learning programs (such as ) and are prepared to complete an internship in a public or nonprofit agency. Prior to the beginning of spring quarter, interested students must consult with the faculty about their proposed internship and/or course of study. Contracts that are completed before the beginning of spring quarter will be given priority. All contracts must follow the college procedures for internships. While students are encouraged to seek out their own internship possibilities, we will work with campus resources and the faculty member's contacts to identify internship possibilities in public and nonprofit agencies.Students will hold 20-28 hour/week internships (depending upon amount of credits: 12-16 variable option) and will come together as a class on Fridays to study more about doing nonprofit work through seminars, lectures, guest speakers and/or films. There will be common readings and individual written assignments. The faculty member will work with the interning agencies, making at least one site-visit to each agency during the quarter and meeting regularly with students outside of scheduled class times as needed. Internships must be located in the Seattle/Portland I/5 corridor or on the Olympic Peninsula within a reasonable distance (i.e., Mason County). Participation in the weekly class meeting is required – no internships located nationally or internationally will be sponsored. | Doreen Swetkis | Fri | Sophomore SO Junior JR Senior SR | Spring | Spring | ||||
Mukti Khanna and Heesoon Jun
Signature Required:
SOS | SO–SRSophomore–Senior | 16 | 16 | Day | S 14Spring | This program is intended for students who want to deepen their work in psychology through integrating theory and practice, in a setting that combines student-designed and faculty-designed study and projects. The faculty-designed component of the program will train students in the American Psychological Association ethics code that can be applied to working with diverse populations and internship sites. Students will also receive training in writing APA style social science papers and working with social science library data bases. Students will have the option of attending the Western Psychological Association meeting, which is the western regional arm of the American Psychological Association, that will be held in Portland, Oregon, April 24- 27, 2014. Attending this professional conference is one of the best ways to explore the range of work and research that is emerging in the field of psychology nationally.The student-designed component of the program may be a six-credit (15 hour a week) internship or independent study project related to psychology or health. Students will meet with faculty weekly to study more about psychological ethics, psychological writing and community work. | Mukti Khanna Heesoon Jun | Sophomore SO Junior JR Senior SR | Spring | Spring | |||||
Sarah Williams and Martha Rosemeyer
Signature Required:
Winter Spring
SOS | SO–SRSophomore–Senior | 16 | 16 | Day | F 13 Fall | W 14Winter | S 14Spring | J.W. Goethe Like the role of bees and seeds in the evolution of agriculture, beads—which often are seeds, shells, wax or bone—have an inside and an outside that commute. Seeds, beads and bees are interpenetrating, reciprocal creations. They form assemblages with centers and their use over time can be a measure of the fertility of mind, spirit and body. This SOS will support students in bead-like studies of biodynamic processes in conjunction with an internship, creative practice or field research project. Whether defined in relationship to agricultural, artistic or somatic practices, biodynamic processes are characterized by interconnected, recursive and iterative movements that form holistic patterns. Thus, students will be guided to reflect on their learning itself as a biodynamic process. To what extent is the subject and object of a liberal arts education mutually causative? In what ways might thinking be enlivened if informed by a consciousness of temporal rhythms (e.g., respiration) and cosmic forces such as tides and sunlight?This program is ideal for responsible, enthusiastic and self-motivated students with an interest in developing and reflecting on a substantial project over a substantial period of time. In addition to classroom work, each student will create an individual course of academic learning including an internship (e.g., at a local organic farm), creative practice (e.g., nature writing), or field research project (e.g., discovering the differences—and why they matter—between commercial and biodynamic beekeeping). Collaboration, including shared field-trip opportunities, with the Ecological Agriculture and Practice of Sustainable Agriculture programs will be available. Academic work for each quarter will include weekly group meetings, an annotated bibliography and maintenance of a field journal to document independent project learning. In addition to this independent project component, students will engage in weekly readings and written responses, seminar discussions and a final presentation. Unless exceptions are designed into students' projects and agreed upon in advance, all students will be required to attend and actively participate in this one day of weekly class activities, as well as individual self-assessment meetings with the faculty at mid-quarter and the end of the quarter. Interested students should browse the following authors and texts to explore their ability to think and act biodynamically within an intentional learning community: , edited by David Seamon and Arthur Zajonc; by Wolf Storl; by Charles Ridley; by Catherine Cole; by Gary Snyder; by Robert Bringhurst; by Ruth Ozeki; and : by Rudolf Steiner | Sarah Williams Martha Rosemeyer | Tue | Sophomore SO Junior JR Senior SR | Fall | Fall Winter Spring | ||
Evan Blackwell
Signature Required:
SOS | JR–SRJunior–Senior | 16 | 16 | Day | S 14Spring | This program is for intermediate to advanced students who are ready for intensive full-time work in theory and practice in the visual arts. Students will design their own projects, complete visual research and write papers appropriate to their topics, share their research through presentations, work intensively in the studio together, produce a significant thematic body of work, and participate in demanding weekly critiques. The program will provide opportunities for independent work while providing a learning community of students with similar interests. Beyond art making and visual research, this program will also provide opportunities for professional development for students who are thinking of graduate school, professional work in the visual arts, visual arts internships, or arts education at any level. | visual arts, museum studies, arts administration, public art, arts organizations, art education and design. | Evan Blackwell | Junior JR Senior SR | Spring | Spring | ||||
Cheri Lucas-Jennings
Signature Required:
SOS | JR–SRJunior–Senior | 16 | 16 | Day | W 14Winter | S 14Spring | This is an opportunity to explore the broad conditions that shape legislation. We will examine models, evidence and debates about the sources, causal connections and impacts of evolving systems of law, regulation, governance and a broad array of community response. Each student will be learning through work as an intern with a legislator and her or his staff. This will involve intensive staff-apprenticeship activities, especially legislative research and draft development, bill-tracking and constituent correspondence. Students apply to become interns for the 2014 Washington State Legislative session in the fall of 2013. Information sessions will be held in early October. The Academic Advising Office will inform students about the process, with applications due mid-to-late October. Applications are available online through . Two copies of the complete application, including personal essay; a letter of reference from faculty (discussing research and writing skills), and a personal (character, work-habits) reference are due to the Office of Academic Advising, Olympia campus Students will interview and and be informed of acceptance by late November. Each student accepted as an intern will develop an internship learning contract, profiling legislative responsibilities and linkages to academic development.In regular in-capitol seminars, each student intern will translate her or his activities in the Legislature into analytic and reflective writing about the challenges, learning and implications of the work. Students will make presentations about their learning and participate in various workshops. Each intern will keep a portfolio of activities completed at the capitol, to be submitted to their field supervisor and faculty sponsor on a regular basis. Interns will complete a minimum of four short essays, with cited references to listed resource materials related to legislative work. Drawing broadly from the social sciences, we will explore relationships between elected officials, legislative staff, registered lobbyists, non-governmental organizations, citizen activists and district constituents. Students will learn through a range of approaches - responsibilities in an 8:00-5:00 work-week, guest presentations, seminars, workshops on budget, media panels and job-shadowing of regional officials and activists of choice. Interns will participate in a final mock hearing floor debate on current legislative issues.The 2014 session will involve student-interns for winter quarters and varied continued capitol-based research and policy-making actvities for spring quarter. Each quarter will comprise a different 16-credit contract. In spring, students can develop an 8-credit Legislative Internship Contract, augmented by another 8-credit project or program involving specific post-session research and writing. Student performance will be evaluated by the faculty sponsor, field supervisors and legislative office staff. | Cheri Lucas-Jennings | Wed | Junior JR Senior SR | Winter | Winter |