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Upper Division Science
These offerings may include upper division science credit. See individual listings for details.
Title | Offering | Standing | Credits | Credits | When | F | W | S | Su | Description | Preparatory | Faculty | Days | Multiple Standings | Start Quarters | Open Quarters |
Dylan Fischer and Clarissa Dirks
Program | JR–SRJunior–Senior | 16 | 16 | Day | F 14 Fall | W 15Winter | The southwestern U.S. is unique in the diversity of habitats that can occur along with dramatic temperature and moisture gradients. Major advances in ecology have been made in these extreme environments, and important work in global change biology is currently being conducted in these ecosystems. This program will use field sites in the desert Southwest as living laboratories for investigating patterns in ecology, biology, microbiology and evolution. Students will learn about arid environments, plant ecology, field biology and molecular genetics. They will also conduct student-originated research projects in both laboratory and remote environments.We will use detailed studies of southwestern cottonwood trees, lichens, mosses, tardigrades (water-bears) and micromolluscs as examples that will let us dive deeply into laboratory and field experiments. We will pair those investigations with broader exploration of southwestern environments to learn about ecosystems and how climate change impacts organisms within them. Students will learn to conduct DNA analyses on plants and skills in microbiology and molecular biology so that they can apply these methods in new investigations. We will then travel to remote field sites in the Southwest to apply these techniques to questions about organisms in southwestern ecosystems. All students will participate in a mandatory two-week field ecology module each quarter where they will engage in major research projects examining the effects of desert-tree genetic diversity on ecosystems and the biodiversity of cryptic organisms. During the trips, students will learn to identify plant species of the Southwest and conduct field science experiments in these harsh habitats. We will also visit environmentally significant sites in the Southwest, including cactus forests, canyons, mountain peaks and water diversion projects. Students will use research conducted on these trips as the foundation for research papers they will write throughout both quarters. Students will receive specialized training in scientific writing, presentation, statistical analysis of data and techniques in laboratory and field biology.This program is designed for students who have a strong background in biology or ecology and are ready for advanced work. There will be an emphasis on student- and faculty-derived research projects, requiring students to do large amounts of lab and/or field work, reading of the literature, writing a research proposal and presenting their work at the end of the program. Students should be prepared for extensive time living and working in the field and should be committed to working through conflicts in group dynamics.If you are a student with a disability and would like to request accommodations, please contact the faculty or the office of Access Services (Library Bldg., Rm. 2153, PH: 360-867-6348; TTY 360-867-6834) prior to the start of the quarter. If you require accessible transportation for field trips, please contact the faculty well in advance of the field trip dates to allow time to arrange this. | Dylan Fischer Clarissa Dirks | Junior JR Senior SR | Fall | Fall Winter | ||||
Steven Scheuerell and Michael Paros
Program | FR–SRFreshmen–Senior | 16 | 16 | Day | F 14 Fall | W 15Winter | A basic understanding of agriculture, with its central role in civilization, is a critical part of a liberal arts education. The United Nations recently announced that agricultural production should increase 70% by the year 2050 to meet development and consumption projections; do you understand the demand this will place on natural resources and the role of agricultural sciences in responding to this challenge? Can you explain the biology, chemistry, and technology that underlie agricultural production systems? Whatever your philosophical and political perspectives may be on food and agriculture, it is essential to have a fundamental understanding of agricultural sciences and technology to foster informed debate about one of the most critical and pressing planetary issues - agriculture.Focusing on key Northwest crop and livestock species such as orchard fruit, wheat, potatoes, cattle, and poultry, this program will teach the fundamentals of agricultural science. During fall quarter, day and overnight field trips will take students to a variety of agriculture operations and processing/storage facilities in the Pacific Northwest to learn about key species and to familiarize ourselves with intensification technologies commonly utilized by organic and conventional farms, such as mechanization, irrigation, herbicides, pesticides, and biotechnology. Students will study the anatomy and physiology of animals and plants in order to learn how things grow and function in response to nutrients and other environmental variables that are managed in farming systems. The basic chemistry required to understand plant and animal nutrition, nutrient cycling and fertilizers will be taught. Applied and environmental microbiology will be taught to learn about the role of microbes in nutrient cycling, and to show examples of how plant-microbe and animal-microbe interactions are managed to optimize the nutrition and health of crops and livestock.In winter quarter we will continue our disciplinary studies and integrate an understanding of plants, animals, microbes, and chemistry to learn the science of soil conservation. This will focus on organic matter management via the utilization of animal manure, compost, crop residues, cover crops, and conservation tillage. Taking a systems approach to combine learning in biology, chemistry, technology, and farm management, we will address on-farm energy flow and nutrient cycling to understand how farms may increase production while minimizing fossil fuel use, pollution, and soil loss. Program format will consist of lectures, readings, and labs that relate to what students see firsthand on fieldtrips. In Winter quarter, a week-long field trip to California’s vast agricultural production areas and the World Ag Expo will serve to integrate program themes. Students unable to participate in the California field trip will complete a case study project to remain eligible to earn full credit. | Steven Scheuerell Michael Paros | Tue Thu Fri | Freshmen FR Sophomore SO Junior JR Senior SR | Fall | Fall Winter | |||
Alison Styring
Program | SO–SRSophomore–Senior | 16 | 16 | Day | W 15Winter | Birds are important indicators of habitat quality and are often the focus of conservation-oriented research, restoration, and monitoring. We will cover a variety of field and analytical methods commonly used in bird monitoring and avian research. Students will link theory to practice in the field and lab where they will develop skills in fieldwork, data management, and statistical analysis. Students will demonstrate their learning through active participation in all class activities; a detailed field journal; in-class, take-home, and field assignments; and a final project.An understanding of avian natural history is important to any successful project, and students without a working knowledge of the common birds in the South Puget Sound region are expected to improve their identification skills to a level that will allow them to effectively contribute to class efforts both in the field and in class. | Alison Styring | Sophomore SO Junior JR Senior SR | Winter | Winter | |||||
Frederica Bowcutt and Lalita Calabria
Signature Required:
Program | SO–SRSophomore–Senior | 8, 16 | 08 16 | Day | F 14 Fall | W 15Winter | The fall portion of this program serves both full-time and half-time students who are looking for an opportunity to expand their understanding of plants and challenge themselves. Students will learn about plant anatomy, morphology and systematics. Lectures based on textbook readings supplement the laboratory work. The learning community will explore how present form and function informs us about the evolution of major groups of plants such as mosses, ferns, conifers and flowering plants. Students will get hands-on experience studying plants under microscopes and in the field. Students will also learn how to maintain a detailed and illustrated nature journal to develop basic identification skills of common species of plants. Field observational data sharing will occur through online citizen science venues. Quizzes, exams, and weekly assignments will help students and faculty assess learning. In fall there is no upper-division science credit. The part-time option only exists in fall.FULL-TIME ONLY: For students enrolled full-time in the program, this is a two-quarter program, which allows students to learn introductory and advanced botanical material in an interdisciplinary format. In winter, full-time students will study algae, seaweed herbarium specimen preparation, twig identification, and help build a database of phenological information on a variety of local natural events including bud burst. During both fall and winter, they will also focus on people's relationships with plants for food, fiber, medicine and aesthetics. Students will study economic botany through seminar texts, films and lectures that examine agriculture, basketmaking, forestry, herbology and horticulture. They will examine political economic factors that shape our relations with plants. Through economic and historical lenses, the learning community will inquire about why people have favored some plants and not others or radically changed their preferences, such as considering a former cash crop to be a weed. In our readings, we will examine the significant roles botany has played in colonialism, imperialism and globalization. Students will also investigate the gender politics of botany. For example, botany was used to inculcate "appropriate" middle- and upper-class values among American and European women in the 18th and 19th century. Initiatives to foster more socially just and environmentally sustainable relations with plants will be investigated. In fall, weekly workshops will help the full-time students improve their ability to write thesis-driven essays defended with evidence from the assigned texts in cultural studies. In winter, full-time students will write a major research paper on a plant of their choosing applying what they've learned about plant biology and economic botany to their own case study. Through a series of workshops, they will learn to search the scientific literature, manage bibliographic data and interpret and synthesize information, including primary sources. Through their research paper, students will synthesize scientific and cultural information about their plant. : The part-time option is fall only. Students electing to register for this option are encouraged to also register for Field Mycology (8-cr), also fall only. | Frederica Bowcutt Lalita Calabria | Mon Tue Wed Fri | Sophomore SO Junior JR Senior SR | Fall | Fall Winter | |||
Lydia McKinstry and Paula Schofield
Signature Required:
Fall Winter
Program | SO–SRSophomore–Senior | 16 | 16 | Day | F 14 Fall | W 15Winter | This upper-division science program will develop and interrelate concepts in experimental (laboratory) organic chemistry and biochemistry. It will cover the chemistry material that is usually offered in Molecule to Organism. Throughout both quarters we will integrate topics in both subjects to gain an understanding of the structure-property relationship of synthetic and natural organic compounds. We will also examine the key chemical reactions of industrial processes as well as those reactions that are important to the metabolic processes of living systems.There will be a significant laboratory component—students can expect to spend at least a full day in lab each week, maintain laboratory notebooks, write formal laboratory reports and give formal presentations of their work. Students will work collaboratively on laboratory and library research projects incorporating the theories and techniques of chemical synthesis and instrumental methods of chemical analysis. All laboratory work and approximately one half of the non-lecture time will be spent working in collaborative problem-solving groups. This is an intensive program. The subjects are complex, and the sophisticated understanding we expect to develop will require devoted attention and many hours of scheduled lab work each week. Each student will be expected to develop a sufficient basis of advanced conceptual knowledge and practical skills necessary for pursuing work in a chemistry-based discipline. | chemistry, biochemistry, industrial or pharmaceutical research, medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, naturopathy, optometry and pharmacy. | Lydia McKinstry Paula Schofield | Sophomore SO Junior JR Senior SR | Fall | Fall Winter | |||
Rob Cole
Program | JR–SRJunior–Senior | 16 | 16 | Day | W 15Winter | We will explore the causes of global climate change and study the many actions and social behaviors that we can take to minimize human contributions to it. We will examine the scientific evidence for global warming and the efforts to discredit that evidence. We will study the role of multinational corporations in global climate change and how they influence governmental policies and public opinion. We will focus on how to respond to global warming in a fashion that works toward sustainability and equity in the ecosystems that support life on the planet. We will pay particular attention to issues of justice between humans and how humans interact with other species.In order to understand actions we can take, this program will explore sustainable lifestyle strategies as well as how to resist corporate influence on consumer consumption. We will study the approaches of biomimicry, sustainable architecture, equitable distribution of food and shelter, minimal-impact industrial processes, local food production, less toxic methods of producing and a variety of low-impact lifestyles. We will examine the methods advocated by visionary groups like Second Nature, Climate Solutions and Cradle-to-Cradle. We will study current federal energy policy and its connection to climate change, as well as the more proactive policies adopted by hundreds of cities. Students will complete a series of audits of their personal consumption and carbon-generation patterns. We will study methods of computing carbon dioxide budgets including carbon sequestration methods, the intricacies of carbon capping and offsetting strategies and opportunities to reduce net carbon dioxide production. Students can expect to do research on emerging technologies and strategies that move us to carbon neutrality while fostering sustainability and justice.In addition to exploring how we can all lessen our impact on global climate change and move toward equity, students can expect to sharpen their critical reasoning, writing and speaking skills, as well as their ability to work with quantitative methods and to interpret quantitative data from a variety of sources.Students will be expected to make at least two small-group presentations on a climate solution of their own choosing and complete a term research paper on a topic of their choice. | Rob Cole | Mon Wed Thu | Junior JR Senior SR | Winter | Winter | ||||
Sheryl Shulman, Richard Weiss and Neal Nelson
Signature Required:
Program | SO–SRSophomore–Senior | 16 | 16 | Day | F 14 Fall | W 15Winter | This program will explore what computers can do, how we get them to do it and what they can't do. It is designed for advanced computer science students and students with an interest in both mathematics and computer science. The program covers topics in formal computer languages, systems of formal logic, computability theory and programming language design and implementation. Students will also study a functional programming language, Haskell, learn the theoretical basis of programming languages and do an in-depth comparison of the properties and capabilities of languages in the four primary programming paradigms: functional, logic, imperative and object-oriented. Program seminars will explore selected advanced topics in logic, language theory and computability.These topics are offered in four distinct threads. The Formal Languages thread will cover the theoretical basis of language definitions, concluding with a study of what is computable. The Logic thread will cover traditional logic systems and their applications to programming languages and computer science. The Functional Language thread covers advanced programming techniques using the programming language Haskell. The Programming Language thread covers both the theoretical basis and practical implementation of programming languages by comparing the design and implementation of the four distinct programming language paradigms. Students will have a project opportunity to implement an interpreter for a small programming language. | Sheryl Shulman Richard Weiss Neal Nelson | Sophomore SO Junior JR Senior SR | Fall | Fall Winter | ||||
Michael Paros
Signature Required:
Program | FR–SRFreshmen–Senior | 16 | 16 | Day | S 15Spring | This academically rigorous field-based program will provide students with the fundamental tools to manage livestock and grasslands by exploring the ecological relationships between ruminants and the land. We will begin the quarter learning about the physiology of grasses and their response to grazing and fire. Practical forage identification, morphology and production will be taught. Ruminant nutrition, foraging behavior, and digestive physiology will be covered as a precursor to learning about the practical aspects of establishing, assessing and managing livestock rotational grazing operations. Ecological assessments of energy flow and nutrient cycling in grassland systems will be emphasized. We will divide our time equally between intensive grazing west of the Cascades and extensive rangeland systems in the east. Classroom lectures, workshops and guest speakers will be paired with weekly field trips to dairy, beef, sheep and goat grazing farms. There will be overnight trips to Willamette Valley where we will study managed intensive grazing dairy operations and forage production, and Eastern Washington/Oregon where students can practice their skills in rangeland monitoring and grazing plan development. Other special topics that will be covered in the program include: co-evolutionary relationships between ruminants and grasses, targeted and multi-species grazing, prairie ecology and restoration, riparian ecosystems, controversies in public land grazing, interactions between wildlife and domestic ruminants, and analysis of large scale livestock production systems. | Michael Paros | Freshmen FR Sophomore SO Junior JR Senior SR | Spring | Spring | |||||
Abir Biswas, Carri LeRoy and Clyde Barlow
Signature Required:
Winter Spring
Program | SO–SRSophomore–Senior | 16 | 16 | Day | F 14 Fall | W 15Winter | S 15Spring | Well-designed and accurate chemical, ecological and geological measurements are key to assessing the biogeochemistry of natural ecosystems. This is a field- and laboratory-intensive science program designed for students with solid preparations in general chemistry, biology, geology and precalculus math who want to pursue more advanced investigations of bio-geo-chemical systems. Students will study statistics, geochemistry, analytical chemistry, freshwater ecology and GIS programming. Instrumental techniques of chemical analysis will be developed in an advanced laboratory. Program work will emphasize quantitative analysis, quality control procedures, research design and technical writing.During fall and winter quarters, we will address topics in carbon and nutrient cycling in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, in addition to analytical chemistry, GIS, statistics and instrumental methods of chemical analysis. Students will participate in group projects studying water quality, trophic structure, organic matter and nutrient cycling processes of local watersheds. Analytical procedures based on EPA, USGS and other guidelines will be utilized to measure major and trace anion and cation concentrations and weathering rates in natural systems, and to measure analytes and phytochemicals critical to quantification of leaf-litter decay processes and marine-derived inputs to ecosystem function in freshwater systems. Computers and statistical methods will be used extensively for data analysis and simulation, as well as for work with GIS.In the fall, there will be a week-long field trip to collect natural waters from diverse sites in Eastern Washington. These samples will form the basis for testing and evaluating chemical analysis methods and for developing a quantitative assessment of the geochemistry of the waters. In the winter, students will collect and analyze samples from a suite of ecosystem compartments (e.g., soil horizons, leaves, woody debris, streams, biota) to quantify nutrient storage and cycling on the landscape.Spring quarter will be devoted to extensive project work building on skills developed in the fall and winter. Students will conduct hypothesis-driven experimental design, sample collection, analysis, and statistical interpretations prior to presenting their results in both oral and written form to conclude the year. | Abir Biswas Carri LeRoy Clyde Barlow | Sophomore SO Junior JR Senior SR | Fall | Fall Winter Spring | |||
Erik Thuesen and Pauline Yu
Program | JR–SRJunior–Senior | 16 | 16 | Day | S 15Spring | This program focuses on learning the identity and evolutionary relationships of marine multicellular organisms. Oceans support an extremely diverse group of autotrophic and heterotrophic organisms, which together comprise an important fraction of Earth’s biodiversity. The proximity of Evergreen's campus to various marine habitats provides excellent opportunities to study many diverse groups of organisms. Emphasis will be placed on learning the regional marine flora and fauna. Students will learn fundamental laboratory and field techniques and will be required to complete a research project utilizing the available microscopy facilities (light and scanning electron microscopes). Workshops on the statistical analysis of biodiversity will provide a quantitative aspect to our work. This program will include extensive work in both the lab and field. | Erik Thuesen Pauline Yu | Junior JR Senior SR | Spring | Spring | |||||
Alison Styring
Program | SO–SRSophomore–Senior | 16 | 16 | Day | F 14 Fall | Birds are among the most diverse vertebrates found on the earth. We will explore the causes of this incredible diversity through a well-rounded investigation of general bird biology, the evolution of flight (and its implications) and the complex ecological interactions of birds with their environments. This program has considerable field and lab components and students will be expected to develop strong bird identification skills, including Latin names, and extensive knowledge of avian anatomy and physiology. We will learn a variety of field and analytical techniques currently used in bird monitoring and research. We will take several day trips to field sites in the Puget Sound region throughout the quarter to hone our bird-watching skills and practice field-monitoring techniques. Students will keep field journals documenting their skill development in species identification and proficiency in a variety of field methodologies. Learning will also be assessed through exams, quizzes, field assignments, group work and participation. | Alison Styring | Sophomore SO Junior JR Senior SR | Fall | Fall | |||||
Neil Switz, Rachel Hastings and Krishna Chowdary
Signature Required:
Winter Spring
Program | SO–SRSophomore–Senior | 16 | 16 | Day | F 14 Fall | W 15Winter | S 15Spring | This is an intermediate to advanced-level program. Students will build on their prior knowledge of calculus and calculus-based physics to deepen their understanding of nature, how it can be represented via physical models, and the powerful connections between mathematics and physical theories. The program will involve a mix of advanced mathematics (some of it extraordinarily beautiful, as well as powerful), experiments in modern physics involving electromagnetic and quantum phenomena, and a deep immersion in modern physical theories.Topics will include nonrelativistic quantum mechanics, the theory which revolutionized our understanding of nature and underlies much of modern chemistry, physics, and engineering; classical electrodynamics, the quintessential model of a successful unified (and relativistic) field theory; and classical mechanics with special attention to the profound “least action” principle, which provides a bridge between the classical and quantum mechanical. The mathematics underlying these theories – vector calculus, linear algebra, differential equations, and especially Fourier analysis (a technique which provides an entirely new way of looking at the world) – will be developed in the context of their use in the physical sciences. Students will also develop facility with the scientific software MATLAB, using it to solve problems as well as to build physical intuition by visualizing the behavior of matter and fields. The theoretical focus of the program will be complemented with elements of hands-on laboratory work to observe and illustrate the phenomena under discussion. We will also devote time to examining the study of physics in a broader historical, philosophical, and cultural context.The program material will be challenging, and will demand both hard work and engaged collaboration with both the subject matter and one’s fellow students. A major goal of the program is to provide students the opportunity to develop the conceptual knowledge and mathematical background required to pursue advanced work in physics and related disciplines. | Neil Switz Rachel Hastings Krishna Chowdary | Sophomore SO Junior JR Senior SR | Fall | Fall Winter Spring | |||
Kenneth Tabbutt and Tom Womeldorff
Program | SO–SRSophomore–Senior | 16 | 16 | Day | W 15Winter | S 15Spring | River systems carry more than water. Rivers transfer energy, sediment and dissolved materials; modify the landscape; provide water and nutrients to ecosystems and agriculture. They are corridors for the migration of fish, facilitate commerce, and attract recreation and development.Because of the wide range of demands placed on rivers, laws and policies have been developed to limit and allocate how these resources can be used. Effective management of river resources is inherently interdisciplinary, requiring the application of knowledge in both environmental sciences and management. We will examine geology, hydrology, fluvial geomorphology and aqueous chemistry, environmental economics and benefit-cost analysis with an emphasis on how society has impacted some of the natural river processes. Our modes of learning will include seminars, lectures, problem-solving workshops, science and GIS labs, project work and field studies.In winter, we will focus on natural resource economics, physical geology and surface water hydrology. Quantitative problem solving will be emphasized. In addition, students will be introduced to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and develop skills in analyzing and displaying spatial data associated with river systems and drainage basins. There will be several daylong field trips to study local river systems in Western Washington.In spring quarter, we will turn our attention to fluvial geomorphology, aqueous chemistry and benefit-cost analysis. Students will participate in project work and there will be an extended field trip to the Columbia River Basin in Eastern Washington. | Kenneth Tabbutt Tom Womeldorff | Sophomore SO Junior JR Senior SR | Winter | Winter Spring | ||||
Alvin Josephy
Course | FR–SRFreshmen–Senior | 4 | 04 | Evening | W 15Winter | In this class we will explore the concepts of inferential statistics. This class assumes that the student has a prior background in descriptive statistics. The class will discuss probability, especially in terms of probability distributions, and move on to hypothesis testing. In this context, the class will work with several distributions, such as t, chi square, F as well as the normal distribution, and work with ANOVA and multiple regression. The class will finish with an introduction to non-parametric statistics. In addition, the students will consider journal articles and research concepts, and will prepare a small presentation using the concepts from the class. | Alvin Josephy | Wed | Freshmen FR Sophomore SO Junior JR Senior SR | Winter | Winter | ||||
Alvin Josephy
Course | FR–SRFreshmen–Senior | 4 | 04 | Evening | S 15Spring | In this class we will explore the concepts of inferential statistics. This class assumes that the student has a prior background in descriptive statistics. The class will discuss probability, especially in terms of probability distributions, and move on to hypothesis testing. In this context, the class will work with several distributions, such as t, chi square, F as well as the normal distribution, and work with ANOVA and multiple regression. The class will finish with an introduction to non-parametric statistics. In addition, the students will consider journal articles and research concepts, and will prepare a small presentation using the concepts from the class. | Alvin Josephy | Wed | Freshmen FR Sophomore SO Junior JR Senior SR | Spring | Spring | ||||
Erik Thuesen
Program | SO–SRSophomore–Senior | 16 | 16 | Day | F 14 Fall | W 15Winter | Each student will choose a specific topic and read 10 documents related to the topic. Based on these readings and other sources, each student will write a corresponding review paper, an online technical digest and a proposal for future work in the specific area. Students will receive critique from peers and the faculty member. Students will be responsible for editing and critiquing a specific number of papers written by other students in the program. A final collaboratively written assignment will also be undertaken. Clear deadlines for reading and writing assignments will be established for all students at the start of the program to make it easier to stay on track. This program will make it possible for students to further develop written work from research projects carried out in previous studies if they so desire. Credit is expected to be awarded in the specific area of research, technical writing and technical editing. Students wishing to enroll in this program for winter quarter only will be welcomed on a space available basis. | Erik Thuesen | Sophomore SO Junior JR Senior SR | Fall | Fall Winter | ||||
Paula Schofield, Richard Weiss, David McAvity, Neil Switz, Brian Walter, Abir Biswas, Michael Paros, Clyde Barlow, Judith Cushing, Dharshi Bopegedera, Rebecca Sunderman, EJ Zita, Donald Morisato, Clarissa Dirks, James Neitzel, Sheryl Shulman, Neal Nelson and Lydia McKinstry
Signature Required:
Fall Winter Spring
Program | SO–SRSophomore–Senior | V | V | Day | F 14 Fall | W 15Winter | S 15Spring | Rigorous quantitative and qualitative research is an important component of academic learning in Scientific Inquiry. Research opportunities allow science students to work on specific projects associated with faculty members’ expertise. Students typically begin by working in an apprenticeship model with faculty or laboratory staff and gradually take on more independent projects within the context of the specific research program as they gain experience. Students can develop vital skills in research design, data acquisition and interpretation, modeling and theoretical analysis, written and oral communication, collaboration and critical thinking. These are valuable skills for students pursuing a graduate degree or entering the job market. Faculty offering undergraduate research opportunities are listed below, with specific information listed in the catalog view. Contact faculty directly if you are interested. (chemistry) works with biophysical applications of spectroscopy to study physiological processes at the organ level, with direct applications to health problems. Students with backgrounds in biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics or computer science can obtain practical experience in applying their backgrounds to biomedical research problems in an interdisciplinary laboratory environment. (geology, earth science) studies nutrient and toxic trace metal cycles in terrestrial and coastal ecosystems. Potential projects could include studies of mineral weathering, wildfires and mercury cycling in ecosystems. Students could pursue these interests at the laboratory scale or through field-scale biogeochemistry studies, taking advantage of the Evergreen Ecological Observation Network (EEON), a long-term ecological study area. Students with backgrounds in a combination of geology, biology or chemistry could gain skills in soil, vegetation and water collection and learn methods of sample preparation and analysis for major and trace elements. (biotechnology) studies the physiology and biochemistry of prokaryotes of industrial and agricultural importance. Students who commit at least a full year to a research project, enrolling for 4 to 16 credits each quarter, will learn a broad range of microbiology (both aerobic and anaerobic techniques), molecular (DNA analysis and cloning), and biochemical techniques (chemical and pathway analysis, protein isolation). Students will also have opportunities for internships at the USDA and elsewhere, and to present data at national and international conferences. (chemistry) would like to engage students in two projects: (1) There is concern that toxic metals are found in unsafe quantities in children’s toys and cosmetics. I would like to engage a student in the quantitative determination of these metals using the AA and the ICP-MS. Students who are interested in learning to use these instruments and quantitative analysis techniques will find this project interesting. (2) Science and education. We will work with local teachers to develop lab activities that enhance the science curriculum in local schools. Students who have an interest in teaching science and who have completed general chemistry with laboratory would be ideal for this project. (computer science, ecology informatics) studies how scientists might better use information technology and visualization in their research, particularly in ecology and environmental studies. She would like to work with students who have a background in computer science or one of the sciences (e.g., ecology, biology, chemistry or physics) and who are motivated to explore how new computing paradigms can be harnessed to improve the individual and collaborative work of scientists. Such technologies include visualizations, plugins, object-oriented systems, new database technologies and "newer" languages that scientists themselves use such as python or R. (biology) aims to better understand the evolutionary principles that underlie the emergence, spread and containment of infectious disease by studying the coevolution of retroviruses and their primate hosts. Studying how host characteristics and ecological changes influence virus transmission in lemurs will enable us to address the complex spatial and temporal factors that impact emerging diseases. Students with a background in biology and chemistry will gain experience in molecular biology techniques, including tissue culture and the use of viral vectors. (mathematics) is interested in problems in mathematical biology associated with population and evolutionary dynamics. Students working with him will help create computer simulations using agent-based modeling and cellular automata and analyzing non-linear models for the evolution of cooperative behavior in strategic multiplayer evolutionary games. Students should have a strong mathematics or computer science background. (organic chemistry) is interested in organic synthesis research, including asymmetric synthesis methodology, chemical reaction dynamics and small molecule synthesis. One specific study involves the design and synthesis of enzyme inhibitor molecules to be used as effective laboratory tools with which to study the mechanistic steps of programmed cell death (e.g., in cancer cells). Students with a background in organic chemistry and biology will gain experience with the laboratory techniques of organic synthesis as well as the techniques of spectroscopy. (biology) is interested in the developmental biology of the embryo, a model system for analyzing how patterning occurs. Maternally encoded signaling pathways establish the anterior-posterior and dorsal-ventral axes. Individual student projects will use a combination of genetic, molecular biological and biochemical approaches to investigate the spatial regulation of this complex process. (biochemistry) uses methods from organic and analytical chemistry to study biologically interesting molecules. A major focus of his current work is on fatty acids; in particular, finding spectroscopic and chromatographic methods to identify fatty acids in complex mixtures and to detect changes that occur in fats during processing or storage. This has relevance both for foods and in biodiesel production. Another major area of interest is plant natural products, screening local plants for the presence of salicylates, which are important plant defense signals and in determining the nutritional value of indigenous plants. Students with a background and interest in organic, analytical or biochemistry could contribute to this work. (computer science) is interested in working with advanced computer topics and current problems in the application of computing to the sciences. His interests include simulations of advanced architectures for distributed computing, advanced programming languages and compilers, programming languages for concurrent and parallel computing and hardware modeling languages. (biology, veterinary medicine) is interested in animal health and diseases that affect the animal agriculture industry. Currently funded research includes the development of bacteriophage therapy for dairy cattle mastitis. A number of hands-on laboratory projects are available to students interested in pursuing careers in science. (organic, polymer, materials chemistry) is interested in the interdisciplinary fields of biodegradable plastics and biomedical polymers. Research in the field of biodegradable plastics is increasingly important to replace current petroleum-derived materials and to reduce the environmental impact of plastic wastes. Modification of starch through copolymerization and use of bacterial polyesters show promise in this endeavor. Specific projects within biomedical polymers involve the synthesis of poly (lactic acid) copolymers that have potential for use in tissue engineering. Students with a background in chemistry and biology will gain experience in the synthesis and characterization of these novel polymer materials. (computer science) is interested in working with advanced computer topics and current problems in the application of computing to the sciences. Her areas of interest include simulations of advanced architectures for distributed computing, advanced programming languages and compilers, programming languages for concurrent and parallel computing, and hardware modeling languages. (inorganic/materials chemistry, physical chemistry) is interested in the synthesis and property characterization of new bismuth-containing materials. These compounds have been characterized as electronic conductors, attractive activators for luminescent materials, second harmonic generators and oxidation catalysts for several organic compounds. Traditional solid-state synthesis methods will be utilized to prepare new complex bismuth oxides. Once synthesized, powder x-ray diffraction patterns will be obtained and material properties such as conductivity, melting point, biocidal tendency, coherent light production and magnetic behavior will be examined when appropriate. (physics) develops optical instruments for use in biophysical and biomedical applications, including low-cost diagnostics. Projects in the lab are suitable for motivated students with quantitative backgrounds in physics, biology, chemistry, mathematics or computer science. (mathematics) is interested in problems relating to graphs, combinatorial games and especially combinatorial games played on graphs. He would like to work with students who have a strong background in mathematics and/or computer science and who are interested in applying their skills to open-ended problems relating to graphs and/or games. (physics), who has expertise in energy physics, modeling and organic farming, is researching sustainability and climate change. Many students have done fine projects on sustainable energy and food production in her academic programs. Zita is working with Judy Cushing to model land use impacts on climate change and with Scott Morgan to plan and facilitate sustainability projects on campus. More information on Zita's research is available at . | Paula Schofield Richard Weiss David McAvity Neil Switz Brian Walter Abir Biswas Michael Paros Clyde Barlow Judith Cushing Dharshi Bopegedera Rebecca Sunderman EJ Zita Donald Morisato Clarissa Dirks James Neitzel Sheryl Shulman Neal Nelson Lydia McKinstry | Sophomore SO Junior JR Senior SR | Fall | Fall Winter Spring | |||
Andrew Brabban
Signature Required:
Fall Winter Spring
Research | SO–SRSophomore–Senior | V | V | Day | F 14 Fall | W 15Winter | S 15Spring | Rigorous quantitative and qualitative research is an important component of academic learning in Scientific Inquiry. Research opportunities allow science students to work on specific projects associated with faculty members’ expertise. Students typically begin by working in an apprenticeship model with faculty or laboratory staff and gradually take on more independent projects within the context of the specific research program as they gain experience. Students can develop vital skills in research design, data acquisition and interpretation, modeling and theoretical analysis, written and oral communication, collaboration and critical thinking. These are valuable skills for students pursuing a graduate degree or entering the job market. (biotechnology) studies the physiology and biochemistry of prokaryotes of industrial and agricultural importance. Students who commit at least a full year to a research project, enrolling for 4 to 16 credits each quarter, will learn a broad range of microbiology (both aerobic and anaerobic techniques), molecular (DNA analysis and cloning), and biochemical techniques (chemical and pathway analysis, protein isolation). Students will also have opportunities for internships at the USDA and elsewhere, and to present data at national and international conferences. | Andrew Brabban | Sophomore SO Junior JR Senior SR | Fall | Fall Winter Spring | |||
Lydia McKinstry
Signature Required:
Fall Winter Spring
Research | SO–SRSophomore–Senior | V | V | Day | F 14 Fall | W 15Winter | S 15Spring | Rigorous quantitative and qualitative research is an important component of academic learning in Scientific Inquiry. Research opportunities allow science students to work on specific projects associated with faculty members’ expertise. Students typically begin by working in an apprenticeship model with faculty or laboratory staff and gradually take on more independent projects within the context of the specific research program as they gain experience. Students can develop vital skills in research design, data acquisition and interpretation, modeling and theoretical analysis, written and oral communication, collaboration and critical thinking. These are valuable skills for students pursuing a graduate degree or entering the job market. (organic chemistry) is interested in organic synthesis research, including asymmetric synthesis methodology, chemical reaction dynamics and small molecule synthesis. One specific study involves the design and synthesis of enzyme inhibitor molecules to be used as effective laboratory tools with which to study the mechanistic steps of programmed cell death (e.g., in cancer cells). Students with a background in organic chemistry and biology will gain experience with the laboratory techniques of organic synthesis as well as the techniques of spectroscopy. | Lydia McKinstry | Sophomore SO Junior JR Senior SR | Fall | Fall Winter Spring | |||
Alison Styring and Amy Cook
Program | JR–SRJunior–Senior | 16 | 16 | Day | S 15Spring | One of the key elements in conservation biology is the study of organisms in the wild, often called wildlife biology. Originally a field that focused on the management of game animals, this discipline has developed into something much broader, playing a key role in the conservation of a wide variety of types of animals and habitats. Modern wildlife biology pulls from a variety of fields including genetics, taxonomy, animal behavior and ecology.In this program we will focus on two groups of animals: birds and fishes. We will learn the taxonomy, behavior and ecology of these animals in the context of labs, fieldwork and lecture. Building on this background information, students will look at several key issues in the conservation of birds and fishes. These include conservation efforts around native fishes of the arid West, river restoration and salmonids, and management and conservation of aquatic and terrestrial bird species.What is the experience of the urban salmon or the urban crow? How do people respond as deer, coyotes and bears make greater and greater use of their neighborhoods? Wildlife biology is not just about animals; humans also come into the equation. As urban and suburban areas expand, modern wildlife biology increasingly deals with fragmentation of habitat and the interaction between humans and animals. We will examine these interactions as well as more traditional human-wildlife interactions in the form of hunting and fishing.Program activities will include lectures, labs and workshops focused on the biology of birds and fishes and their conservation and management. Seminar will include papers in the primary literature and books and other readings on select topics in wildlife biology. Students are expected to develop their skills in critical thinking, collaborative work and college writing. | Alison Styring Amy Cook | Junior JR Senior SR | Spring | Spring | |||||
Peter Impara and Anne de Marcken (Forbes)
Program | JR–SRJunior–Senior | 16 | 16 | Day | F 14 Fall | What does it take to prevent the extinction of a species? Scientific skills, ecological knowledge, a thorough understanding of governmental process, you have to make people care. This interdisciplinary program will provide students with the tools to develop recovery and conservation plans for endangered species of the Pacific Northwest, and to use writing to communicate the importance of conservation to both scientific and lay audiences. Students will apply a rigorous approach to collecting and analyzing biological, ecological, and habitat data. Using tools such as GIS to develop habitat suitability and cost surface maps, students will learn the importance of developing spatial analyses that communicate ecological information for decision making and planning. They will integrate information into species recovery plans, learning to effectively communicate goals, objectives, actions and options while following federal guidelines.Students will advance their understanding of writing fundamentals while cultivating the ability to shape compelling narratives that engage the imagination. Students will study a variety of science and nature writing for examples of how form and content work together to tell a story. Writing exercises and assignments will help students develop skill with syntax, basic grammar, clarity and form in order to meaningfully contextualize ecological and scientific information.Students will work in research groups to develop their recovery plans, and will work both collaboratively and independently on writing assignments. Lecture topics will include island biogeography and meta-population theory, landscape-scale conservation and ecosystem management approaches, the history and implications of the endangered species act and legal and political issues surrounding species conservation. Writing workshops and assignments, peer and faculty critique, and seminar will be ongoing throughout the program. A 10-day field trip to Yellowstone National Park will allow students to query wildlife managers and conservationists and to experience firsthand one of the most wildlife-intensive areas of North America. | Peter Impara Anne de Marcken (Forbes) | Junior JR Senior SR | Fall | Fall |