1999-2000 Covenant

This covenant represents an agreement between the faculty and students of Mediaworks. By signing it you are making a commitment to abide by its guidelines.

We will listen carefully and respectfully to each other.
We will respect and value differences of belief, ethnicity, race, religion, ideology, sexual orientation, class background, region, artistic expression, and experience.
We will work together to solve problems and conflicts.

Your responsibilities as students in Mediaworks:

Attending all classes, on time. (If you are sick or have an emergency, call your seminar faculty. More than 2 unexcused absences will result in loss of credit.

Completing assigned work, and submitting it on time. Late assignments will only be accepted at the discretion of the faculty.
No incompletes for the quarter.

Full participation in classroom activities

Attentive listening to faculty and fellow students; careful note-taking; participation in seminar discussions and class critiques.

Attending evaluation conferences during week 11 of each quarter, completing interim self-evaluations and faculty evaluations, and a final self-evaluation and faculty evaluation.

Respecting program guidelines : non-fiction production, connecting theory and practice, full participation in the community, supporting your fellow students' work and efforts.

Our responsibilities as faculty in this program:

Full preparation of course materials, lectures, and workshops.
Fair expectations; reasonable assignments.
Returning completing assignments in a timely fashion.
Careful, respectful listening to your ideas, issues, and concerns.
Completing interim and final evaluations.
Guiding student learning; Supporting your project work by setting clear guidelines, providing technical instruction, and offering critical feedback.
Being accessible, maintaining regular office hours.

View the Fall Syllabus
View the Winter Syllabus

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