Health and Human Development 

Winter Quarter

Faculty & Aids:
Mukti Khanna
Lab II 3266
Stu Matz
Lab I 3010
Rita Pougiales
Lab II 3268
Susan Finkel
Lab II 2247
Jess Spielholz
Chelsea Thomas
Lab I 2050
Ruth Joynes
Lab II 2250
Jill Rosenblem 
Lab II 2250

Read, study and research


LH 1

Lecture and workshop 


Bi-monthly Research Seminar Lib. 1505, 1507, 1508, 1509.

Research Handout


Library 4300

Lecture and workshop

Read, study and research

Seminar L3402, LH 6, LH 6g, Sem 3161

Campus governance


Seminar Library 1509, 2101, 2103, and 2130. 


Library 4300 Research Workshop 



Program Description for Winter Quarter

Weekly Detailed Schedule:

Week 1: Shock: Culture, Epileptic and Septic

Tuesday, January 9
Wednesday, January 10
Thursday, January 11

9-12 Lecture Hall 1
Orientation to Program, Students & Faculty 

Guest Speaker:Rain Jones—Experiences in the Peace Corp 

Preread Developing Person Ch. 17


10-12 Research Seminar

Introduction to the Research Project: Generating Options

9-12 Library 4300

Paul Trause

The Circulatory System, Epilepsy & Septic Shock 

Review week 4 lecture, answers to study sheet/week 4, and week 8 lecture. Read Ch. 9 in Human Biology

Break 12:00 – 1:00
Break 12:00 -1:00
 Break 12:00 - 1:00
1:00-3:00 Book Seminar

Seminar Groups & Rooms

The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down

Work, read and study

1:00-3:00 Integration Seminar

Start reading The Scalpel and the Silver Bear for next Tuesday.

3:00-4:00 Library 4300

Research Workshop

Introduction to the Research Project: Generating Options

Interesting Links: Epilepsy Foundation of America


Week 2: Early Adulthood

Tuesday, January 16
Wednesday, January 17
Thursday, January 18
9-12 Lecture Hall 1

More on Epilepsy and Septic Shock, Native American History, and the Washington State Legislature

Preread DP Ch. 18 & 19

10-12 Research Seminar

For next week: select two articles for research seminar. Compile bibliography of sources for project.

9-12 Library 4300

Legislature Continued.

Gimi Garcia


Break 12:00 – 1:00
Break 12:00 -1:00
 Break 12:00 - 1:00
1:00-3:00 Book Seminar

The Scalpel and the Silver Bear

Work, read and study

1:00-3:00 Seminar 

Start reading The Sexual Brain for next Tuesday.

3:00-4:00 Library 4300

Research Workshop

Interesting Links:

Washington State Legislature Web Page (for information on the AIDS Education bill search for bill # 5044)

Navajo Nation Web Page


Week 3: Middle Adulthood, Sex & Critical Thinking

Tuesday, January 23
Wednesday, January 24
Thursday, January 25
9-12 Lecture Hall 1

Stu--Sex: Society & Genes, Brain & Behavior. Faculty Response. Mukti

Preread Human Biology Ch. 20, DP Ch. 20

10-12 Research Seminar

Tuesday Research Workshop continued

Make sure to bring two articles.

9-12 Library 4300

Jules Unsel: The History of Sex

Sex Education

Article on Abstinence

Break 12:00 – 1:00
Break 12:00 -1:00
 First Nutritional Lunch: Mexican Food
1:00-3:00 Book Seminar

The Sexual Brain

Work, read and study

1:00-3:00 Seminar 

Start reading Why Are All the Black Kids... (pages 90 - end of book) for next Tuesday.

3:00-4:00 Library 4300

Critical Reading Workshop

Preread "The Fine Art of Baloney Detection."

Research Bibliography Due.


For another perspective on sexuality Susan Finkel recommends: Woman: An Intimate Geography by Natalie Angier, copywright 1999 by Anchor Books.


Week 4: Middle Adulthood & Whiteness 

Tuesday, January 30
Wednesday, January 31
Thursday, February 1
9-12 Lecture Hall 1

Dr. Lori Blewett: Doctoral Research--White Anti-Racist Activists

Rita: Kohlberg & Moral Development

"Color of fear"

Preread: DP Ch. 21, 22 and Dyer "The Matter of Whiteness." Review: DP pg. 490-501, Kohlberg pg. 334-338

10-12 Research Seminar

Tuesday Research Workshop continued

Make sure to bring two articles.

9-12 Library 4300

Scott Sanders: Ta Ke Ti Na, Encountering the Challenges of White Identity Development Thesis on Reserve in the Library

Lifespan groups

Study Guide and Take home Questions for Mid-term

Break 12:00 – 1:00
Break 12:00 -1:00
 Break 12-1:00
1:00-3:00 Book Seminar

Why Are All the Black Kids...

Work, read and study

1:00-3:00 Seminar 

Start reading Living Downstream for next Tuesday.

3:00-4:00 Library 4300

Research Workshop

Write a draft of your literature review for your project proposal for next week


Interesting Links:


Week 5: Late Adulthood  & Cancer

Tuesday, February 6
Wednesday, February 7
Thursday, February 8
9-12 Lecture Hall 1

Faculty Panel

Mukti: Psychology of Cancer, Development of interculteral sensitivity

Stu: Cancer

Preread: DP Ch. 23, HB pp. 103-107, 120-129, 505-510, 597-610. Review Betty's Cancer lecture

10-12 Research Seminar

Tuesday Research Workshop continued

9-12 Library 4300

Mid-term Writing


Biology Study Guide 2 Answers, Study Giude 3

Break 12:00 – 1:00
Break 12:00 -1:00
 Break 12-1:00
1:00-3:00 Book Seminar

Living Downstream

Work, read and study

1:00-3:00 Seminar 

Start reading Kitchen Table Wisdom for next Tuesday.

3:00-4:00 Library 4300

Research Workshop

Draft of your literature review for your project proposal due.


4:00-5:00 Library 4300

Biology Help Session





Week 6: Late Adulthood 

Tuesday, February 13
Wednesday, February 14
Thursday, February 15
9-12 Lecture Hall 1

Mukti: Old Age, Validation Therapy & Alzheimers, Validation Cases

Interview with Jess

General Eduacation Requirements

Preread: DP Ch. 24, 25

10-12 Research Seminar

Tuesday Research Workshop continued

9-12 Library 4300

Susan: Ethics & Research

Biology candidate Nancy Murray: "Why Can't We Live Forever?"

Answers to Biology Study Guide 3

Break 12:00 – 1:00
Break 12:00 -1:00
 Break 12-1:00
1:00-3:00 Book Seminar

Kitchen Table Wisdom

Work, read and study

1:00-3:00 Seminar 

Start reading Necessary Losses for next Tuesday.

3:00-4:00 Library 4300

Rita: Ethics, Human subjects, & informed concent

Write draft of project proposal for next week.


Interesting Links:


Week 7: Death and Dying 

Tuesday, February 20
Wednesday, February 21
Thursday, February 22
9-12 Lecture Hall 1

Susan: Group Psychology

Biology Candidate Michael Spezio: "Keeping the Aging Self Whole: What Science Can Offer"

Preread: DP Epilogue, HB, pp. 97-101, chp. 11

10-12 Research Seminar

Tuesday Research Workshop continued

9-12 Library 4300

Stu: Only the Good Die Young

Life span groups begin draft of presentation outline for next week.

Preread: HB, pp. 97-101, chp. 10, & pp. 283-293

Break 12:00 – 1:00
Break 12:00 -1:00
Ethiopian Lunch
1:00-3:00 Book Seminar

Necessary Losses

Work, read and study

1:00-3:00 Seminar 

Start reading Love is the Link for next Tuesday.

3:00-4:00 Library 4300

Susan: Statistics and analyzing data

Draft of project proposal due.





Week 8: Death and Dying 

Tuesday, February 27
Wednesday, February 28
Thursday, March 1

9-12 Lecture Hall 1

Mukti: Death & Spirituality

Biology Candidate Dave Fashena: "Who Wants to Live Forever? Genes, Oxygen & Aging"

10-12 Research Seminar


9-12 Library 4300

School closed.

Break 12:00 – 1:00
Break 12:00 -1:00
Break 12:00 -1:00
1:00-3:00 Book Seminar

Love is the Link

Work, read and study

1:00-3:00 Seminar 

Start reading Tuesday with Morrie for next Tuesday.

3:00-4:00 Library 4300

Research Workshop

Refining Project Proposal





Week 9: Lifespan Presentations

Tuesday, March 6
Wednesday, March 7
Thursday, March 8
9-12 Lecture Hall 1

Morrie Film

Prepare for Lifespan projects

Pick up take home final exam

10-12 Research Seminar

Tuesday Research Workshop continued

9-12 Library 4300

Lifespan Presentations

Birth, First 2 years, Play years (50 minutes each).

Preread: Health responsibility

Break 12:00 – 1:00
Break 12:00 -1:00
Break 12:00 -1:00
1:00-3:00 Book Seminar

Tuesday with Morrie

Work, read and study

1:00-3:00 Seminar 


3:00-4:00 Library 4300

Class Canceled due to earthquake damage

Spring proposals due.





Week 10: Lifespan Presentations 

Tuesday, March 13
Wednesday, March 14
Thursday, March 15
9-12 Lecture Hall 1

Final Take Home Exam due 9:00 am

Lifespan Presentaions

School years, adolesence, and early adulthood

10-12 Research Seminar

Tuesday Research Workshop continued

9-12 Library 4300

Lifespan Presentations

Middle adulthood, old age, death and dying

Living Will

Last Will & Testament

Break 12:00 – 1:00
Break 12:00 -1:00
Thai & Make up Lunch

Upper division oral biology final & Lower division final for those missing work in the organic lab, Lab II 3223

Work, read and study