Using the Listserv for
Master in Teaching Program

Multiple Voices in Democratic Education:
Language, Literacy, & Social Transformation


All students are expected to join this listserv and to check it regularly. Students are not required to post information.

Primary Purpose: To share information related to the themes of our program.

Seconday Purpose: To make announcements such schedule changes and community events of interest to your cohort.

How to join the listserv:
1. Log-in to the e-mail account where you want to receive your listserv e-mail.
2. Send a blank message to:
3. You will get a message back to confirm that you want to be a member of this listserv; just hit “reply” to confirm.

How to send a message on this listserv:
1. Send a message to
The message will be to everyone who has joined the list.
2. “Reply” sends a reply only to the person who sent the message. “Reply to all” sends a reply to the entire list.

Protocol for using our listserv:
1. Restrict messages to just those pertaining to program themes and topics
2. Avoid too many issues in one message.
3. Limit use to a maximum of once or twice a week.
4. Respond respectfully, which includes no personal attacks on any users of this listserv.
