Still Looking: Continuities of Knowledge in the Information Age

Library Computing & Media Internships
The Evergreen State College

Student Web Pages

Students are developing individual and team websites as part of their academic responsibilities in the program. Their website assignments give them the opportunity to integrate their the conceptual and scholarly learning through reading and research seminars with new information technology skills.

For their individual term projects, students are developing websites to express their exploration of the state of knowledge for particular topic or field of inquiry. Students choose a topic or field and then research it on the web and in print resources. Their assignment is to compare and contrast the information they find in both media across a number of criteria. Those criteria include breadth and frequency of coverage, analytical depth, standards of evidence, accessibility and timeliness of information.

For their team projects, students are developing institutional sites for library special projects. These projects give students the opportunity to compare and contrast between individual and institutional sites the parameters and considerations necessary for web design. Those parameters include strategies in writing, graphic design, institutional look and feel, content requirements, information architecture and others.

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