
ProQuest Direct & Ebscohost (Academic Search Elite)


Limiters, are a selected set of standardization's that allow you to reduce your search hits by selecting one or more of these options. Here is a brief overview of what to keep your eye out for.

Within both the ProQuest and Ebscohost main search page, you'll find these two tabs. Under each you will find a few important limiters that will help to narrow your search. Proquest refer's to the options as More Search Options, while Ebscohost maintains the traditional Limit your Results:.



Under the above shown tabs, you should see these group of options (below), only the most important are discussed in this list, but I encourage you to go to these sites and review the limiter sections carefully, there may be an option that's suits your search specifically.




As you will see, both sites offer extensive limiter options that allow you to select options that will return only hits fitting into your specifications. Both databases will allow you to search within a particular journal title, as well as publication date and type. For a more direct explanation click the links below.

ProQuest Explanation

Ebscohost Explanation

These options allow you to specify that you only want results that contain the full text of the article. this helps if you don't have a lot of time and can't wait for Interlibrary Loan or other consortiums to send you a copy. On the same coin however, this can block out good resources that come only in abstract form, so choose this option wisely.



The Peer Review only option is probably the most important tool used by scholarly researchers using on-line databases. They specify to the search engine that you only want credible, scholarly works returned.




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