
The Evergreen State College Library Catalog - Limiters

Limiters, are a selected set of standardization's that allow you to reduce your search hits by selecting one or more of these options. Here is a brief overview of what to keep your eye out for.

The Evergreen State College Library Catalog

After you enter a keyword and begin your search, a page of results like the one shown here will appear. From this page you should check the number of results you recieve and decide if you should set some limiters.


You can find this little button at the top of the results page after you begin your search. It will take you to a new page where you can set your limiters and then return to your active search. These will apply to the search you were conducting just before you clicked the button, and hopefully reduce the amount of hits you initially received.

When you select the Limit This Search button, you'll be taken to a page where you will have a choice to select your limiters. As you can see the choices are extensive and once you get through the drop-down menu's you'll have a very nice, clear query to input into the search engine.

This option is found on the Limit This Search page, and is a limiter that allows you to request that your search be limited to Monographs (Books), Serials, (Periodicals), by collection title, or subunit.

This option allows you to limit your search by medium, or media type. You can limit to things like printed items, archived items, digital maps, printed maps, digital music, printed music, spoken record, sound record, film and video, and electronic books. If you know what type of material you want, you can use this feature to specify that.

This option will allow you to search specific collection locations. You will only receive hits that exist in these locations.

While looking at the Limit This Search page you'll see this button. Once you have entered in your search criteria hit this button to restart your original query with the new limiters set.


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