Asian Culture and Arts - 2005-2006




Asian Culture and Arts: Japanese Workshop, Fall 2005

Review Notes

Seminar Leader:

I. Major Characters:

Their Nature & Roles in The Story

What images & episodes were used to describe the nature of the characters?

Which characters were most developed?

How did the characters relate with each other?

Facial Expressions & Body Movements to describe the characters?

II. Film Techniques:

Structure/Composition of the scenes

Use of Imageries & Symbolism

Camera Angles & Camera Movements

Use of Light Use of Natural Images

Use of Colors

Music & Use of Sound Effects

Overall Rhythm/Tempo

III. Development of Plot

IV. Main Theme and Message of the Film

What is the main theme?

Delivery of the Theme

Scenes and imageries which delivered the theme effectively

V. Cultural Observations

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